Monarch of Shadows

Chapter 10: 10. Back Home

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Ciel returned the motorcycle before walking down the sidewalk, heading to his residence.

As he passed an electronics store, he paused as he watched the program being broadcast on the TVs there.

A female reporter stood in front of the Monster Museum, talking about what had happened there.

(A robbery took place at the Vera 4 Monster Museum. All CCTV suddenly went off, so there was no recording of the incident. However, according to several eyewitnesses, there were five masked people.

One of them might not be a part of the robbers because he only appears briefly before disappearing. He supposedly has the power of shadows.

For now, it is still unknown where the band of robbers came from and what they stole.)

After the news, suddenly another news appeared.

This time it featured a scene on an overpass where the police handcuffed the robbers.

(Ladies and gentlemen, the robbers who have robbed the Monster Museum have been caught, there are six of them, one has died.

Their arrest was actually due to someone, supposedly the shadow power user who appeared at the Monster Museum. He intercepted the robbers and snatched the thing they had stolen.

This is the footage of the incident that we took from several CCTVs.)

The TV then broadcasts what happened from Ciel's appearance until he left.

Since the fight took place in the open, it looked very detailed.

(Ladies and gentlemen, we're sure you're very surprised.

Yes, there are a lot of odd things here.

The shadow power user had three creatures that seemed to be created from shadows. This is definitely not a simple ability.

Besides, how did the robber suddenly fall and die after the shadow power user shot his shadow?)

'Now I'm famous.' Ciel showed a strange expression as he continued on his way.

The Dark Crow appeared as he stepped. It landed on his shoulder.

'Are you sure you're not seen by anyone?' Ciel asked it.

'Don't worry boss, there are so many birds in the sky,' Dark Crow replied.

'But I'm quite tired now, I will rest first,' it added.

Ciel chuckled and then opened his phone, entering the forum discussing Evolvers.

The video of the fight has already appeared there and has already received tens of thousands of comments.

"I believe the robber's death was because his shadow head had been shot. You see, blood was pouring out of his ears, nose and mouth."

"It does look like it, but is it possible?"

"Maybe it's some kind of legendary curse."

"You see the lizard and the two Titans? What exactly are they, are they tamed monsters?"

"They look more like shadows. But it's hard to tell because they're too weird."


Reading various speculations from netizens made Ciel shake his head. He wasn't sure what to say.

However, he also wasn't too worried despite being famous. As long as his identity was safely hidden, he could still live in peace.

What's important is that he doesn't use anything that could lead to him.


Suddenly a black ninja motorcycle stopped beside Ciel.

It was ridden by a woman with long black hair, wearing shorts, a black jacket, and military boots.

After she stopped, she took off her helmet, revealing a beautiful Asian face with a pointed nose and pointed chin.

"Ciel, is that you? Where have you been all this time?" The woman immediately asked, looking at Ciel from head to toe.

“Ning Qingxue,” Ciel said when he saw her.

This woman is also a Student of the Military Academy. They are friends because they live in the same neighborhood, their house is only three houses away.

"By the way, is my house okay?" Ciel asked, not answering her question.

This was one of the things he was quite worried about because his uncles might do something or even sell his house.

District 7 may not be the elite area of ​​Vera 4, but it's still within the city with a pretty nice neighborhood.

"Your house?" Ning Qingxue suddenly showed a strange expression upon hearing his question.

Ciel immediately narrowed his eyes.

"What happened?" he asked again.

“Mm, maybe you should see for yourself,” Ning Qingxue replied.

She shifted her body backwards after saying that while extending her hand forward, signaling for Ciel to get on her motorcycle.

Ciel got on the motorcycle and immediately accelerated it.

Ning Qingxue who was behind him leaned forward and grabbed his shoulder, she said, "Ciel, what exactly happened to you? — One month missing, you weren't kidnapped, right?"

"Don't ask about it, I won't answer," Ciel replied.

"Oh?" Ning Qingxue shifted her body forward slightly so that her breasts pressed against Ciel's back while her hands went down to his waist.

"You're really going to keep it a secret from me?" She asked in a gentle tone.

“Yes,” Ciel replied without any change in tone in his voice.

