Mob Character Z

Chapter 16: 2.10 The Mob Character Is A False Magician

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"Wei-ge, Wei ge! Weeeeeei-geeeeeeeeee."

Jin Wei stirred from his sleep, roused by the cries of his siblings. Blinking away his drowsiness, he found himself lying sideways with his gaze fixed upon the wall. The blanket had bunched up around his chest, nestling a tiny three-month-old baby girl securely within the folds.

He checked the baby to see if she is still breathing or if she had wet the bed, but instead, he found the little one awake, cozy and content. Her big, round eyes were open, her toothless grin spreading from ear to ear as she cooed in her own baby talk. Tiny hands reached up towards her big brother, as if eager to play.

Jin Wei couldn't help but smile at his little sister's cuteness. He playfully teased his little darling, causing her to giggle and coo. He snuggled for a long time, taking a deep breath, savoring the sweet milk fragrance of the baby, and could wish no more but to love and pamper it forever.

The elder siblings, who were observing from the side of the bed, were envious and also cried for Jin Wei's attention. They believed that they were still babies, and that although being much older than their youngest, they, too, deserved such adoration. Jin Wei reluctantly changed his position, now confronted with a swarm of expectant and wide-eyed children gathered at the bed's edge.

He thought that these group of smelly boys can't be compared to the cuteness of their adorable little princess.

"Is everything okay?" Jin Wei inquired, his voice tinged with concern. Despite having a soft spot for his only sister, he still doted on all of his sibling equally and was always ready to lend a helping hand.

He glanced out the window, observing the faint brightness of dawn coming through the summit of the high mountains. The sounds of roosters crowing and pigs being fed echoed through the air, heralding the start of the day. He couldn't help but wonder why his siblings had gotten up so early and muttered to himself, slightly puzzled, "What's with these kids waking up so early?"

Jin Wei couldn't think of a reason but somehow understood something. Whatever the environment or settings, children will always be children, eager to wake before the dawn or become active at inconvenient times. Despite his understanding, he gave the children a stern look, a subtle reminder that disturbing a sleeping person is not acceptable.

You can play but don't disturb someone who is resting!

The little ones recoiled at the sight of Jin Wei's annoyance, but quickly replaced it with adorable pouts and big eyes. They knew that their big brother was a bit grumpy in the mornings, but he would never hurt them. All they needed to do was flash a few cute faces and their brother's heart would instantly melt!

So, the brothers sell meng to conquer their older brother's heart!

Jin Wei let out a sigh, his heart weary. He couldn't help but recall how the youngsters had looked at him with fear when he first arrived at the house. They appeared to be intimidated by his presence, but that had all changed suddenly. These little ones were now master manipulators, using their innocence and cuteness to their advantage.

The original soul, their new guardian, carried himself with an air of seriousness and discipline. Since the loss of their parents in an accident, he had taken on the responsibility of caring for his younger siblings at a young age. This had led to a constant look of seriousness on his face, as he grappled with the burden of providing for his family.

The innocent young ones, with their inexperienced thoughts, believed that their elder sibling possessed a visage that was frightening beyond belief. Hence, they would either steer clear of him or maintain a healthy distance, never wanting to incur his anger. Yet, when they discovered that he was hurt, they rallied to his side, tending to his wounds with gentle care and concern.

They are scared but they love their brother.

When tragedy struck and their parents passed away, the children were too young to grasp the magnitude of their loss. They only knew that their parents left them for good and that their elder brother was the one who stepped up to care for them. Despite their initial fear, they loved their brother deeply and would call out to him without hesitation, helping him as if to shoulder the burden.

Luckily, Jin Wei stepped in and filled the void left by the original character, preventing the misunderstanding from festering and following the children into adulthood. He tended for the kids and put a warm expression on his face, replacing the frown that had earlier been on his face. The person who had formerly lived in his body was only a young spirit, untrained in the ways of the world and ignorant of how their behavior had an influence on their siblings.

After a few days, the children quickly opened up to him so now everything that comes out from their mouth is 'older brother' or 'gege' or 'Wei-ge'. They also become so sticky that Jin Wei always has a hard time prying them away.

Unlike farmers who labored in the fields before morning, the family was spared from the pressures of an early rise. It was still too early for the markets to open, so Jin Wei need not to travel into town. The morning vendors, which mostly sold fresh meats and fruit, wouldn't start to be busy until five. A later arrival at nine was completely appropriate for the kinds of goods Jin Wei wanted to market. The necessity of an early wake-up call was also unneeded because he no longer intended to trade goods.

Jin Wei sighed. Who made him the only sensible adult here?

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"Are you guys hungry?" He asked the only possible reason these good children would dare to wake him up.

The group of two and three years old nodded with a pout while touching their small tummies. "Wei-ge, hungry."

"I need to get the lamp to cook but I can't reach it," the eight-year-old second born chimed in.

"Ge, something bit me. It's so itchy," one of the four-year-old twins complained.

Jin Wei rose from his bed, his ears ringing from the constant calls of "gege." The children followed him excitedly, their joyful cries reminding him of little ducklings in pursuit. He scooped up the youngest from the bed, passing the child to the second in command, before heading to the kitchen to attend to his duties.

The young ones gazed upon their elder sibling as he bustled about the kitchen, unable to conceal their admiration for the man's tireless hard work. They took seats at the small table, eagerly waiting for Jin Wei to finish whipping up their morning meal.

Silence descended in the room as the mouthwatering fragrance of the meal permeated the space. When Jin Wei saw their transfixed gazes, he heartily laughed; his laughter echoing in the kitchen.

"You guys really can be silenced with food."

In a matter of minutes, the food was ready. With practiced ease, Jin Wei served up small portions of egg drop soup and the sautéed wild mushroom and baby potatoes, carefully allocating three pieces of delicate quail eggs to each bowl. He added a generous serving of steaming rice, seasoned with fried garlic and fragrant onion leaves.

Jin Wei pulled out five pieces of sweet potatoes that had been roasted in the ashes while he was preparing rice, cleaned and peeled them, sliced each piece in half, and served the breakfast.

The children's faces lit up with anticipation as they helped set out the essential utensils on the table, anxiously awaiting their own share. Jin Wei didn't let them to wait and quickly handed them their food while reminding to eat slowly to not choke. Five little voices chorused with thanks as they started eating.

Jin Wei's arrival was like a ray of hope for the children who had never tasted nutritious food. Every day, their elder brother would make even the most basic foods into gourmet creations that were both flavorful and filling. As a result, the youngsters gained much-needed weight and filled out their malnourished bodies.

Jin Wei gently lifted the youngest child from the arms of the second eldest, making sure they could comfortably enjoy their meal. He then meticulously feed the youngest child with a milk bottle, making sure that she wasn't choking. Like her older brothers, she is also behaving during feeding times.

The food they ate naturally purchased from the ShopMe, something that Jin Wei and System 777 unanimously agreed. It brought him great joy to watch them grow stronger and healthier with each passing day, living how children are supposed to be.

It brought him great joy to watch them grow stronger and healthier with each passing day, living how children are supposed to be




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