Modern-Day Succubus System

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Chalk and Ink

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“Not much,” Morgana said. “Chalk, ink, and something magically dense to sacrifice. Your blood would be easiest. Is that fine?”

“My blood?” Liz had been lifting her first spoonful of cereal up. Talk about a topic that had her appetite stalling. “Really?”

“We could figure something else out, but yeah. Just a little cut, on your finger. Twenty or thirty drops.”

Liz hesitated, then said, “Okay.” She’d never minded having her blood drawn—it’d just caught her off guard. “Is that it?”

“Centuries of practice with forbidden rituals,” Morgana said, grinning, “but that’s all up here.” She tapped her head.


“You know, this stuff’s pretty good.” Morgana had taken a few scoops of her cereal; she’d been more eager to get to it than Liz. “It’s so sweet, though.”

Which made Liz pause as she considered what this must be like for Morgana, being dropped into a whole new time period. Overly sugary cereal was the least of Morgana’s worries when it came to adjusting to modern-day life. Honestly, she was surprised Morgana seemed so normal. If Liz hadn’t known better, she would’ve thought Morgana was any other flippant, flirty twenty-first century girl.

… besides the red skin, horns, white hair, and pink eyes.

Liz had wanted to focus on practicals—their future—but the next question, she couldn’t help. “If you haven’t been on the … mortal plane … for centuries, where have you been?”

“Hell,” Morgana said.

Right. Obviously. Why had Liz asked?

“And what’s that like?”

“Oh, Hell’s fine. Boring.” She shrugged, not particularly enthusiastic to talk about it. “Contracts are attractive for a reason—I’ll leave it at that. Things can really drag in the underworld.”

Liz thought about pressing, but she managed to shake the curiosity off. It didn’t seem like Morgana wanted to go down that conversational path.

“Chalk, ink, and some of my blood. That’ll be easy.” Relatively speaking. “And once I’m awakened, what’s … our goals?”

“Well,” Morgana said, shooting a sideways smirk at Liz. “Teaching you the basics of how to use your powers, obviously. But if you meant after … you’ll want to start seeking out targets sooner than later.”


“Nubile playthings for you to ravish,” Morgana clarified.

Liz didn’t stand a chance. Her face turned scarlet. She didn’t need to explicitly spell out her gender preference for Morgana, it seemed—though maybe how often her eyes were sticking to Morgana’s chest and ass had been clear enough.

“Don’t … don’t put it that way. What’s wrong with you?” Liz muttered. She quickly scooped up cereal to buy an excuse for her silence.

“It’s the reality of the matter,” Morgana said seriously. “And if you’re worried about not being experienced, don’t be. Where you start says nothing about where you can end up. You’ll be great at this.”

It was delivered with a surprisingly earnest tone … and Liz kind of appreciated it. It made sense a succubus was empathetic.

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Even still, though—‘great at this’? Great at … seducing targets? Her? Liz wanted to laugh. Though, she supposed, she’d have magical abilities helping her along.

That idea, at least, thrilled through her. She supposed a good person would have moral hangups about a succubus’s skills—in warping a person’s perception and seducing them, assuming that was indeed what kind of ‘powers’ Liz would be receiving. But rather than being repulsed, the idea titillated her. Maybe too much. Enough she shied away.

“And you said there was a ‘Darker World’,” Liz said. Before, she hadn’t paid much attention to that announcement. Now that she’d realized she wasn’t dreaming, the potential danger seemed … realer. For obvious reasons.

“Small fry like you?” Morgana asked. “It’s not something you’ll have to worry about, yet. If you see anything odd, mind your own business. You’ll be fine.”

“Anything odd?”

“You’ll know what I’m talking about.”

Which was, oddly enough, one of the more ominous ways she could have put it. Liz thought she’d have preferred a direct explanation, even if it meant a graphic depiction of some snarling monster.

She shook the unease off.

“Okay. Sure. Should I just … run out and grab that stuff, then?” It was awfully convenient this had happened during the weekend. She didn’t have to worry about classes until Monday—two days away.

“If you want to get a move on, yeah,” Morgana said. “Can I come with?”

Could she come with? Liz paused. “You have red skin,” Liz pointed out. “And horns.” Even if it had just been pink eyes, that would’ve been enough to draw suspicion. Though, thinking about it more closely, people would think it was colored contacts, so maybe not that much.

“Oh, they won’t notice,” Morgana said. “We’ll be fine.”

“Won’t notice,” Liz said flatly. “Uh, I think they will.”

“Their eyes aren’t open. Only people aware of the Darker World will see me for what I am. And they—hm. They’ll mind their own business. It’s the first rule to survival, out there.”

“People will see you as … just another person?”

“Yep. I’ll blend right in.”

Liz didn’t think that’d be entirely true. Morgana might physically appear normal, but her reactions would give some oddity away. Though, in a city like New Staes, a bit of oddity wouldn’t be … well, odd. They had their fair share of actual, legitimate crazies. And Morgana’s odd reactions to things they took for granted might simply be chalked up to fascination with ‘the big city’. Or if not … well, it was just strangers. What did it matter what they thought?

“Okay,” Liz said. “But you need to get dressed first.”

Morgana pouted. “But no pants is so much more comfortable. And I thought you liked it?”

Liz pointedly didn’t respond. She finished her bowl of cereal—or what she wanted to eat of it. Her appetite was suppressed by the looming complications of her future. She wanted to get to things, and only half because it meant doing so would unlock magical powers. Rather, the bigger factor was how much she hated uncertainty.

“Alright,” Liz said, setting her spoon into the bowl. “Let’s go buy some chalk and ink.”

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