"Looks like you've done something big. — Well, I won't ask again!"

Ning Qingxue stopped talking after that, but she didn't change her sitting position.

Ciel didn't care if she just wanted to find comfort and give him comfort.

Before long, they entered an area with relatively lower buildings and simpler shops compared to the city center.

Quite a lot of housing complexes there.

Ciel rode the motorcycle to one of them.

In the complex, there are rows of two-story houses, with an average length and width of 10 to 15 meters with a yard large enough for five cars.

The atmosphere was quite quiet, there were only students who had just returned from school.

It didn't take long before Ciel saw his house.

However, he couldn't help but be surprised because he saw many motorcycles in the courtyard of the house.

"What the hell?" He said when he got there.

Faintly, he heard the sound of dj music from inside the house.

Usually he played music quite loudly inside his house, but it was never heard from outside because of the silencer. So, for the music to be heard from outside, the volume was probably five times louder than when he was playing the music.

Ning Qingxue, who got off the motorcycle first, put her hair in a ponytail, she still didn't say anything.

Ciel didn't ask anything either. He walked to the door of the house.

Even though he was in a bad mood, he still pushed the door gently.

Soon he could see what was going on inside his house.

Lights of various colors flickered in the living room of the house.

Following the music, children who looked to be between the ages of 16 and 18 danced happily. Some even drink beer.

If you just glance at it, you'll definitely think that it's a nightclub.

Ning Qingxue who was following by Ciel's side smiled wryly, she said, "Sorry Ciel, I wanted to stop them but I don't have that right because your own family arranged it. Their actions also did not disturb the surroundings while some policemen turned a blind eye after being given the money."

Right after she said that, her eyes suddenly widened when she saw one of the girls, dancing happily on the guest table.

"Oh shit, my sister's here too," she said.

In the Federation, you must be over the age of 19 to 20 to enter a nightclub.

That's obviously too long for most kids who feel like adults by the time they're 15.

Those who couldn't wait ended up turning a house into a nightclub.

This is a very profitable business for the home owner.

Of course, for people who only have one house, they will not use their house as a place of entertainment.

Ciel looked at the electricity meter beside the door.

With a swift motion, he turned off the meter, causing the lights and music in the house to turn off.

Immediately the young people froze.

Their gazes then turned to the door as light came in from there.

Ciel who was standing there raised his hand. A long bone shaped like a scythe with sharp blades appeared in that hand, surprising Ning Qingxue enough.


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He slashed the bone scythe onto the floor, splitting it in two.

"I'll give you one minute, whoever doesn't come out, I'll behead you," he said coldly.

There were no Evolvers among them, so seeing the bone scythe, their bodies immediately trembled until they were sweating.

"Sir, please don't do that." Some cowards said, they ran straight to the door.

Because of them, the others also didn't hesitate although there were some who looked displeased.

When a short-haired asian girl ran through the door, Ning Qingxue nudged her leg.

Before she fell, she withdrew her hand.

Seeing Ning Qingxue's face, she was shocked and subconsciously said, "Qingxue?"

It seemed that she had just realized her existence.

The smell of alcohol emanating from her mouth made Ning Qingxue's eyes narrow sharply.

"You really are brave huh. — Go home and clean the house!" She said in a loud voice.

The girl did not dare to argue, she went straight to a house three houses away from Ciel's house.

Not even a minute, the living room of the house was empty.

However, Ciel knew that there were still some people on the second floor.

Footsteps echoed from the stairs, quite fast.

Six people consisting of three young men and women emerged from the stairs.

Their clothes were quite messy, it was clear that they were freshly dressed and it was done in a hurry.

There was confusion on their faces.

The brown-haired handsome young man who was in the middle was immediately taken aback when he saw Ciel.

The latter took a step, appearing directly in front of him.

He said, "Daniel, you really are brave!"


Ciel hit him in the face, sending him flying into the wall.

"Dear!" One of the young women said frantically.

She looked at Ciel and said "who are you? I will report you to the police."

Right after she said that, Ning Qingxue suddenly appeared beside Ciel.

"Using other people's property without permission and now you want to report the owner to the police, where is your brain, little girl," she said and she kicked the girl in the stomach.

