Ms. Nine Tailed Fox

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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Her eyes are exceptionally beautiful.

Seraphina could not help exclaiming internally while looking at the drowsy Aine, who was blinking her round eyes sleepily. After being brought back to Ezekiel's palace unconscious, Aine slept through the night under the influence of medicine before finally waking up now. As much as Seraphina was immune to mortal beauties, she could not help staring at the little girl who was both eye-blessing and adorable under the bright morning sunlight. The little girl's actions were comical as she very seriously run her slender fingers through the soft silky bedsheets as if determining whether she was dreaming or not and then looked around the room with bright and cautious eyes before meeting Seraphina's undisguised stare. She then, very adorably, tilted her head in contemplation with unblinking eyes, staring back at the little fox with an expression that transparently revealed her confusion, disbelief, and adoration.

Wait! Adoration?!

Seraphina was startled when the little person whom she was observing jumped from the bed and run to her side decisively. She was expecting the girl to try to grab her, but contrary to her caution, Aine was not greedy like other children and simply continued to stare at her from an arm's length distance. It was obvious, that she truly wished to touch the white fox, but even at a young age, she knew how to be considerate and patient.

Her eyes are very expressive, very much like Eve's. But their looks... Is it even possible to make babies with this contrasting appearance? Little Nieves completely inherited Natalia's looks with shining inky black hair, eyes like pure obsidians, unbelievably pale skin, and extremely attractive two tiny beauty marks under each eye. Whereas this child, Aine, inherited her father's look with wavy golden hair without impurity, light red eyes that turn pink under sunlight, and creamy ivory skin. It's as if they are the sun and the moon. Was their elder brother also this eye-catching? Seraphina thought unconsciously. 

However, she immediately regretted her action as a certain memory came invading her mind, startling her and catching her completely unguarded. Her hackles raised, revealing her emotional state as wild shivers run through her body along with the memory that became clearer and closer as each second passed.

... A tall man with a lean body stood upright, facing a delicate woman who was covered from head to toe with unmatched luxury. Her eyes which sucked the souls of men and women indiscriminately were painted with shimmering golden powder, turning her already ethereal golden orbs richer, deeper, and simply, breathtaking. Her bright red hair was decorated with big round shiny pearls, making it even more glaring to the eyes, outrageously enticing. However, her opponent was not to be belittled, as his tensely muscled body oozed unparalleled power, black hair cascaded down like a moonless night, beautiful curvature of his face sharp enough to make women bleed, and his frighteningly red eyes shone brighter than the hair of the woman he was facing. Unlike his father, his orbs were bloody red that shone even in the darkest of the night. If one was forced to take a sharp inhale witnessing Seraphina's beauty, then Reyan's appearance made them hold that breath, almost suffocating them entirely. However, that was not entirely due to his outstanding appearance, but more due to his frightening gaze and the blood-chilling intimidation that came from it. There was no way to read his intention, nor his emotions, as the intensity of his eyes washed away everything, leaving only fear and oppression for others to bear. At the moment, very contrary to his whole person, he was holding a delicately folded letter tightly in his calloused hand while staring at the flaming beauty. Very few who were courageous enough to watch the scene were frightened after seeing the neat and feminine handwriting that wrote 'To my dear brother' on the said letter. It was the letter written by the deceased imperial princess Aine...

"Are you cold?" A light childish whisper brought her back from the fear-inducing glare of the man in her memory. Seraphina could see the worry in Aine's pinkish-red orbs, which were far too adorable and innocent compared to her not so much pleasant-to-be-around elder brother. It seemed the little girl was starting to get fidgety from worry and slowly raised her hand, trying to touch the white fox.

Seraphina disliked when people tried to put their hands on her body without her consent and never shied away to make her stance clear by scratching or biting viciously. However, maybe due to the genuine worry, or the untainted innocence that Aine did not have in her previous life, she allowed the little girl's soft hand to caress her fluffy head and chin, purring to the gentleness of the action. Unfortunately, the lovely picture of one little girl and one little fox was shattered instantly when a big burly old man entered the room without care to spare a knock.

