Ms. Nine Tailed Fox

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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It was understandable how much Seraphina despised this woman because she had witnessed with her own eyes how disgustingly hypocritical and cruel this person was in her previous life. It was the truth that the one who caused Aine's death was Seraphina, but her act of poisoning the princess could never compare to the maliciousness of this woman called May.

Empress Natalia was a renowned warrior whose aura could bend both water and fire. She was a legend who was loved and respected by the people of Crevaria, including even the noble houses that supported royal consort Aynat Shelon in the court. The Crevarians, whether they were foes or allies, were all hit hard with the news of the death of empress Natalia and could not find the mastermind behind the whole incident because no one could think of a suspect. The only individual whose hatred could have manifested the death of the beloved empress, royal consort Aynat, simply did not possess the power required to orchestrate such a massive assassination. Therefore, the assassination of the empress was never unveiled, which caused a knot in many people's hearts. However, that was not the case for Seraphina because she stumbled across the truth behind empress Natalia's death in an unexpected way in her last life.

In her previous life, Seraphina happened to eavesdrop on Aynat's conversation with May, which made her stomach churn with disgust and fear. The truth was that May was never Aine's person, nor was the façade of loyalty and kindness she displayed her true self because all along, she was Aynat's trusted confident left beside Aine to monitor the brother and sister pair left behind by the empress. Her deceptiveness was on a whole other level, and Aynat seemed to appreciate that character of May as she confided her plan with her. From their conversation, Seraphina came across many secrets that made her legs shake with terror and anxiety, and by the time they left, she was sweating cold sweats with shivers attacking her delicate body non-stop.

May. Oh, May. How should I deal with you, huh? Your heart was sinister enough to send the child you raised to the pit of hell that no death could ever compare. In fact, death was salvation when compared to what you and Aynat wanted to do to Aine. You could smile while thinking of sending the daughter to the killer of the mother as a plaything, despite being well aware of how she would wish for death every day but never being unable to do so. After all, that man... was the incarnation of hell itself. He would have humiliated and broken her in the most unthinkable ways because he had every reason to do so. What I had experienced under that fucking Teivel's hands would have paled in comparison to what Aine would have experienced if Aynat and May got their way.

Seraphina's low growl startled everyone inside the room except for Aine, who was already half-conscious due to a high fever. Even Seraphina herself was astonished because she did not realize that the disgust caused by Aynat and May and the fear caused by that man could result in an unintentional instinctive growl. Her stupor was interrupted as a sickening shrill scream of a woman awoken her into complete alertness and soberness.

It was none other than May who screamed her throat out because, firstly, she was startled silly by the menacing growl of an animal, and secondly, horrified by the bloodthirsty and almost maddened gaze of the white fox directed at her. In her alarmed state, she did not have even the slightest appreciation the fairer sex had for beautiful creatures and directly picked up the cheap vase on a nightstand and threw it at the little fox in fright. Seraphina was about to pounce at May the moment the other's hand reached for the vase. However, she was not given a chance to maul that disgusting woman's face because, by the time the vase shattered into pieces on the floor, her dainty little body was already high up in the air carried by the old man who was clumsily patting the little fox's head in an effort to comfort it.

"Jayce, send in a physician and prepare the carriage. We are going back," said the imperial elder nonchalantly.

Seraphina could not see the concern that a grandfather should have toward his sick granddaughter, but she could tell his mood was, nonetheless, not good. In fact, very bad. She stared at Ezekiel, trying to decipher his thoughts on her aggressive growling and bloodthirstiness she displayed a moment ago, but the old man was an old man, as his face never gave away his emotions. So, instead of tiring her eyes staring at the boring boorish man, she focused her attention back on the trembling woman whose eyes were almost dropping out of their sockets due to shock. It was obvious that she had already realized the identity of the finely dressed old man because of his rare eye color and seemed equally petrified to find the fox she had tried to hurt nestled in the arms of the said man.

"Your majesty," she called respectfully while kneeling heavily on the ground.

Oh, interesting. She was indeed the one worthy of Aynat's attention. Even the hard-trained soldiers would have taken a moment to adjust their expressions and emotions, but this woman did not waste a second controlling herself.

Ezekiel did not show even the slightest acknowledgment towards the kneeling woman, but instead looked at his now unconscious granddaughter for a while before decreeing,

"Send her head as well. My legitimate granddaughter does not need a servant whose hands behave atrociously."

Ah, this old man is sharp as a needle. He needed only a glance to tell that the crying theatrics of the woman was to fool the sick child into believing that she cared for her. There was no medicine, wet towels, and cold wipes to cool the burning child, and she was even daring enough to sit on her master's, an imperial princess's, bed like a person of equal status.

Seraphina looked at the wide-eyed woman whose disbelieving eyes were undisguised for all to see. It could be seen that she was confident that her crocodile tears were enough to fool anyone. Well, it was indeed a heart-warming performance, but Ezekiel was not just anyone, on the contrary, he was the former emperor whose eyes could see through the thickest of masks.

Seraphina is a woman who likes to hold grudges. She knew that May's life was doomed to end right there and then inside this moldy small bedroom, and she enjoyed the scene very much. The moment Jayce unleashed his sword, the little fox raised her paw like a human and did an exaggerated but distinctive gesture of swiping her fluffy paw horizontally across her neck with a mischievous glint in its eyes. Everyone present understood the meaning of her action and did not know whether to marvel at its cuteness or fear its brutality because her very being, the gaze, and gesture, declared provokingly that 'You are done for, bitch.' As a result, unlike the two guards, May's severed head did not display fear or terror but disbelief, frustration, and anger.

Hmph. It's better if you turned into a vengeful ghost so that I can fry your stinky soul with my heavenly flames until you could never dream of reincarnation. Aynat will probably puke blood after receiving her esteemed father-in-law's favor. 

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