Mountain and River Pillow

Chapter 14: 14

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                               Chapter 14

    Jiang Chun cried for a long time and slowly fell asleep in Chu Yu’s arms. After she slept through, Chu Yu finally relaxed her mind.

    Chu Yu let someone serve her to sleep, she straightened up and walked out. Evening moon came up and reported the news of the young ladies in each of the gentry’s rooms and the third wife Wang’s, and then said to Chu Yu: “The seventh prince’s letter has come, and now they have arrived in Pingcheng.”

    Hearing this, Chu Yu hurriedly asked someone to bring Wei Yun’s letter over.

    This time Wei Yun’s letter was obviously much smoother than the last one, it didn’t say much, just a few strokes, it just talked about getting there and how the situation was.

    When Chu Yu looked at the letter, she couldn’t help but remember that in the past, when Wei Yun wrote back, it was always a long story, the scenery around that day, the customs and the people, everything was detailed, everything was there. 

    And today’s letter, if it was said to be written by Wei Jun, she would believe it.

    She felt some boredom in her heart, human growth is a sad process, and it is sad ro grow up at such a tragic cost.

    She reported the situation in the house, and after thinking about it, added a sentence.

    Outside of Huajing, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, on the way back home, if there are scenic and interesting things, you may want to say a few words.

    After she finished writing, she had the letter sent out.

    Although the Wei mansion is now under siege, everyone is still unclear about the reason. The Wei family is deeply rooted in the military, but it is not too difficult, even if there are occasional carrier pigeons coming and going, everyone will turn a blind eye.

    After sending the letter, Chu Yu finally got to rest. She lay on the bed, looking at the bright moon swaying. After a long time, she finally sighed out slowly and closed her eyes.

    The next morning when she woke up, Chu Yu began to prepare for the spirit hall again, now the procurement needs to be supervised by the soldiers outside, but now the young ladies are hiding in the house, as if they are afraid to get involved with the Wei family, and they are always ready to leave, Chu Yu is busy alone and there is some overstretching with people on hands. 

    There are many people doing things, but some things always need to have the master to watch, in order to do fine.

    Chu Yu was busy all early morning, and heard footsteps from outside, she looked up and saw Jiang Chun standing at the door.

    She wore a plain dress, her hair was tied behind her with a plain belt, her face was not powdered, she looked beautiful and elegant. Chu Yu froze, then said, “The second young lady is still sick, why not take a good rest, what are you doing here?”

    Jiang Chun smiled, her face was not as out of shape as yesterday.

    “I am well, I heard you were busy, so I came to see if I could help. Last time you asked me if I could help you with the aftermath of father-in-law and the gentry’s affairs, didn’t you?”

    Chu Yu did not expect Jiang Chun to recover so quickly, she hesitated for a moment and finally said, “You …… want to open up a bit, right?”

    “Originally, I was foolish yesterday, and I am grateful for the young lady’s guidance. Now Jiang Chun is still alive, and as a mother, I am a mother.”

    Jiang Chun sighed and bowed towards Chu Yu: “The grace of saving my life, I have not yet said thank you.”

    “Second Young Lady has spoken too much.”

    Chu Yu hurriedly held her up: “We are originally sisters, why do we need to be like this?”

    Jiang Chun was helped up by her, and after listening to her words, she hesitated for a moment and said, “Then in the future I will call the young lady A Yu, and if the young lady does not mind, she can call me second sister.”

    “Now that we are all suffering together, how can we resent it?”

    Chu Yu smiled: “Second sister is willing to help me, that is very good.”

    Chu Yu told Jiang Chun about her family’s affairs in detail.

    With that, the two of them went inside, and Chu Yu told Jiang Chun about the family affairs.

    Chu Yu observed Jiang Chun doing things, and after thinking about it, she couldn’t help but say, “I’ll escort Liang to the official palace……”

    “Yes.” Jiang Chun’s voice was flat, looking at the account book, slowly she said: “over the years, Liang has always been ready to escape from the Wei House when she is in trouble, she has a concubine outside, now the young lady preemptively attacks, which is also a good thing.”

    Hearing these words, Chu Yu’s heart was greatly shocked.

    No wonder in the last life, Liang was only a concubine, but after taking away all the money and wealth of the Wei House, she did not leave a trace, and it turned out that she was not alone in doing this.

    “Second sister if you knew, why not say it explicitly to the madam?”

    Chu Yu’s mind was fixed, and she asked, Jiang Chun smiled: “Some things, you see through and not say, she is after all my mother-in-law.”

    At this point, Chu Yu instantly understood.

    Jiang Chun is so smart that she is afraid that she has already discovered the traces of Liang, but after all, it is Wei Shu’s mother, so although she knew, she did not say much, she was afraid that after tearing her face, everyone would be embarrassed.

    And now that Wei Shu is dead, she does not have to take too much into account. In the last life, if Jiang Chun has not committed suicide, with Jiang Chun’s methods, The Wei House might have been much better.

    Chu Yu looked at Jiang Chun, she couldn’t help but be a little stunned. Jiang Chun dialed the abacus, thought about it, looked up and said, “Ling Chun is now going with his wife to Lanling, they should be fine, right?”

