Mountain and River Pillow

Chapter 13: 13

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                           Chapter 13

    After Chu Yu confirmed the news, she couldn’t hide it anymore.

    The Chu family transferred a hundred family soldiers to Chu Yu overnight, now the Wei House is almost under Chu Yu’s control, even if some guards have dissenting thoughts, with the token plus the Chu family’s soldiers, those guards can’t do anything.

    So Chu Yu first asked the doctor to come over and give her a consultation, and then called all the young ladies to the lobby.

    The young ladies also knew that something big had happened, so they were all cautious and did not dare to say anything more. They were invited to the lobby by Chu Yu, and after surveying the surrounding area for a while, the third young lady, Zhang Han, said tentatively, “Where is Madam?”

    Chu Yu sat down and calmly said, “Her Ladyship took the five young sons to visit the old lady in Lanling.”

    Hearing this, several young ladies’ faces changed, and Yao Jue rose haughtily and said angrily, “Taking the five young sons away, how could you even not inform us the mothers?

    Yao Jue came from the Yao family, and now that Yao’s daughter was the Empress and her eldest son was the Crown Prince, the status of the Yao family had risen, so even if she was a concubine’s daughter, she had much more courage than the others.

    Chu Yu thought in her heart how in the previous life Wei Yun had brought back Yao Yong’s head, and now she thought that the Wei family must have encountered some kind of conspiracy, so she felt unhappy when she saw the Yao family. She coldly glanced at Yao Jue, and said plainly:”The one who took people out was the Grand Madame, instead of yelling at me, why don’t you go to your mother-in-law and yell?”

    When Yao Jue was told this, she inexplicably felt that her momentum was weakened by a few points. She opened her mouth to speak, but Chu Yu suddenly raised her voice: “Get out!”

“Chu Yu you ……”

Yao Jue sprinted forward, Wei Xia Wei Dong immediately stepped forward and stopped her. Chu Yu continued, “Make a scene, you continue to make a scene, do you know why I sent them away? And do you know what is happening at the front? You then will continue to delay the time, when the time comes, no one can escape!”

    The fifth young lady, Xie Jiu, who had always been the most prestigious, went forward, pressed Yao Jue’s hand, looked at Chu Yu, and said seriously, “What is happening at the front, please tell us what is happening.”

    “Early this morning, Wei Yun sent back news from the front line,” Chu Yu hushed her voice, everyone quieted down and stared at Chu Yu, listening carefully to Chu Yu’s words, Chu Yu surveyed the expressions of the crowd and slowly said, “Father-in-law and the brothers, after being trapped in the White Emperor Valley, the whole army was wiped out, and now Wei Yun has taken the corpses in a coffin , bringing them on the way back ……”

    After saying that, everyone did not react, everyone looked at Chu Yu in a daze, and after a long time, Xie Jiu was the first to come to her senses, and said in a trembling voice: “Young lady said brother, which one is it?”

    She seemed to notice that Chu Yu used the word “all”, never one, so she changed her tone and said, “Yes, which ones?”

    Chu Yu sighed and slowly said, “In addition to Xiao Qi, including the son, the six princes and the Duke of Zhen ……”

    The words did not finish, a scream came from the crowd, everyone looked up, and it was the sixth young lady Wang Lan.

    She had just gotten pregnant and was already at a sensitive time, when she heard the news, she pounced on Chu Yu like crazy and struggled, “You are talking nonsense! How could my husband die! You are talking nonsense!”

    Her voice was sharp and sharp, and the maid stepped forward to pull her back. Chu Yu frowned and gave a look to Chang Yue, who then raised her hand and knocked Wang Lan out with a hand slash.

    Wang Lan passed out and the room was left with the Third Young Lady’s cries, while Xie Jiu and Yao Jue stood in the hall, all still unresponsive.

    Chu Yu looked at them and was about to say something when she heard Yao Jue say, as if suddenly awakened, “I don’t believe it, I have to go back, I have to go find my mother, I ……”

    She said, rushing towards the outside, however, before she took a few steps, there was a clamor outside, Chu Yu frowned and looked up, she saw soldiers hurrying inside and anxiously said, “Young lady is not good, a group of soldiers with the holy decree surrounded the house, saying that no one can leave until the seventh prince returns!”

