Monarch of Shadows

Chapter 8: 8. Monster Museum

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Ding Dong!

(To all passengers from Planet Vera, get ready, we will land on your planet.)

This is the fifth announcement in 19 hours since the plane took off from Planet Furies.

Ciel immediately stood up this time because Planet Vera was the place where he lived.

He took the gun out of the suitcase, then stuffed it into his clothes before exiting his room and heading for the plane exit.

There were several people who were also heading there, one of them was Liem, and Ciel knew another one of them, the female doctor who had dissected her head..

Anna also came, but it definitely wasn't because she was going down on the planet.

Arriving beside Ciel, she said, "I have several factories on Planet Vera. Once I regain control of my company, I'll call you and you can use anything from my factories if you need."

Ciel was quite intrigued by that, he replied, "I wish you success soon!"

"I'm sure it won't take long," Anna replied, smiling faintly.

Not long after, there was a slight vibration from the plane, the door then opened, lowering the ladder to the ground.

Warm yet soft air rushed in, something that felt much more natural.

The flight attendant guarding the door said, "Congratulations on making it back, I wish you success in your place and step up to a bigger stage soon!"

People didn't fully understand what she meant by that.

They stared at her but only briefly before descending the ladder.

"Be careful, Ciel, and don't forget to eat more, you're a bit too skinny now!" Anna said as Ciel stepped down the ladder.

He only responded with his hands, not answering her words.

When he and the others arrived on the ground, the ladder of the plane immediately entered the plane again. The door closed and it flew straight away.

Ciel looked around.

The plane landed in a field, near a farm area.

In the distance, he vaguely saw a city, full of tall buildings that he partially recognized.

In a low voice, he said, "Vera 4!"

It is one of the main cities on the planet. Ciel lives here and it seems the others live here too.

"Hey Ciel, I didn't think we were from the same place, where do you live?" Liem, the Asian man with a fairly tall build, looking to be in his mid-20s approached Ciel with a faint smile.

The latter wasn't sure if he needed to respond.

They had never greeted each other before, which could be said that they were not cut out to be friends.

In the end, he replied, "I live in District 7, we shouldn't be going in the same direction."

Given Liem's ​​background, he likely lived in District 1. It wasn't something that was hard to guess.

Liem seemed to understand the meaning of Ciel's words, that they were not friends, there was no need to act close to him.

He cleared his throat and said, "uhm, yeah, anyway, call me if you need anything."

Ciel just smiled sinisterly at that, not responding to him anymore.

Ciel's gaze then turned to the doctor who first took the step to leave.

The others also looked at her.

Her status is completely unknown. But if he was the same as them, then she could be said to be their senior.

The problem is she seems too quiet, so people hesitate to start a conversation with her.

In the end, they followed her without saying anything.

Not far from the field, there is a bus stop.

It was deserted, there were only five people waiting, they also looked like townspeople, not villagers.

In today's era, it is very difficult to find people who want to live in the village, almost everyone wants to go to the city.

Ciel glanced at them before staring at a sign that read the distance between the bus stop and Vera 4.

45 kilometers!

He didn't think it would go that far.

Luckily, there was a bus that came just moments after he and the others arrived at the stop.

The bus had three floors and there were only a few passengers, Ciel chose to sit in the corner.

As soon as the bus left, he took out his cell phone.

Now he began to think of a plan for his life.

The organization might give him an assignment later, but he also needs a productive activity.

Before being kidnapped, he was a Military Academy Student.

However, he thought now that he didn't need to go there anymore, it was enough to give a report every now and then to let them know he was okay so the reward wouldn't be canceled. At most, he was simply not accepted into the military, and that was also something he didn't want anymore.

'By the way Dark Crow, can I create a Shadow Slave from the shadow of a frozen monster corpse?' Ciel asked as he suddenly had a great idea. He just didn't know if it would work because there was no such information.

The shadow of a corpse didn't matter, but a frozen corpse was something completely different.

'That doesn't matter,' replied Dark Crow.

Hearing that, Ciel immediately knew where he was going.

Monster Museum!

There, there were several corpses of a General Level Monster. They were only one level below the King.

All he needed to think about was how to touch their shadows without being seen.

He thought there was a way as long as the Dark Crow helped him.


Vera 4!

When the bus started to enter the outskirts of this city, the atmosphere immediately felt different because of the large number of people.

Along the way, there were large buildings, covering several acres each.

They had a huge chimney with black smoke gushing out along with the sound of the engine constantly reverberating.

If you think that the current era is no longer using dirty energy, then you are very wrong.

Anything from Dungeons like the Monster Life Core would probably produce clean energy other than that it was extremely powerful, but no one was stupid enough to use them for industry.

Evolvers, military equipment, they need resources from the Dungeons. And demand is always way above supply, causing prices to spike all the time.

