Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas

Chapter 16: Massacre?!

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'___': Thoughts
"__": Speaking

[1183 Words]
(1st Person POV)

"Haha, that fight between both of you was so good to watch. I was wheezing at the end. Oh, Gray, you got so trashed by Stephen's attacks. And it was so fun to watch Gray tripping Stephen three times. You know, we should hold these matches every week."

Both Stephen and Gray are mortified to watch their friend laughing at their beatdown.

All three of us were just walking around the school during the lunch break. Just then, something wet splashes onto my head. I look at the liquid and recognize it as cola.

"Huh? What did anyone dump it onto my head?"

I glance above and see a blond guy with a bob cut sneering at me.

'Who is this dipshit? And why did he do this? Surely, he must have known about me defeating that Colton and sending him to the hospital?' I squinted my eyes at him intensely.

He said mocking me," Ayo- Class Five, Champ. What's with the intensity in your eyes? Can't believe that a loser like you is no. 1 of that class."

"Hey! I heard that you are an absolute warrior. Defeated Colton in one punch, huh? Better stop acting cocky at defeating a pushover like him. Cause I might just kill you."

Then suddenly the bell rang and he jeered at me again before shutting the window.

Stephen looked at me with concern and wiped my head and hair with his handkerchief. He said," Oh, Felix. Are you fine?"

"Hehehehehehe" I started laughing hysterically.

"Stephen, do you know if underage people can get punished by the law for beating someone to near-death?"I said to him with a crazed smile on my face.

"Felix, don't do that! You can fight him but don't beat him to near-death. School might raise an issue with us and also expel you." Stephen said in a frantic voice.

"Don't worry Stephen. I will dispose of his body later without anyone knowing." I said in a straight voice.

"Haha...Nice joke, Felix...It was a joke right?"Stephen asked in a nervous voice.

I don't reply to him and just walk towards the washroom to clean myself up.

" Hey, Felix! Don't do anything severe to him Please, I beg you!" Stephen shouted behind me.

(In the Classroom)

'Goddamn it. I am so wet. I am gonna murder him when I visit him next.'

I sat on my seat and look around to see no teacher currently there.

I look at the guy who is sitting beside Gray. He seemed to know about the delinquents in this school.

"Hey, you! Your name is Eugene, right?"

He replied in a trembling voice, "Y-Yeah"

"Can you tell me about the guy with blond hair and a bob cut? A bully in some class?"

"Oh, he is Teddy Jin. He is an insane maniac. He conquered Seong-Il Middle School. He is a person who takes pleasure by seeing his victim under slow pain."

"Oh, what class he is in?"

"He is in class one."

"Wow! Thank you, Eugene. From now on, whenever I want to know something about delinquents. I will come to you. You are fine with that, right?"


He spoke in a giddy voice.

'Just let this class end. Teddy Jin won't know what hit him.'

(After the class)

"Phew...Hey, Gray, Stephen you guys wanna come to see me fight Teddy Jin." I asked them so that they may gain some experience.

Stephen questioned with confusion on his face," Who is Teddy Jin?"

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"That blond-haired dude who threw coke on my head in the lunch break."

"Oh, that guy. Why not? Just don't go overboard with your fighting."

"Of course, Stephen. Have you ever seen me go overboard while fighting?"

"No, the real question is have I ever seen you not go overboard while fighting." He said in a deadpan voice.

Gray also followed us on my way to class 1.

(3rd Person POV)

Class 1 was boisterous. Teddy Jin was currently tormenting one of the students in his class.

Just then, the door of the class opens and Felix steps through it.

Teddy Jin gazed at Felix walking towards him, "You fu**er, how are you here in this class, huh?"

Felix said," Let's fight." while readying his stance.

"Haha, you think you can defeat me, huh? Are you this delusional after beating Colton?"

Out of nowhere, Felix started punching Teddy on his face.

*Whack* *Pow* *Whack*

Noises of a beating were heard throughout the classroom.

Teddy tries to strike back on Felix. But Felix just swerved around it. Then by mixing a feint that he was going for Teddy's head a big liver punch was utilized.

The eyes in Teddy's skull rolls back due to the extreme pain. He slumps down on the floor.

"What? You idiot? You were challenging me with just that much amount of ability, huh? Are you this weak?" I said to him who was pathetically lying on the floor.

I hold him up by his hair and slap him a decent couple of times on his face.

"Hey? Wake up, you idiot."

His eyes opened and he started to see his bad situations. He could see his friend Chad Jang cowering in the background, not to be seen by Felix. He could see Phillip Kim, not reacting at all to his defeat except a surprised look.

"Hey, eyes on me. Do you know how much I thought you will be able to give a good fight to me...but nope, you just folded in front of me without me doing much? Where is all that bravado now, huh?"I asked in a scathing voice?

He replied in a quiet voice," I am sorry."

"You stupid fool, do you think that everything gets sorted out when someone says sorry. You were acting as if you will kill me if you meet me."

"I was wrong. I won't do that again."


"You better remember this beating...Gray, give me the thing I asked you to bring."

Gray handed Felix a coke bottle.

"You like coke, don't you? I brought this for you. While saying that, Felix poured the coke on Teddy's body.

After that, he looked around and saw a lot of people. He went towards Chad Jang and also gave him a beating while he said," You were with him, weren't you? You goddamn snake, leaving your supposed friend behind and tormenting other people? I hate leeches like you."

After the beating, Felix wiped the blood off his hands and walked out of the classroom.

It was a message... A powerful message on not to mess with Felix to Class 1...

(After school)

(In the pool room)

"Ben, that fu**er isn't by your side, huh? On my-, can you even call yourself a man acting like that? I dare you to act up like last time, you pu**y."
"Tell Ben Park himself, that I will be coming for him soon," Jimmy said in a threatening voice before leaving.

(End of the Chapter)

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