    News from the front line should have reached the palace, and the emperor was not expected to do this. otherwise she would not have let Liu Xueyang leave early with the children.

    She calmly said, “No harm, let them go around.”

    Now that he is not yet convicted, no one dares to barge into the Marquis of Zhen Guo’s residence.

She turned her head and continued to instruct her subordinates to put Jiang Chun and Wang Lan together under close supervision and have the doctor take good care of them.

    Wang Lan’s child must be born as soon as possible.

    Just in the last life …… she gave birth to?

    Chu Yu did not remember that the young ladies of the Wei Mansion in the previous life, except for a martyr jiang Chun, were too sensational, and the others did not seem to have too many rumors, most of them were given a letter of repudiation by Wei Yun in place of his brothers and let them go home to remarry.

    Chu Yu pondered all the information from her previous life, and ordered methodically on one side. Yao Jue, on the other hand, didn’t seem to believe the guard’s words and was clamoring to get out.

     Chu Yu did not care about her, but instead looked at Xie Jiu.

    “What is the Fifth Young Lady’s plan?”

    Her voice was calm, Xie Jiu was a smart person, she immediately saw Chu Yu’s intentions and said with a frown, “Now that the Wei family is obviously tainted with great crimes, you still plan to keep it?”

    When these words came out, Chu Yu understood Xie Jiu’s choice, she looked at her quietly for a moment, but asked, “Do you have no feelings for the Fifth Prince?”

    Xie Jiu froze, and when she responded, she was silent.

    After a long time, she spoke out with difficulty, “But I have to plan for the future, I’m only twenty-four years old.”

    She looked firmly at Chu Yu, as if she wanted to say something else, but Chu Yu nodded, without contempt or impatience, and said lightly, “Yes.”

    After saying that, she turned around and instructed her subordinates on the main points of the white affairs behind her, and did not look at Xie Jiu again.

    Chu Yu’s face showed an indifferent attitude, Xie Jiu felt for a moment that she was standing on her own, it seemed extremely ugly and embarrassing.

    She clenched her fists and jerked out, “You’ll regret it if you stay!”.

    Chu Yu paused in her steps and turned her head, Xie Jiu’s voice was sure: “Chu Yu, you are still young, you do not understand how terrible it is to live your life alone ……”

    “I’m not alone,” Chu Yu interrupted her, her voice calm and bland: “I still have the Wei family with me.”

    “You ……”

    “You take your Yangguan Road, I crossed the only wooden bridge, I do not advise you, why do you have to stop me?”

    Chu Yu frowned: “Xie Jiu, I thought you were smart.”

    Xie Jiu was silenced by this sentence, Chu Yu was right, just say, Chu Yu’s choice lined everyone else’s……… The lining is particularly unbearable.

    Xie Jiu watched her walk away, took a deep breath, and chose to turn away.

    Since they want to stay away, they naturally can’t have too much entanglement with the Xie family anymore. The emperor will naturally unblock the guard when Wei Yun returns, and she will have to disassociate herself from the Wei family sooner rather than later.

    Xie Jiu felt she was thinking calmly, she felt she was a typical, indifferent, intelligent woman of the world, yet when she walked to her room and sat on the bed, somehow she suddenly remembered what her husband looked like.

    She took off her shoes and lay down on the bed, and in this unoccupied place, buried her face in the brocade quilt, and finally cried out.

    Several young ladies cried and made a fuss, Chu Yu asked someone to watch over them, and she started to organize the funeral hall.

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    When people die, they always have a place to go, let alone the Wei family.

    She heard that in the previous life, the Wei family had made too much trouble , those few did not even have any spirit hall, so they were buried in a hurry, and even the tombstone was later reopened by Wei Yun.

    Now that she is here, she can’t let the Wei family be like in the previous life, a hero, but in the end she doesn’t even have a spirit hall for worship.

    In her previous life, she managed her own mother’s white service, but also Gu Chusheng’s mother’s white service, and in this matter, she is considered skilled.

    The decoration and location of the spiritual hall were discussed, it was already dark at this time and she just remembered Jiang Chun, she thought about it and decided to go see Jiang Chun again.

    Jiang Chun woke up in the afternoon, and woke up with the intention to kill herself, but Chu Yu had long let people watch her in time to be robbed of the sword, which saved her life.