For the poor Evolvers, they had to hunt monsters, take their Life Core to develop their own Life Core and occasionally sell them off to have a comfortable life.

With the natural resources on every Planet running out, the industry players could finally only use resources from space, such as meteors and the like. They are virtually unlimited but the energy they produce is even dirtier.

Fortunately, the healthcare industry is now also quite advanced, so pollution doesn't cause too many ripples.

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The bus stopped at one of the stops in the industrial area.

All passengers get off there.

Not far from the stop, there is a Subway Station.

There were many lines, everyone was going on a different line, so they split up at the Station.

About 20 minutes later, Ciel finally arrived at the city center, where the tall buildings were.

The atmosphere here is naturally very different compared to the suburbs full of factories.

There are many luxury shops and restaurants that might make a factory worker cry.

Everything seemed more beautiful because of the presence of Office Lady everywhere.

Going for a month naturally didn't make Ciel unfamiliar with this city.

He walked through several narrow alleys before arriving in front of a building shaped like a palace with a fairly large courtyard.

This time there was Dark Crow on his back.

Here, Ciel wasn't worried even if the organization saw it because he could casually tell that he found it on the street and it suddenly continued to follow him.

'What's your plan, boss?' asked Dark Crow.

It still spoke via telepathy even though it was outside because it would be too shocking if it suddenly spoke.

Ciel looked at the people going in and out of the building as he replied, 'I need to need a few things first, a mask and clothes that can cover my figure.'

'Hahaha, if it's just them, let me look for them for you,' Dark Crow replied.


It flew, past a building.

This might take quite a while, so Ciel leaned against the wall of a building.

Several young women who passed in front of him blinked at him, some even threw down phone numbers, which he unfortunately ignored.

Even when there was a young woman who was quite beautiful and rich stopped in front of him, he just said, "book a hotel room and wait for me there, I will come if I am not busy tonight!"

Such arrogant words naturally angered the woman.

Ciel dared to say those words because in the past several times he had succeeded even in such a manner.

About 15 minutes later, Dark Crow finally came back, carrying a black coat and silver mask using its little feet.

It flew through the corners of the buildings, avoiding people's gaze as it would be troublesome if anyone saw it with the two items it was carrying. 

A pet monster being told to steal was a grave violation of the law.

Ciel also went to a corner where there was no one so that no one would know later that he was the owner of the coat and mask.


Dark Crow dropped them into Ciel's hands and they disappeared instantly.

This was the advantage of having a Special Body. You can store various items in your Body Space.

Since parting ways with the others, Ciel also put his pistol in there.

“You come in too,” Ciel said to Dark Crow.

The bird nodded before disappearing into his body.

After that, Ciel went to the palace-shaped building which was a Monster Museum.

It actually costs a lot of money to enter the museum, but as an Evolver, Ciel gets a few privileges.

When he showed his Evolver Card through his cell phone, the security immediately let him in.

Inside the museum, there is a very wide hall. The ceilings are also very high.

Along the path, there are various types of monsters.

Their eyes were still open, but their bodies froze as if they were just statues.

Even Desert Lizards like Ciel's Shadow Slave were among them.

Ciel looked at them one by one.

The good thing, the shadows of each of them are quite clear because of the lights around them.

'Boss, look over there, some are pretty good,' Dark Crow said.

Its observations were much more extensive, so it was no wonder it found things faster even though it was hiding in his Body Space.

Ciel quickly discovered what it was saying.

There were three human statues that were three times larger than an ordinary human. Their bodies were full of muscles and their eyes were round like eggs.

What's more interesting is that they have four arms.

“Titan,” Ciel said, slightly surprised.

They should be new because they weren't around the last time he came here.

He couldn't help but get closer.

'Boss, having two Titan shadows would be very helpful,' Dark Crow said.

'Yeah!' Ciel agreed because they were known to be very vicious. Ordinary Titans can suppress the Monster General.

Ciel was quite sorry that currently he only had 29 Life Cores in his hand. If there was one more, he could create three Shadow Slaves.

He then looked around.

At various points, he saw CCTV constantly watching every visitor.

'The matter of CCTV and people, leave it to me,' said Dark Crow.

Ciel nodded in response.

Of course, there was no way he would move at this very moment.

He turned around, went to an inconspicuous place, which was completely hidden from the CCTV. It was right next to an open window.

Dark Crow appeared again. It flew a few centimeters from Ciel.


It exited the window before flying higher, toward the roof of the museum.

Seeing it disappear, Ciel couldn't help but wonder how it would act considering it was just a bird.

However, because the bird was very confident, he did not feel worried.

Knowing its origins let him know that it was really reliable.

A few minutes later, he heard the bird's voice in his head.

'Boss, you can move when you hear an alarm sound!'

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