Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 85: The Truth

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But there was no time to waste. Don shook his head and then started to move towards the king's quarters.

Well, his father has some explaining to do. 

Don was just walking in the direction of his father's room when he saw Zivan walking out of their parent's chamber.

"Brother.." Zivan greeted his brother.

"What happened?" Don asked his brother. 

"His lips are shut tightly," Zivan shrugged his shoulders. He has come to ask about the situation of Atlanea but his father shooed him away.

"Huh," Don shrugged his shoulders. He knew his father won't answer that easily.

"Don't no worry I'll handle," Don said and started to move in the direction of his father's chamber.

"Best of luck then brother," Zivan said with a tired sigh. He was done with this father-son drama. So much to watch before even marriage is fixed. 

He will never marry. Zivan promised himself and walk away. While Donovan reached his father's chamber.

Abrielle doesn't like maids wandering around in the chamber all the time so there was no one around to announce Donovan's arrival.

"Zachary we should tell the truth to Donovan," before Don could enter the room he picked up Abrielle's voice coming from inside. 

Donovan halted his steps and his eyes narrowed.


The main door was locked and thus people inside couldn't be seen. 

Donovan, whose senses were better than any other Dragon, could hear what was going on inside while the king and queen had no idea about the presence of their son just outside their door.

Inside the chamber.

"No it's not time yet," Zachary shook his head.

"They are starting to get suspicious, we won't be able to hide it forever," Abrielle argued.

"We don't have to. Just a few more days. Didn't you see that our plan is working? Don is already attracted towards princess Silja," Zachary spoke.

"Just one last step of competition has remained and I have confidence that he will choose her as his bride. Everything is falling in its place according to our plan," Zachary added.

"But princess Silja…." 

"She is doing great...don't worry about her.  As long as Don marry her we will get what we wanted," Zachary replied.

Donovan who was hearing the conversation outside felt the nerve on his forehead ticking.

His red eyes started to burn with fire as anger started to consume his body.

"Why do we need to do this? We could just have told him the truth. He is a sensible child," Abrielle tried to pursue her husband.

She knew that lying to the eldest prince was akin to playing with fire.

They may be his parents but Donovan was way too hard to control once he is angry and if he found out that he was manipulated by his father then the consequences can not be imagen.

"Sensible but stubborn," Zachary hissed.

"Don't you see how repulsive he has become when we asked him to marry Lady Jade? He considered her as a friend from childhood and get along well but still, he refused to do what was right. In the end, we had to do this all bride choosing drama for him. So he can choose on his own accord," Zachary said.

"Yes, and everything was going fine until you dragged the human princess in this," Abrielle snapped.

"I don't know why you need to do this? Why can't we just tell him the truth," Abrielle said, her voice a bit high now.

"And you think he will agree to it?" His voice was a bit higher.

"He would have straightly denied marrying lady Silja before even taking one look at her. Don't know how stubborn and rebellious he is. Just like HER.

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The pureblood that he has received from his mother can't be controlled by anyone,"  the last words trailed as Zachary put his hand on the table defeatedly.

Abrielle who was standing beside him closed her mouth immidealtly and didn't utter any words after that as the quietude spread in the room.

For some time no one spoke anything. Zachary put his hand on his face and tried to rub off the fleeting memories that started to surface from the depth of his mind.

Abrielle put her hand on his shoulder in consolation.

"I think…." She had hoped to pursue him, to tell the truth to Donovan, but her speech was interrupted by a sudden loud voice from outside the chamber.

Both husband and wife wiped their heads in the direction of the voice.

Zachary was quick on his feet and ran towards the door.

He pushed open the door and froze as he met the fiery red eyes of his son.

Donovan looked at his father without any emotions on his face.

There was a big dent on the sidewall,  done by Donovan without a doubt.

"Donovan…" Abrielle walked forward and gasped.

"Are you hurt?" She pushed Zachary aside and took Don's hands in hers. Don's eyes were still fixed on his father. Both the men glared at each other.

Abrielle checked his hand and apart from light bruises on his knuckles he was alright.

"Why did you harm yourself," that bruises were nothing for Don but still Abrielle's heart started to feel pain as she looked at him.

"You lied to me," instead of paying attention to Abrielle he looked at his father as he uttered those words.

It was more like a statement than a question.

Zachary looked at him but didn't reply. There was no need of words anyway his silence was evident.

Abrielle saw tension building between those two and stood between them.

"Don calm down," she then looked at him and said.

"Stay aside queen mother," Donovan looked at her and gently pushed her to the side. The calmness in his tone was scaring Abrielle.

"You planted her in my way? Everything was your plan from the start?" He asked the other question.

"Listen to me son," Zachary knew that Don was just like the blazing fire of hell. Dangerous enough to burn anything and everything if provoked.

"Yes or no?" 

Zachary pursed his lips.

"There is a reason…."

"YES or NO?" Don greeted his teeth.

Even though Donovan was strong and powerful Zachary was no less. Both the men were emitting their full aura, not backing down slightest.

"Zach…" Abrielle knew that if this goes on his house will turn into chaos.

She looked at her husband pleadingly. Looking at her face Zachary finally gave in. He looked at Donovan defeatedly.

"Yes I did but…" before he could finish his sentence Donovan turned around in anger and started to walk away. 

"Donovan wait…" King Zachary ran behind his son but Abrielle was quick to stop him.

"Let him go," she said. Don was angry and he will not listen anything at this moment.

"Let him cool down first," she held her husband as she said.

Don left the corridor with bubbling rage in his chest as he perants kept looking at his back helplessly.

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