Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas

Chapter 15: Training Stephen and Gray

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'___': Thoughts
"__": Speaking

[1249 Words]
(1st Person POV)


"What do you mean by that? Stephen, I can't ever imagine you fighting another person. And Gray, I thought you were a person who just wanted to study. How did you even think to learn how to fight?" I ask them bewildered.

Stephen says," Felix , Both me and Gray saw you in the fight. It was a fight in which against that opponent both of us together couldn't have beaten him. We have realized that fights are really dangerous. If you hadn't been in Byuksan Middle School, then both me and Gray would be helpless against Oswald. Something severe may have happened to me."

Gray says in a shaky voice," I-I may have even lost Stephen. I would have been beaten one-sidely. As you may have known, in PE class, I am not even able to do some basic exercises. I may be able to hold against an average person but if someone has a better physique, then I would have gotten crushed."

"We know you are the best friend we could have asked for. We both don't want to be a burden on you. What if you meet someone who uses us against you? We will not be able to live with our weakness at all." Stephen says in a low voice.

Both of them looks at each other and then looks back at me with resolute determination.

I just start walking rapidly in front of them.

When I don't hear any sound of them walking too, I look back and say to them," What? You don't want to come to Gray's house with me? Doesn't Gray's house has many fighting and training equipment. We can use that for training, you too. You better treat me later for training you."

Both of them then runs towards me with a big smile on their face.

(At Gray's House)

"So, now listen to me properly both of you. Remember that you both are weak, extremely weak. Even that bully Colton who doesn't even dare to look at me will beat both of you the way you are. But, don't worry. That's what I am gonna change in you."

Both of them nods towards me.

"Now, first of all, I have to judge the fighting ability of both of you. For that, you have to spar with me."

Stephen says apprehensively," B-But Felix, you will wreck us both. We have seen how fast you can move and how devastating your punch can be."

"Don't worry, you two. I will not use my full power at all. My dominant hand (right hand) will be at the back. I will just use a ruler to hit you. There is a soft mat beneath us so that you won't suffer any major damage even if I throw you. I will judge your ability to defeat a stronger person than you."

Stephen still has a scared look on his face but he steps on the mat, takes a big breath and has an attacking stance.

'Looks like they are determined to not rely on me and be strong on their own, huh?'

I take the ruler in my hand and point it towards Stephen.

"Come at me!"

Stephen then starts to attack me. He tries to go with the age-old attack - a straight punch.
I just dodge his attack and whack the ruler at his arm.

"Don't go with what the opponent is expecting from you. Don't be straightforward."


"Don't cover your chest with your hands. Cover your face properly. Chin is one of the weakest parts of the human body. Just have enough space between your hands to see your adversary properly."


"Aim for the most vulnerable areas of your foe like chin, groin or nose.


"Keep your body upright. Don't lower your back. If you get knocked down like the idiot you are, then protect your head at all costs. Hits at the head can result in Internal Head Injury."

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"Don't -"


"Make sure to-"
(Half an hour later)


Stephen sitting at the sidelines is gasping for air.

"You devil...How can you be so cruel to your friend? Don't you have even a bit of benignancy for me?"

I reply to him with sarcasm," It's for your good. It's better for you to be beaten here rather than getting beaten black and blue in an alley."

"Now to you Gray, why don't we have a session too?" I say to him with a benevolent smile on my face.

But to Gray, that smile was literally the devil's smile.
(After only 15 minutes of tortu- teaching Gray)


"C'mon Gray, I knew you were bad with physical activities. But this bad? Unbelievable."

I look at them both sitting on the bench with a sweaty bodies.

"The key thing here is not to only remember all the details but to use it in a brawl. The main thing is to have a calm and cool head. Don't get triggered by the opponent. Make them lose their cool, not relinquish your cool.
I know that both of you can stay calm in a real fight."

"Now, let me tell you individually your strong points. Stephen, you don't have a proper physique but you have a knack for picking up techniques rapidly. You were able to instil most of my advice in your style. You have an above-average reach which you can use to your advantage easily. You also have long legs which can allow you to beat your hostile from a distance. Maybe for legs, you can ask Gerard Jin to help you. I heard he uses his legs in a fight. You just need to practice regularly and try to have a good body."

"Now to you Gray, you have really pitiful physical specs. You can't even manage a solid punch on me even in my low ability. You have a below-average physique. But you have an outstanding talent in grasping your opponent's actions. You can predict your opponent's attacks.

You have to try as fast as you can to at least reach an average physique. You also have an excellent awareness of your surroundings. You can use your environment to your advantage. Remember, there is nothing dirty in a street fight. Either you win or you lose. You can also carry a weapon like a pen to stab them in a place that will not lead to a fatal condition."

I track my brain to a bit if there is anything else left to tell.

'Hmm... Looks like I have told them most of the important details.'

"Anyway, that's it for you. You can just call me and I will come to help you if you need anything."

Both Stephen and Gray nods towards me and have a contemplating expression on their faces.


Though Felix is training Gray and Stephen in this place, another person is brewing trouble for him in a different place...

"Just like you said, I am still testing waters, looking for my chance. But a few fu**ers are weighing on my mind..." Phillip Kim said.

Teddy Jin asked back," And who might they be? If they are some small fries, we could do you the favor, Haha."

"Haha, then I will be giving them to you. Make sure to beat them entirely and humiliate that fu**er. His name is F-"

(End of the Chapter)

If you have any questions, you are free to ask them from me.

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