    Wei Lingchun is Jiang Chun’s child, and is the oldest of the five young males.

    Chu Yu knew she was worried, so she said, “Don’t worry, they split into three waves and went out in a hidden way, and I gave them all the elites in the house, plus now the Wei House is only under siege, not guilty, they are outside, they should be fine.”

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    Jiang Chun also knew that now Chu Yu reassured her.

    With Jiang Chun on board, Chu Yu was able to handle things much faster. Wei Yun had been writing letters to Chu Yu all the way, and she could see that he had tried his best to tell Chu Yu about the road, but his mind was not in it, and it’s not as interesting as it used to be, it’s as dry as if it were a routine.

    Chu Yu looked at the letter, every day after reading it, it would be carefully folded up and put in the bedside table, she then found some colored clay, and imagined the appearance of Wei Jun and Wei Yun, and pinched them.

    Of the seven sons of the Wei family, Chu Yu remembers the looks of these two, the others she almost never met, she only heard their voices on the day of the wedding.

    When the clay figures were finished, it was time for Wei Yun to return to the capital.

    The night before Wei Yun returned to the capital, extra men were deployed in front of the Wei House, and the atmosphere was obviously tense. Jiang Chun walked in from outside, and said with some anxiety: “Ah Yu, their position will not always take down Xiao Qi’s at the door, right?” What the hell happened to them on the battlefield ……”

    Jiang Chun rambled, her face showed all the worry.

    Chu Yu calmly ordered the palace to hang up the white aya, and at the same time let people inform them to go down tomorrow, so that the young ladies of the houses would gather in the front yard in the early morning and wait for Wei Yun to return. After doing all this, she said to Jiang Chun, “No matter what, tomorrow we will welcome our father-in-law and the brother back with dignity.” 

    Chu Yu’s calm attitude calmed Jiang Chun down.

    She nodded, seriously: “If they dare to humiliate Xiao Qi in front of my husband’s spirit, I will not spare them!”

    Chu Yu felt a little funny hearing this, but nodded with a smile: “Good, do not spare them.”

    That night, Chu Yu tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep at all.

    Wei Yun had already arrived outside the city, but before entering the city, he needed a little reorganization. Probably just as Chu Yu wanted Wei Yun to see the best side of the house now, Wei Yun probably wanted her family not to see him in too much disarray at this moment.

    The next day when it was light, Chu Yu got up.

    She had her hair combed into a woman’s bun, with white flowers on her head, and then changed into a pure white dress with white broad sleeves of cloud brocade, looking dignified and elegant.

    She drew light makeup and looked much more energetic. After putting on the pearl earrings, she could see that although she was dressed in plain clothes with flowers, she did not look wretched and haggard.

    After she had done everything, she came to the courtyard and counted the number of people.

    However, in the courtyard in twos and threes, only Jiang Chun and the Sixth Young Lady Wang Lan’s room were present.

    Chu Yu put her hands in her sleeves and her face was cold: “Where are the others?”

    “The other young ladies all said they were physically ill.”

    The housekeeper came forward and said with a straight face, “My servant has invited them, but they are unwilling to come.”

    The housekeeper’s words have made the meaning very clear, “saying” that they are ill, not “willing” to come.

    Chu Yu knew what these people were planning, it was just to show the outside world that they did not want to get too involved with the Wei House.

    Chu Yu’s eyes fell on the housekeeper who went to invite people: “Are they unable to get up in bed now?”

    The housekeeper did not understand what Chu Yu meant, still confused, then heard Chu Yu raise her voice: “Ming Yue and evening moon, go to each room and inform the young ladies who did not come, unless they can not get up in bed, then get over here immediately! If they don’t come, just break their legs!”

    The housekeeper’s face was shocked, and all the faces present became extraordinarily ugly.

    Break the legs ……

    However, Ming Yue and Evening Moon din’t seem to notice any problem at all , and led people directly.

    Jiang Chun was also a little embarrassed, she went up and said, “A Yu, you so ……”

    “Today I am fighting for the face of the Wei House,” Chu Yu’s cold voice said in reply to Jiang Chun, but her gaze was looking at the crowd: “Whoever does not give me face today, do not blame me for not giving her face!”

    The crowd waited for a moment, then they heard Yao Jue’s voice ringing out from afar.

    She angrily said, “Chu Yu, who gave you the guts to break my leg?!”

    Chu Yu turned her head and saw Yao Jue and the other three young ladies rushing over in a hurry.

    Yao Jue was holding the whip in her hand and was about to fling it at her when she heard Chu Yu say, “What, you don’t want the letter of repudiation anymore?”

    Hearing these words, Yao Jue’s hand froze.

    Chu Yu stood with a smile and swept her gaze over the three young ladies: “I will say it clearly today, if you are honest today, then I will ask for this letter of divorce for you from Wei Yun later, then you and the Wei family will have no more relationship. If you still want to make trouble today,” Chu Yu roared, “then go ahead and make trouble, my life is here anyway, I will take my life and make trouble with you, I will see if you can afford to make trouble!”

    Once these words came out, everyone was quiet.

    At this moment, the sound of guards came from outside.

    “Young lady, the seventh son is back!”

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