Mountain and River Pillow

Chapter 20: 20

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                                Chapter 20

    “Actually, before the prince came , there was no abnormality.”

    Wei Yun gathered his emotions and began to recall carefully, “I have been with the army since I was eleven years old, and although I seldom went to the front line, I was familiar with military affairs. After we arrived at the front, we met the Northern Di head-on once, and after expelling them from the city, the two sides entered a standoff and rarely engaged in battle. Father was always stable, he once said, the Northern Di came from afar to attack, food and provisions were difficult to continue, we just needed to guard the city.”

    Chu Yu nodded, she had known the style of the generals in Chu back then, and Wei Zhong’s style was indeed the same. Wei Yun continued: “After only seven days of confrontation, the prince came to the front line and served as the superintendent of the army with the holy will, and the Prince had said that the treasury was empty and needed a quick battle, but his father did not agree, and the two had an argument in the tent. However, because the father stubbornly refused to send troops, the prince could not, but he was also at peace.”

    “Not long after, Yao Yong came to white city.”

    “Why would Yao Yong come to Baicheng?” Chu Yu frowned, Yao Yong was originally the commander of Qingzhou, White City was not under pressure to defend, why would Yao Yong appear there?

    Wei Yun shook his head, “My rank is not enough to know. But I counted provisions and managed sundries, and I know that Yao Yong was secretly bringing 90,000 elite troops over in secret. Instead of stationing his army into White City, he hid in the perimeter.”

    Chu Yu listened and carefully ran through the clues.

    In the last life, Wei Yun ended up carrying Yao Yong’s head to meet the emperor, so this matter must be inextricably linked to Yao Yong. Yao Yong secretly brought troops to White City when Wei Zhong was guarding the city, and Wei Zhong obviously knew about it – even Wei Yun knew about it. In other words, Wei Zhong did not intend to just die defending at that time, he and Yao Yong must have conspired to set up something.

    Chu Yu raised her hand, signaling for Wei Yun to continue.

    Wei Yun recalled while thinking: “Later, Beidi came to call for battle that day at the city gate, Beidi soon collapsed into an army and my father led the troops forward, I heard about it and hurried to stop it.” The Northern Di’s bravery could not have been defeated so quickly. However, my father kept telling me not to worry, and said that the second prince of the Northern Di was there, and that he wanted to arrest him to celebrate his achievement.”

    “How did father-in-law know that the second prince was there?”

    Chu Yu quickly asked back, Wei Yun pursed his lips, obviously not knowing, but he also sensed that it was inappropriate from Chu Yu’s rhetorical question.

    The second prince is a hot candidate for the crown prince. He is not a general, and when he arrives at the military camp, he should be hidden from the public, just like the crown prince as a supervisor. Where did Wei Zhong get such hidden information?

    However, time is short, Chu Yu also can not think carefully, she just said: “You continue.”

    “Father rushed me to count the provisions, took several brothers out in two ways, one way to chase the enemy, one way to break the back. wait until the night ……”

    Wei Yun’s voice choked, for a moment he was unable to say any more, Chu Yu reached out her hand across the wooden railing, and patted his shoulder.

    She was not good at comforting people, because she has been comforted too many times, she was familiar with how pale and powerless words were.

    The road has to be walked by yourself, and the pain must be endured by yourself .

    She can only use a pat on the shoulder in this way, to convey their own feelings and comfort.

    Wei Yun looked up and smiled, and I said, “I’m fine, don’t worry, sister-in-law. Where were we? Oh, at night, Yao Yong sent someone to inform me that they had been ambushed and asked me to go to reinforce them.”

    As he spoke, Wei Yun smiled bitterly: “But the soldiers in the city have all gone out, leaving only 5,000 to guard the city, what can I do to reinforce them?”

    Wei Yun’s voice was tinged with mockery: “It’s just …… collecting corpses.”

    “Where were Yao Yong’s soldiers and horses?”

    Chu Yu’s voice carried meaning, Wei Yun calmly said: “He said he chased the other way soldiers and horses, and when he returned, father and brother had been ambushed.”

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    “He also said that he and the prince had repeatedly said to his father, not to rashly chase the remnants of the army, and that it was enough for Yao Yong to chase after them , and that the responsibility this time was all in his father’s refusal to listen to advice.”

    Wei Yun said, slowly clenching his fists: “I know in my heart that this matter was different, so I deliberately went to the White Emperor Valley again, do you know what I saw in the surrounding mountains?” On the edge of the mountains of the White Emperor Valley, there were all the footprints of soldiers and horses.

   Chu Yu suddenly looked up: “What do you mean?”

    “Sister-in-law should  know that when the army is recruiting troops and buying horses, they all choose the nearest one, so most of the different types of war horses are different in the armies and regions. For example, the Wei family army is more out of the north, so the horses are more prolific in Hailing, and the horses are tall, running fast, but the endurance is not good. And Yao Yong was supplied by Qingzhou, which are mostly short horses with smaller hoof prints compared to the Hailing horses, and are very different from the Northern Di’s Northern Pass horses.”.

    “So, you are saying that the circle of footprints on the edge of the White Emperor Valley was left by Yao Yong’s Qingzhou army.”

    Wei Yun nodded, his gaze was full of coldness: “I don’t know where these circle of footprints came from, I don’t know if he turned back to the White Emperor Valley after going after the rest of the Northern Di army and left footprints, or if they were where they were from the beginning ……. But I know one thing, there must be something fishy about this matter, this crime needs to be investigated thoroughly, I do not admit.”

    Chu Yu did not speak, she pondered, at this time there was a voice from evening moon outside: “Young lady, the time is up, please come out.”

    “How many people did Yao Yong lose in this battle?”

    Chu Yu asked the last question, the sound of footsteps came from outside, Wei Yun immediately said, “The visual estimate is less than 10,000, but he reported 30,000.”

    Chu Yu nodded and stood up, and said, ” wait for my news.”

    After saying that, she turned around and said to the jailer before he came in to drive her away, “Your honor, there is no need to rush, I will leave now.”


    Wei Yun hurriedly made a sound, and Chu Yu looked back and saw the teenager clutching the wooden railing with both hands, his eyes falling on her, and his clear eyes were full of worry.

    Chu Yu looked at him quietly, Wei Yun seemed to have countless words to say, but when the woman’s gaze calmly fell on him, he couldn’t say anything.

    In the end, he just said, “Sister-in-law, this is a matter for our Wei family men, you …… have to learn to take care of yourself.”

    These words he said dryly.

    When he said it, he himself looked afraid.

    After all, he was only fourteen years old, and when he faced this sudden storm, he was also afraid and uneasy. The thought of facing everything on his own, the thought of the only woman who gave him peace and calmness during the whole event also abandoned him, he felt scared inside.

    But he is a man after all, he told himself.

    He is the only backbone of the Wei family, and the so-called backbone, holds up the sky, to protect the people under this roof.

    Even if he has a great vendetta and has not repaid it, even if he has wrongs that have not been repaid, even if he has Qingyun zhi and has a good year, all of this should be fought for by himself. The woman of his Wei family, should be under the roof he held up, not touching the wind and rain, not smelling of worries. Just ask every day which rouge gouache is good, which noblewoman’s new makeup is popular in Huajing, just like when his father and brother were when they were there.

    He looked at Chu Yu firmly, but when she heard this, Chu Yu ticked the corners of her mouth, with a little pride in her eyes.

    “These words – wait until you grow up and then tell me.”

    As she spoke, she laughed lightly: “You are still a child now, do not be afraid, sister-in-law covers you.

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