Mountain and River Pillow

Chapter 19: 19

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                               Chapter 19

    After Taifu Xie walked out a few steps, Chu Yu reacted.

    She thought for a moment, pursed her lips, and finally chased after him, raising her voice, “Tai Fu!”

    Xie Taifu stopped walking, Chu Yu walked up to him, gritted her teeth and finally said, “Taifu can you give me a word of truth in this case, is the Wei family guilty or not?”

    Xie Taifu did not speak, he fixed his eyes on Chu Yu, and after a long time, he slowly said: “The Young lady should be a smart person.”

    Smart person, that is, if you can not guess, and do not know, then don’t ask questions.

    How can Chu Yu not be a smart person? But when Taifu Xie said that sentence, she couldn’t help but have a little hope that maybe Taifu Xie would do more than she imagined.

    Chu Yu did not reply, Xie Taifu saw that she looked firm, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said: “Guilty or innocent, wait.” ”

    Chu Yu understood what Xie Taifu meant, and since he was arrested now, he must be guilty, but the emperor’s heart may still be hesitating, so it is possible to be innocent .

She understood what Xie Taifu meant and pondered for a moment: “Then, if the Wei House is guilty, I will take people to kneel at the palace gate now, in His Majesty’s case, how can it be tolerated?”

    Xie Taifu thought about it for a moment, and without saying much, Chu Yu looked at Xie Taifu’s expression and continued: “Why not, Taifu be a messenger on behalf of the concubine to His Majesty to convey a message, and ask to see His Majesty?”

    “What do you want to do when you see His Majesty?” Xie Taifu frowned, and Chu Yu calmly replied, “Now that everything is according to the law, and the Seventh Prince has not yet been convicted, I naturally want to ask Your Majesty for mercy.” If Your Majesty does not allow it, I will seek another way.”

    The meaning of this is that she is actually just going to go through the scene with the emperor, at least to discuss with the emperor first and give him a face.

    Taifu Xie thought for a moment and nodded, “However, tomorrow I will talk to Your Majesty about this.” I’ll help you with other things. ”

    Chu Yu arched her hand and said to Taifu Xie, “Thank you, Taifu.”

    Tai Fu Xie nodded, and looked at the autumn rain that was diminishing: “There is no need to send it off, I will go back first, after that, if there is no important matter, you and I do not need to contact.”

    “Chu Yu understands.”

    Chu Yu bowed to see Tai Fu Xie go out, and without taking two steps, she then summoned the housekeeper and said, “Hurry up and prepare 20,000 silver to send to Tai Fu Xie.”

    The housekeeper was stunned, but he hurriedly went to prepare.

    Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the lobby, Jiang Chun came up and said anxiously, “How is it?”

    Chu Yu nodded: “Tai Fu said that he would help me beg to see His Majesty.”

    Saying that, Jiang Chun sat down, poured a cup of tea, and said rather strangely, “You sent thanks to Taifu?”

    Chu Yu waved her hand, “Since he has promised to help us, we should not get too close at this moment, otherwise His Majesty will be suspicious whether Tai Fu Xie is genuinely touched by the Wei House or has other motives.”

    “Then you send that 20,000 silver ……”

    Jiang Chun was a little confused, Chu Yu took a sip of tea: “He promised to help us, and the money that is spent up and down can not come from him.”

    Jiang Chun nodded, and Chu Yu put down the teacup and said to her, “You place father-in-law and the brothers , I have to go out.”

    “Where are you going?”

    “There’s something else to do.” Chu Yu had a tired look on her face.

   With that said, Chu Yu ordered the housekeeper to prepare a gift, then walked out, Jiang Chun hesitated and said: “You still carry some injuries on your body, you need to rest ……”

    Chu Yu shook her head and said directly, “Xiao Qi is still in the heavenly prison, I am not at ease.”

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    After saying that, she went out and got on the carriage. She made a list of what to say and who might help, and one by one, she personally sent gifts to the door.

    When those people heard that she had come, they closed their doors and did not see her.

