Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 84: First Kiss-2

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What just happened?

There was horror in her eyes.

Did he….did he just take away her first kiss?

Her first kiss...just...just like that?

And that too in the middle of the corridor where anyone could have seen them.

Silja hastily covered her mouth, wiping away the saliva that was sticking on her lips with a look of disgust on her face.

Seeing the look on her Don's lips couldn't help but twitch. This was the first time he was getting this type of reaction from a woman after being kissed by him. He felt speechless for a moment.

"You…..bast**d," Silja cursed loudly pointing at him. But the voice that came out of her mouth was so slow.

Her hand that she had pointed towards him was also shaking and so was her body.

"Relax…" he put his one hand on her cheek and the other on her back. Rubbing it gently. He wanted to get mad but he couldn't. It seems like he was the first man who kissed her. He felt pleased realising that he was her first.

"Let me go.." Silja struggled.

"We shouldn't do…"

"Shhh," he put his forefinger on her lips, stopping her from speaking anymore. While he held her both hands down. Silja struggled hard but what was she in front of him?

Slowly she stopped struggling because it was hurting her instead.

"Didn't you enjoy it?" He asked when he saw she had finally stopped resisting.

"It's not appropriate…" Silja hissed.

"Why?" Don lifted his eyebrows.

"I don't even know who you are….how could you just... just...take advantage of me…" she said accusingly.

"I told you my name is Don," Donovan lifted his eyebrows.

Silja felt like killing someone hearing his answer. That wasn't the point.

"I'm sent here to wed the prince. If anyone sees us doing this, what will happen?" Silja's eyes widened. She didn't know much about the rule of the north but if this spread she will surely be marked as a loose woman who was competing to marry a prince on one hand while having an affair with another man in the royal castle.

"Don't worry about them," Don shook his head as he slowly ran his thumb on her lips. Silja closed her eyes at the sensation of his rough thumb running on her lips. Just where his lips were a few seconds ago.

Silja couldn't help but admit that that was mind-blowing and if she set aside the fact that she was kissed by the man whose full name she has yet to know everything else was just perfect.

Each pull and push of his tongue had sent shivers down her body. Making her toes curl in need that she didn't know even exist. The desire that was unknown to her was awakened by him.

The look in his eyes and not to forget that extraordinary handsome face. Silja felt herself losing in the temptation again. But there was a small voice of protest at the back of her head and before her heart lost its rationality her mind seized control.

"You might not care but I do," Silja pushed him away.

"Do you know the consequences?" She asked in her anger. She didn't know what that crazy king and that self-absorbed prince might do. She didn't want to die young.

Don who saw her reaction didn't know if he should laugh or cry.

Well even after kissing him the woman was still able to think about the prince whom she was here to marry.

On the other hand, if I think differently then the woman who was here to marry him was having an intimate relationship with another man in his own castle.,

Uhh, this was confusing.

But at least he was revealed that he was the same man as both the prince and the soldier Don.

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"There will be no consequences," Don held her down.

"How do you know?" Silja asked lifting her eyebrows. Her eyes were now glassy with tears threatening to fall anytime.

"No one will do anything as long as you have my protection," he said, putting his face closer to her and their forehead touched.

Silja shook her head and looking at her pitiful state Don felt the urge to tell her the truth. He opened his mouth but Silja suddenly pushed him away. She didn't want to hear anything else.

"Stop talking…," by now Silja has understood that the man in front of her was very good in his words as well as the action.

Each move of his was like a devil's trap, luring her into the deepest well without leaving any chance of survival.

And it was advised to stay away from him as much as possible.

Run as soon as possible.

Her brain gave her a red alert and Silja just did that.

She was losing her temper and she just wanted to run away maybe because of fear or embarrassment.

Silja turned around and started to run away in the corridor without looking back even once.

"Princess Silja…." Don yelled her name from behind but Silja didn't look around. "That's the wrong way lady, it goes to prince's quarters," when Don saw her running like crazy he spoke loudly from behind.

Silja, who didn't want to look back, suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Prince's quarters?

Doesn't that mean the quarter of the eldest prince Donovan?

Silja looked ahead at the long corridor but she didn't find it familiar.

She has been at the prince's quarters but this wasn't the way she took.

Was there any other way to reach there? Because Silja has a very good memory and she didn't forget what she once saw.

She then looked behind and found the man standing far away at the end of the corridor.

His back leaned to the wall lazily while his hand folded in front of his chest with a mischievous smile on his lips.

Silja pursed her lips with rage on her face. Looking at her furious cute little face Donovan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Silja narrowed her eyes and understood that he was just pranking her.

"You…." She pointed her finger at him but was unable to say something.

She stomped her foot on the floor and turned around and left.

Don saw the woman running away on her toes with a hot tail behind her back.

"Haahh," he took a long breath.

Without her, in his arms, it felt empty.

But there was no time to waste. Don shook his head and then started to move towards the king's quarters.

Well, his father has some explaining to do.


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