She was thrown, landing beside Daniel.

The other four were instantly frightened, they didn't dare to say anything and walked out of the house with hasty steps.

Meanwhile, Ciel kicked all the beer bottles on the sofa before sitting down.

He looked around and felt a little frustrated because he was the type who liked cleanliness and tidiness.

"Ciel, you can stay at my house for a while, the cleaners can make your house the way it was before," Ning Qingxue said.

She stared at his hand that held the bone scythe, looking like she wanted to ask what it was.

Ciel responded by waving his hand, he replied "you can go home, I'll sort this out myself."

"Are you sure?" Ning Qingxue knitted her brows.

She sat across from him, kept staring at his face.

Seeing that he didn't answer anymore, she let out a soft sigh.

"Okay," she said.

"By the way, the bone?" She finally asked about Ciel's power.

“Iron Bone Power, I just awakened it,” Ciel replied.

Despite having guessed it, Ning Qingxue's eyes still shone because Ciel confirmed it.

"Congratulations, you're now part of fewer humans," she said, smiling faintly.

She didn't look envious at all because she did have a Special Talent as well.

"What are your plans for the future?" she asked.

"I'll just focus on increasing strength," Ciel replied. "Might as well quit the academy."

"Quit? Does that mean you won't be joining the military?"

"I wasn't interested in the first place, it was only because of my father."

"I see!"

Ning Qingxue stood up after saying that.

"I'm going home first, call me if you need help," she said before walking towards the door.

Ciel stared at her, from her back to her long pair of legs until she disappeared.

After that, he looked at Daniel again.

"Why are you still here? Quickly go!"  He scolds him.

Daniel was obviously terrified, he grabbed his girlfriend's hand before standing up.

Even though he seemed to have difficulty walking, he forced himself to keep walking out of the house.

"Huh!" Ciel snorted softly to exhale.

He then asked the Dark Crow via telepathy.  'Dark Crow, does that safe have a tracking device?'

'Yes boss, you can only open it in a Dungeon. For now, it's safe within your Body Space,' Dark Crow replied.

'I see!'

Ciel just wanted to make sure of that.


Vera 4 Police Headquarters!

In a meeting room, a group of people in brown uniforms sit in rows at a long table.

Most of them are middle-aged men.

On the shoulders of each of them, there are golden jasmine flower emblems. Most had only one flower, three had two flowers, and the one sitting on the main seat had three flowers.

He was a bald middle-aged man, had a thick mustache and the person with the highest rank there, a Commissioner III, held the post of Police Chief Vera 4.

Don't see that he's just a police, it's probably true that the police can't be compared to the military. However, since the many crimes committed by Evolvers, the police have also become a very powerful institution. Some are not even afraid of the military.

The budget provided for them is always around 15% annually of the entire Federation's budget.

The Commissioner III, Johnny Allen, looked at the police in front of him one by one.

His eyes grew colder each time his gaze shifted.

After glancing at all the policemen, he said, "there's no way to track down such an Evolver with our power, so we're going to call everyone who's detected to be in the Museum and Overpass at the time of the incident."

His words instantly made the police look at each other.

One of the three policemen with the emblem of two jasmines raised his hand.

He was a little younger than the others, in his mid-30s, so he must have had some merit to reach that rank.

"Chief, we can't do that," he said, rejecting Johnny's words.

The latter directly looked at him with a displeased expression.

"Alex, you know it's an emergency," he said.

"I know, but it's against the Police Act, we can't force other people for our own sake," Alex replied.

He looked at the other policemen and added, "I'm sure you all agree."

No one answered his words.

They looked at each other with expressions as if to say, "I haven't thought about it."

"Alex, you?" Johnny's eyes grew colder as he stared at Alex.

However, the latter was completely unafraid.

He replied, "if you impose your will, I can only exercise my authority as Head of the Vera 4 Police Oversight Department."

His words this time made Jhonny's face twitch.

Of course, Jhonny knew that it wasn't because Alex was an idealistic man. There must be someone behind him ordering him to interrupt the investigation, just as he was ordered to find the shadow power user.

In the end, he said, "Okay, let's postpone this meeting until the Chief Commissioner decides. — For the investigation, continue to do our best."

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