Monarch of Shadows

Chapter 11: 11. Meet the Dean

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Ciel doesn't know what's going on in the police force but actually he wants to know because it involves him.

He wonders how he got the information in the police.

Does the organization have spies and if so, will they tell them?

While he was thinking, he suddenly got a message from the organization.

(Ciel, you have an assignment.

Register to become a Vera 4 police officer. In addition to gathering information on recent events in Vera 4, you also have to kidnap General Azik's son who started his career there.

For the kidnapping mission, we're giving you six months from when this message was sent.)

'Wtf,' thought Ciel.

'But well, it's still fine.'

As an Evolver with a special talent, it wouldn't be difficult for him to become a policeman, especially since he's the son of a former special forces captain.

It's also a simpler job compared to the military.

You can still get a fair amount of freedom as long as you work well. The pay is said to be not too bad as some of your salary will be paid with Monster Life Core, just like in the Military.

Maybe this is also good enough for him because it will be more difficult for the police to investigate him.

Ciel then stood up, walking to the door to close it.

After the door closed and security was confirmed, Dark Crow came out of his body.

He was clearly just like Ciel, fond of cleanliness and tidiness.

Even as a bird, it could still put on a bad expression when it saw how messy the house was.

“Boss, I think you need a Shadow Slave from a human to help you solve problems like this,” Dark Crow said, speaking directly with its mouth.

Ciel was actually thinking of ordering his two Titans to clean his house, but he immediately threw that thought away when he compared their size and his house.

Unfortunately, their size cannot be reduced.

"Today, I will practice my patience," Ciel said.

Even so, he still took out the Shadow Lizard.

Its body was only elongated but not tall, so it was fine for it to move inside Ciel's house.

It immediately did what Ciel wanted, taking each bottle of beer with its mouth before gathering them all in one area.

Three hours later, Ciel managed to tidy up his house on either the first or second floor.

The trash he collected filled fifteen large plastic bags.

Even as an Evolver, he felt a bit tired.

It was already around eight o'clock in the evening when he finished.

He immediately lay in his room, watching TV which was still broadcasting the events of this afternoon.

It naturally didn't interest him anymore, he took out his cell phone, entered the search engine and wrote General Azik's name.

The Federation had him kidnap his son, he naturally needed to know what kind of person he was.

People with the title of general, however, would always be feared even if they were only the lowest general.

Ciel soon found the information, which unfortunately wasn't much, only explaining that he was one of the 1 Star Generals in the State of Utah.

Information about his family was completely blank.


Ciel sighed and said, "I hope this won't be dangerous because I want to be in the organization longer."

Fortunately the organization gave him enough time.

After a while, he finally fell asleep.


District 2!

It's probably not as good as District 1 which is full of palace-like buildings.

However, every building here could definitely be considered a Villa.

Each has three floors up with a large courtyard.

In the living room of one of the villas, which could be considered the smallest of them all, eleven people gathered.

They consisted of three middle-aged men, three middle-aged women, three young men, and two young women.

"Ciel is back, and even awakened a Special Talent, this is really bad news."

"Our plan to get a reward from the military will fail at this rate."

"Yes, we have to come up with a new plan or we have to pay compensation if we can't fulfill the contract."

Various plans were spoken by the middle-aged men and women. Sometimes two of the young men join the conversation because they are old enough.

The youngest, Daniel, was silent.

As for the two young ladies, the younger one, about the same age as Daniel, had an innocent expression as if she didn't understand what the people in front of her were talking about.

The older young woman, on the other hand, is busy with her nails. Every now and then she looked in the mirror using her cellphone screen, seeing her beautiful face with bright red hair.


When Ciel woke up from his sleep, he saw Dark Crow standing beside him, holding an iron box.

"What's that?" asked Ciel.

"I've taken out the gunpowder in the mini-bomb on your head, it's in this box now," replied Dark Crow.

Ciel subconsciously touched his head. He had almost forgotten about it.

Then, he took the box and opened it.

There was a heap of golden colored powder with a dense aroma in it. Ciel closed it again after opening it for a while.

After a moment of thought, he stored it in his Body Space. Without a trigger, it wouldn't explode and maybe if there was a situation where the organization was going to check the Mini Bomb inside his head, he could ask Dark Crow to put it in the bomb again.


He sighed, stretching his body until he heard the sound of bones creaking inside him.

"I think I'm pretty hungry," he said as he stood.

He went down to the first floor, went into the dining room and opened the refrigerator.

It contains fresh fruit.

He took an apple and ate it directly.

One turned out to be not enough, so he took another apple, it took about five apples before he felt full enough.

He entered the bathroom after that, changing into new clothes.

Luckily, Daniel didn't throw away his clothes. Maybe he was planning on inheriting them.

When he came out of his house, he found Ning Qingxue in front of the house, sitting with her legs crossed on her motorcycle.

Today, she wore long black pants, a short white tank top covered in a black leather jacket that was left open. Even brought one extra helmet.

“I knew that you were going to the Academy today,” she said, throwing the extra helmet at Ciel.

The latter didn't mince words, he put on the helmet and got on her motorcycle after she shifted her body backwards.

This time, Ning Qingxue directly hugged his waist.

"Do you have any other plans?" Ning Qingxue asked, looking at Ciel's face through the rearview mirror.

"Yes, I will register with the police," Ciel replied.

"Police?" Ning Qingxue was slightly shocked.