    She does the same at the Princess’s residence, Chu Yu knows that the Princess has always been a lover of money, her face unmoving, she pressed the silver ticket secretly into the hands of the slave who came to negotiate, and whispered, “I understand all the rules of the Princess, these carbon silver ends depend on the Princess’s wishes.”

    The servant was not surprised, and after putting the silver ticket in his sleeve without a trace, he sent Chu Yu away.

    After visiting eleven ministers’ residences, Chu Yu saw that it was nighttime, so she quietly rushed to the heavenly prison, showed her Chu House card, and then scattered the silver, which was exchanged for a quarter of an hour of visiting, and was quietly brought in by the soldiers on guard.

    When Chu Yu entered, she saw Wei Yun sitting by the cell door. He had changed into prison clothes and his hair was scattered, his face looked a little pale. When he saw Chu Yu coming, he smiled slightly: “How come my sister-in-law is here so soon?”

    Chu Yu didn’t speak, she looked Wei Yun up and down, and the soldier next to her smiled and said, “Young Lady, you talk faster, I will help you watch.”

    Chu Yu nodded and said respectfully with a smile, “Thank you for being an adult.”

    With that said, Evening Moon handed the silver from behind and passed it over, and the soldier hurriedly waved his hand: “Don’t worry, don’t worry.”

    As he spoke, he retreated, and Evening moon handed the food box to Chu Yu and pushed it down, leaving only Chu Yu and Wei Yun in the cell. Chu Yu saw that Wei Yun looked calm and said with concern: “They didn’t beat you, right?” ”

    “No,” Wei Yun smiled, “After all, I’m not guilty of anything, what can they do to me?”

    Chu Yu did not speak, she walked to the door, opened the food box, handed over the dishes and snacks: “If you are hungry, eat some food, snacks and steamed buns, you hide, I do not know when to pick you up, don’t starve ……”

    Hearing this, Wei Yun was a little helpless: “Sister-in-law says this, but this heavenly prison is not a place of tigers and wolves, I eat, drink and sleep here every day, I can’t be hungry. Sister-in-law you talk like this, I do not know, I thought you had been in prison.”

    In fact, she has done it.

    Chu Yu suddenly remembered that in her last life, before the palace change, she was imprisoned in the heavenly prison as Gu Chusheng’s wife.

    That day was not as easy as Wei Yun said.

    She pursed her lips and didn’t say much, just stuffed the pastries in.

    Wei Yun knew that she did not believe him, and said busily, “I’m serious, I was just sleeping, and you came in and made for me noisy ……”

    “There’s blood on the floor.”

    Chu Yu opened her mouth, Wei Yun froze and listened to her continue, “From the beginning to now, you have not changed your posture. Wei Yun, do you dare to stand up?”

    Wei Yun went silent as Chu Yu stared at him and spoke in a cold voice: “Stand up!”

    Wei Yun did not move, Chu Yu’s eyes fell on his foot, Wei Yun smiled hard: “Actually it’s nothing, just a broken foot ……”

    “Are the bones cracked?”

    Chu Yu lowered her eyes and pulled open the bottom of the food box: “These are the top medicines in the house, you hide them well. Most of the bricks that are loose in the cell could be pulled apart, and many of them have been hollowed out by the prisoners inside, so you hide inside. I will get you out as soon as possible, but first, explain to me, what happened?”

    Wei Yun did not speak, Chu Yu pinched the food box, suppressing her emotions.

    “Before you went, I told you not to pursue the remnants, and everything will be safe, why did you still pursue the remnants, to be completely wiped out in the White Emperor Valley?”

    “I don’t know ……” Wei Yun husked out.

    Chu Yu frowned, and listened to him shake his head: “I also do not understand, obviously father and brother have never been such people …… I do not know what was wrong, but that day they were like slugs, I went to persuade them, but father chased me, I persuaded them uselessly, and I was punished to count the army food, they all went. Before going, big brother also said to me that things are not as I like, let me not worry. And then……”

    Wei Yun choked on his voice, Chu Yu calmly listened, her voice was calm: “Xiao Qi, don’t be sad, long story short, things start from the time you feel that there is an abnormality.”

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