Modern-Day Succubus System

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – To The Streets

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“Do you mind if I cut a hole?” Morgana asked.

She was picking at her pants, pulling the fabric from her skin, and specifically showing off her backside to Liz—something she seemed fond of doing. Except this time, she had a reason. She was showcasing her problem.

While Morgana’s tail wasn’t especially bulky, it still showed through her pants, crammed in like it was. Liz was generally skinnier than Morgana, so it was already a tight fit—Morgana couldn’t even button herself up. It squeezed her assets in, skin tight. Not much was left to the imagination.

Liz hesitated, but she could spare one pair of pants. “Uh, yeah. Sure.” She went to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of scissors. When she returned, Morgana’s pants were off, again, and she was standing in just her panties and a t-shirt. Liz suspected it’d be a while before the sight stopped bringing a flush to her cheeks. “Here.” She held the tool out.

While Morgana went about cutting out a tiny slot for her tail to poke through—an odd clothing adjustment Liz assumed would be ignored by the ‘Veil’, as Morgana described the supernatural effect that masked the ignorant’s perception of her—Liz got dressed herself. She traded her pajama bottoms for regular pants, and threw on her favorite baggy gray hoodie.

She changed in the bathroom. Morgana might be comfortable leaving it all out on display, but Liz certainly wasn’t. Especially not in front of someone so … well, someone much better gifted than her.

Morgana blinked at Liz as she returned from the bathroom, and her eyebrows went up. “Seriously?” she asked.


“Why are you all covered up? We’re going out.”


Morgana just shook her head. “Whatever. We’ll fix that later. But,” she said pointedly, “you’re hardly going to be drawing in any victims when you refuse to show off.”

“There’s not much to show,” Liz muttered.

Morgana’s eyebrows continued their ascent. “Uh, yes there is. Take it from the professional.”

She said it so confidently, Liz almost believed her. Liz cleared her throat. “Looks like you sorted yourself out.”

“Yep.” Morgana turned around and presented her solution. Which, uh, for the fiftieth time, meant she presented her butt. There was a tiny hole cut out just beneath the belt loop, which Morgana’s tail exited from. It was curled around, pointing the heart-tip toward her ass, as if drawing Liz’s eyes there. Again, Liz doubted that was unintentional.

“Great,” Liz said. Fighting away a blush was a constant struggle, accompanying this woman. Not that Liz was really complaining; even if she felt awkward about it, having some eye candy—and attention—from a gorgeous girl was … well, a bit of a fantasy. Regardless that Morgana was contracted to Liz, and so her teasing affections had an asterisk next to them.

And speaking of … if Morgana was contracted to her, and had pretty much admitted that Liz was her ‘Mistress’, what did that mean for what Liz could ask from her?

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Would she do anything?

Liz pushed down that thought—at least for now. “Okay. You’re ready?”

“As ever.”

“Just remember, keep a low profile. And stay close to me.” Liz couldn’t even imagine how she’d handle the woman getting lost. Hardly had a cell phone number to get in contact with.

Speaking of—Liz beelined for her desk and scribbled out her own number, then tore the corner of the paper off and handed it to Morgana. “If we get separated, find a phone and dial that number.”

“Uh huh,” Morgana said, staring down at the arrangement of digits with a blank look. “Totally know what that means.”

“It’s—a way of communicating.” Liz pulled out her cellphone and demonstrated. Morgana watched, fascinated, as she explained how dialing a number worked. It was her first time seeing a phone, so obviously she was intrigued. But she didn’t comment; she was trying to move things along, too, and there were too many foreign aspects of life for them to address. She’d learn as they went. “And if you can’t figure it out, just ask someone else to help you. Not that it should come to that. Just don’t wander off.”

“I’ll stick to you like glue,” Morgana said. “I mean, that’s kind of my thing, when it comes to cute girls. Can’t help myself.”

Liz shook her head at the teasing. Morgana followed behind as they left her apartment, and Liz locked the door behind them. She glanced left and right, paranoid, but the hallway was empty. And even if it wasn’t, all someone would see was Liz and a friend—not a succubus with red skin and a tail sprouting from her pants. Still. Hard to be at ease with this whole situation.

Morgana wrapped an arm around Liz’s, then pressed herself into Liz’s side. “Snug as a bug. Sticking close, yes ma’am.” Her breasts squeezed into Liz’s arm.

It was what Liz had asked for, wasn’t it? She deserved the over-the-top compliance.

And again.

Not exactly complaining.

“Let’s get a move on,” Liz said awkwardly.

They trailed down the hallway, headed for the bustling, crowded streets of New Staes.

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