"I still need other activities." Ciel made an excuse.

"This is better than having to join the military, the risk is very small," he added.

He then asked, "Are you still going to join the military?"

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"Yeah, even though it's a bit ridiculous, my dream hasn't changed," she replied.

Since childhood she had always said she wanted to become a Female General, a noble pursuit, but Ciel knew that it was too difficult for her even though she had a Special Talent.

Talent is not the only thing to rely on, some Generals are also just weak Evolvers but have strong political abilities.

Of course, nothing was impossible, it was possible that she reached that position one day.

Ciel rode the motorcycle to the northern part of the city.

Many large container trucks go there and vice versa.

Along the way, there were many warehouses, each one seemed full.

When he arrived at the road bordering the sea, Ciel turned left. There was a bridge not far in front of him. It was about 4 kilometers long, connected to an island surrounded by battleships.

Everyone who wants to enter the bridge undergoes an inspection.

As soon as he arrived in front of the checkpoint, Ciel stopped. He and Ning Qingxue took out their cell phones, then showed the screen that now displayed their Student Cards to the security guards in charge of conducting the inspection.

After that, Ciel slid onto the bridge. Increases his speed drastically because it's quite quiet there.

At the same time, Ning Qingxue tightened her embrace around Ciel's waist, making Ciel feel the soft sensation of her breasts on his back.

Vrom! Vrom! Vrom!

The motorcycle's exhaust kept blaring loudly, rattling the road.

Four kilometers might be a long way, but with that speed plus the straight path, it didn't take long before Ciel arrived at the other side.

It is divided into several areas.

The academy is not far from the bridge.

After passing through the gate, Ciel immediately stopped because the parking lot was right next to the gate.

Ning Qingxue went down first, she tossed her hair after taking off her helmet then ponytailed it again.

"Are you going straight to the Dean's office?" she asked.

"Yes!" Ciel replied.

"Alright, I'll accompany you," Ning Qingxue said.

Ciel didn't mind.

He and the woman then went to the ancient three-story building where the stairs were in front of it.

Actually, all the buildings here looked ancient.

Ciel saw quite a number of people his age, busy with their own business.

Since he wasn't a person who had many friends, he didn't greet anyone. Perhaps not many are aware that he has been missing for a month.

But this is also a Military Academy where discipline is highly emphasized. It is very rare for students to be in groups, mostly only friends with one or two people they do know from outside.

Forming gangs and such like schools in general is prohibited, you will be kicked out if you do.

Ciel and Ning Qingxue climbed the stairs to the third floor where there was only one door.

Upon arriving in front of it, Ciel knocked on it.

"Come in!" A slightly hoarse voice resounded from within.

Ciel immediately pushed the door open.

The room behind the door was very clean, full of books.

An old man with white hair, wearing a military uniform, sat behind a desk, his gaze not moving from the book in his hand even though Ciel had already entered.

"Mm!" The old man suddenly looked surprised.

He quickly looked ahead.

"Ciel," he said.

Of course, he knew Ciel even though he was previously just an average Evolver. It was naturally due to his father's status.

Ciel took a deep breath, slightly uncomfortable with the old man's gaze.

Don't look at his age and that he's just a retired military man, but in Vera 4, not many have the same power as him.

The old man then stood up.

Ciel barely saw him move but after he stood up, he appeared in front of him, put his hands on his shoulders and then looked at him from head to toe.

His eyes shone brightly as he said, "You have awakened a Special Talent?"

“Yes, Iron Bone Power,” Ciel replied in a polite tone.

"Ha-ha-ha, good, good." The old man laughed.

He let go of Ciel's body, took a step back and continued, "show your bone power!"

Ciel responded by pointing his hand at him.

A bone shaped like a spear appeared in that hand.

The man touched the bone and he laughed again.

"It's the same as your father's power, even if you awakened it a little late, it's not the determinant of your future. — Oh no, it seems that your Life Core has also increased drastically?"

After saying that, the old man suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"I've asked several people to look for you but they couldn't find you. I almost even asked the Military Investigation Team to do an investigation, where have you gone in this one month?"

Ciel knew that he would be in quite a bit of trouble at this point.

He couldn't casually answer "I won't answer," as he had told Ning Qingxue.

At this time, the woman was also looking at him, obviously she was still curious.

"Ehm!" Ciel cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

He pretended to think and looked like he needed some time.

One minute!

Two minutes!

Three minutes!

Four minutes!

"Okay if you don't want to answer," said the old man with a light sigh.

Ciel felt relieved after he heard his words.

From the start he planned to do that because he knew that this old man was kind enough to understand everyone's problems.

"Thank you, dean!" Ciel bowed slightly.

"Is there something you want?" asked the Dean as he saw Ciel's expression which looked like he wanted to say something.

Ciel pursed his lips before finally saying his decision.

"I was planning on joining the police force, so I might just drop out of the academy."

The dean opened his mouth slightly, looking surprised by Ciel's decision.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes!" Ciel nodded.

Seeing no hesitation on Ciel's face, the Dean was silent for a while before finally replying, "Well if that's what you want, I'm sure you know what's best for you. I'll call that little Johnny later, you can come straight to his station."

"Thank you, Dean!"

"By the way, Ciel." The dean suddenly spoke again.

"Next time you go, make sure to at least give a sign that you're okay, your gift has been coveted by several people."

Ciel narrowed his eyes as he replied, "yes, I will be careful."

Their meeting ended there.

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