Tsk, tsk. It's a miracle that my predecessor cared for this uncultured boorish man, Seraphina criticized the old man disapprovingly for his action of entering a lady's room without a knock. However, her dissatisfaction was not shared with the little girl as Aine's disbelieving exclamation was heard.

"Grand, grandfather?!"

"Mmm. How is your body? No burning up?" Ezekiel's calm voice acknowledged the little girl's call.

Aine's big round eyes were almost bulging out from their sockets when she saw her grandfather, who has always been sick and secluded, standing before her healthy and hearty. As a moment of shock and disbelief went by, her beautiful eyes, which were a few shades lighter than the old man's turned red and misty as big droplets of round tears started cascading down like a broken dawn. She rushed to her grandfather and held his thick leg before bawling her eyes out, completely unveiling her vulnerability, grievance, and broken little heart.

Ezekiel was startled. He assumed that the granddaughter, whom he never really get to spend time with before, would treat him with unfamiliarity, awkwardness, and caution like a familiar stranger. However, it proved wrong to his delight that the child was willing to accept and embrace him, which gave him relief and joy that was new to his monotonous life.

He slowly lifted the crying child and hugged her while patting her tiny back clumsily, which caused the little girl to bawl out even louder and more heart-wrenching.

It took a long while for Aine's cries to turn into short sobs and hiccups. She seemed extremely shy and embarrassed as she simply hid her snot and tear-stricken face in her grandfather's embrace and refused to show her disheveled look.

"Done crying like a baby?" Ezekiel questioned teasingly while walking towards the soft window couch, where Seraphina was watching them amusedly while bathing in the morning sun.

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He sat down and put down his reluctant granddaughter right next to the lazying white fox before continuing,

"It seems you two had already made acquaintances. This lazy fox here is Little Red, and this crybaby is Aine, my granddaughter," he introduced rather insultingly.

The little fox snorted in a response to his rude remarks thinking,

Little Red, my ass. Wait until my father names me, you old fart! Whereas, the lovely blonde girl blushed in humiliation for being called a crybaby at her age.

The imperial elder looked at his blushing grandchild and decided to drop the bomb and said, "Your maid, May, is not here with us. And, she will not be with you in the future as well."

When Ezekiel's blunt words hit her face, the blushing child turned into a serious little adult almost instantly and took a moment to think over his declaration. She looked over at her grandfather calmly before questioning in a small voice asking,

"Is she dead?"

Oh, as expected from a child born in an imperial family.

Seraphina looked at the six-year-old girl thoughtfully and was not surprised to not see any grief or panic.

As expected, how can an abandoned imperial princess be as naive and gullible as an ordinary child? It has already been over a year since May served her 'faithfully' but look at this girl. No grief, no loss, and no reluctance. It seems my understanding of this enemy from my previous life was not wrong. Aine is an observant person who uses her intelligence efficiently. Even though she is just a child now, it did not hinder her from suspecting the unusual kindness that May gave her, and she even managed to hold up against that deceptive woman for well over a year. Truly remarkable.

Seraphina was not the only one who was observing the little girl's reaction. Imperial elder Ezekiel was also looking at her carefully and was gleeful to find this grandchild of his to be a smart little woman, a good seedling to nourish and raise.

At the house of Callenso

Behind a desk filled with neatly stacked paperwork sat a man in his late thirties reading a report brought in by his subordinates. His silver hair was combed backward, leaving few strands to fall onto his full forehead, and his bright golden orbs were shining with entertainment as he rhythmically tapped his slender finger on his desk. His rumbling chuckle erupted inside the silent study, and his deep velvety voice issued a command.

"Gather my brats. We are going to check on my old friend."

Tsk. Tsk. Fooling the whole world into believing he was in his coffin when he was healthy enough to send thoughtful gifts to his son's mistress. Well played, old geezer.

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