    After the suicide attempt, Jiang Chun stopped talking or eating, she leaned against the window and did not move or say anything.

    When Chu Yu walked in, she saw such a person, her eyes were like death, staring blankly at the sky outside.

    When the maids next to her saw Chu Yu coming and wanted to report something, Chu Yu waved her hand and they walked away. Chu Yu came to Jiang Chun’s side, sat down and tucked her in.

    “It’s late in the day and the dew is cold, take good care of yourself, don’t catch a cold.”

    Jiang Chun ignored her.

    Chu Yu leaned on the other side of the bed and looked at the moon outside the opposite window.

    “The day I got married,I actually didn’t even see what Ah Jun looked like.”

    Hearing these words, Jiang Chun finally made a move.

    She slowly turned her head back and saw Chu Yu leaning against the other side of the bed with a gentle look on her face, as if he was recalling something: “I just heard him stammering and calling me Miss Chu, and I thought to myself, “How can this man be so honest, he’s already married and still calls me Miss Chu.”

    Jiang Chun lowered her eyes, obviously listening to her.

    Chu Yu also did not look at her and continued, “On the day of the wedding, he went out to the war, I wanted to see what he really looked like, so I chased him over, and that day he promised me that he would definitely come back.”

    “You ……” Jiang Chun finally spoke, “Don’t be too upset.”

    “I’m not sad.”

    Chu Yu smiled: “He wouldn’t want to see me sad, so I don’t want to make my old man sad either.”

    Jiang Chun did not say anything, she seemed to understand where Chu Yu was coming from.

    “I am not the same as you.”

    Her voice was faint: “I have never been happy since I was born, until I met Jiro. Even when I married him, I was apprehensive, I was afraid that he wouldn’t like me, and even more afraid that he would bully me.”

    “But he didn’t.”

    Jiang Chun’s voice was hoarse: “On the day of the wedding, I broke my foot, I thought, he is bound to be angry that I made a fool of myself, so I braced myself, step by step, I thought I was going to be alone, it was so painful to walk all the way, but he found out.”

    “He squatted down,” Jiang Chun smiled, her eyes full of nostalgia: “He carried me on his back and walked the whole way. We went into the bridal chamber and he personally wiped my feet with medicinal wine. No one had ever been so kind to me.”

    Her gaze fell on Chu Yu: “Regard it as a treasure, but so it is .”

    Chu Yu did not speak, the more beautiful the description, the more painful it is to face the cruelty of reality, it is also difficult to accept.

    “If I never had it in my life, then I resigned myself to it.” Jiang Chun trembled and closed her eyes: “But I once met such a good person, and how can I go on alone.”

    “It hurts too much ……”

    Tears fell from her eyes: “It hurts too much to walk that road alone.”

    Hearing this, Chu Yu could no longer hold back, she stretched out her hands and hugged Jiang Chun.

    She suppressed the hot tears in her eyes and desperately looked upwards.

    “It’s okay,” she rasped, “I’m here, Jiang Chun, this road, I’m here, Madam is here, and your child, you’re not alone.”

    “From the time you married into the Wei family, you were no longer alone.”

    “Whoever dares to bully you in the future, I will fight back for you. When you are sick, I will take care of you; when you have nowhere to go, I will accompany you. Jiang Chun,” she hugged her tightly, “In this life, people are not only in love.”

    “You are no longer the little girl who had nothing but a death grip on the second son.”

    “You have children, you have the Wei House, you have a home.”

    Hearing these words, Jiang Chun finally could no longer hold back, and the suppressed pain burst out violently.

    She howled out.

    “But I miss him, I miss him!”

    “I know.”

    “Why him? Why do those heartless people live on, but he goes? He was so young, our child is only five years old, so how did it come to be his turn?”

    “I know.”

    “Why ……” Jiang Chun was in her arms, crying hoarsely, questioning with a bang.

    Why is this heaven unjust to this.

    Why is this world so thin and cold.

    Why are the heroes buried unquestioned, but the wolves and rats left in the clothes?

    However, these questions, Chu Yu can not answer, she can only hold her, until her tears stained her clothes, and then slowly closed her eyes, wanting to use her own body temperature to make Jiang feel more warm.

    Even though the warmth is so weak, she still wants to be a candle that shines in this world.


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