Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas

Chapter 7: My Debut Fight

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'____': Thoughts
"___": Speaking

[1952 Words]
(1st Person POV)

I saw Oswald and his little gang entering through the door.

Just like always, he comes whenever he wants and the teachers don't even react to him coming late.

When I came a bit late, (I was training in the morning and lost my sense of time.) my homeroom teacher looked at me as if I killed his puppy.

Would have probably hit me with his stick, god knows where he gets from...

But thankfully, the Vice President ( the guy with a couple of gold teeth) called him. I thanked lady luck that day.

Anyway, I listened to their conversation, they were talking about some fight. Why is Bryce with those people?

I tried to ask Gray and Stephen a week ago, but both of them didn't know why he had started to drift away from their company.

Oswald said in his irritating voice, "Ho- That's what I like. I love my quiet classroom. Oh? But who is that fu**er over there...?"

I wonder who he is talking about.

Oswald says, "You are not supposed to study in this classroom. Not go to fu**ing dreamland, am I right? Man, you can't be doing this-?I should give him a wake-up call."

'Wait, sleep? The only person who is sleeping right now is Stephen, so...'

At that moment everything clicked in my mind, the bruises on Stephen's face, his painful expression and his confusing advice.
I deduced everything that must have happened.

'So, Bryce Oh, that ball of inferiority, to feed his ego whispered bad things regarding Stephen to see his downfall with the hand of Oswald.'

I got very angry and enraged at that.

Anger at that egoistic Bryce...
Anger at that bully Oswald.....
Anger at Stephen to try hiding his pain from his friends...

But I stopped and thought properly...

'I still have not got proper knowledge about the situation in this world. I shouldn't make hasty moves.'

But Stephen's painful expression flashed in front of my eyes...

'Ah, fu** it. He helped me settle in this world. I am helping him in return. As a wise man once said, live in the present. Leave the future to the future you.'

'Looks like time to get some fighting experience under my belt.'

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oswald came and pulled Stephen's chair from under him and started to taunt him.

Stephen looked pale and asked in a scared voice, " What do you want? "

Oswald in response brought his hand back to strike him in the face.

I jumped up from my chair and grasped his hand from behind.

I glared at him threateningly and asked " What are you doing to him, huh?"

Stephen replied before Oswald with worry written on his face," No, Felix. Didn't I request you to not interfere?. Please!"

Felix said with a firm voice, "No, Stephen. I think we have at least become friends over the time we have interacted. And friends don't betray each other."

Oswald interrupted in between and said in a threatening voice, "Who do you think you are touching? Do you know that my father is the city representative? He can expel you with just a phone call. "
After saying his young master speech, he swung his arm at me.
Due to the numerous exercises that I have been doing regularly, my second ability has become much more usable and adaptable. I have also practised shadow boxing and dodging in my free time.

I dodged it cleanly with a smirk on my face and then I goaded him by saying in a pitying tone," C'mon, Stephen. You should exercise more. Why weren't you able to beat up this stupid excuse of a fighter, huh?".

Oswald grimaced and scrunched up his face in fury and rage. Both of his no named goons rushed at me while shouting. I backed up and easily dodged all of their pitiful strikes.

I readied myself in a boxing stance which I have practised daily.

'Now, it is time for you guys to know how it feels to be bullied.'

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
(Other Students POV)[3rd Person]

Oswald Yang...

A student whose father is their city representative...

A bully who hits and extorts them regularly...

A person who made their everyday lives hell..... is now getting beat up by the new transfer student, Felix Shin.

After Felix readied his boxing stance, his eyes were focused. We couldn't see how his punches landed on them as his fist strikes were a whirlwind.
After the first strike, we knew that this person was in a different world than us. His opponents also realized the wide gap between their fighting ability.

Oswald's two cronies were on the ground after some strikes. Even after seeing them on the ground, Oswald shook off his fear and charged at Felix blindly as a bull rushes after a red flag waving in front of it.

Us and Felix, both knew that if we go against Oswald and hit him. It could lead to their downfall in their life and they may never gain an opportunity to reach their dreams.

This was the reason why we never rebelled against the tyranny of Oswald...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
(1st Person POV)

'Hmm...This seems easy. Is the standard of the antagonists so low in this world? No, I shouldn't judge the level of this world by only my first fight. Maybe the real antagonists will come in high school.'

After a few strikes, both of the goons are on the ground. They couldn't even speak. I punched and uppercut both of them in their chin and jaw.

Oswald blindly rushed toward me.

I just punched at his face and kept my distance, I don't even have to dodge. My hand's reach is bigger than his reach. I just hit him repeatedly by striking whenever he loses his focus.
Oswald's face becomes bloody soon and swelling can be seen on his face. I heard Oswald say with difficulty," Shtop...Pleyse Shtop... I wohnt hit Shtepen agan."

"Apologize to him", I ordered him.

He turned toward Stephen and muttered a sorry under his breath.

"Apologize on your knees"

The rage due to the humiliation can be seen on his face but he still followed my order and muttered sorry again.

I said to him in a mocking tone, " I couldn't hear you say that. Can you repeat it again?"

I then heard him apologize in a loud voice almost as if he is shouting, " I am sowwy!!!" then he started to cry and sniffle like a baby.

Now I turned towards Bryce who was shell-shocked by the downfall of his superiors.

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He is frozen in his place and was not able to comprehend this whole situation.

I grabbed his collar tightly and slapped him in his face repeatedly.

"You know, I hate these type of people who bully others and thinks that they are much superior. Anyway, they at least have the power or influence to act like that, but I hate people like you more who backstab their friends and are opportunistic to their core."

For some time, only the sound of slapping could be heard continuously in the class.

"Apologize to Stephen for hurting him physically as well as mentally."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he started saying sorry repeatedly like a broken recorder.

"Enough, I don't want to listen to your annoying voice more. Give me your phone and show me what you were laughing and doing something on your phone while looking at Stephen, Gray and me eating lunch. "

He gave his phone with trembling hands while saying " In the chat group.."

I switch on the phone and open the chat group...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Class Group [3-4]

Bryce Oh: Lololololol
Made this group chat for better communication with the classmates. Lol

Oswald Yang: I see you reading this shit, so fking say something. Lol.

Elijah Kim: I like it I like it

Samuel Bae: Yup

Bryce Oh: FYI , this group chat's existence is a secret to Stephen Ahn , Gray Yeon and Felix Shin... Haha

Wesley Song: Lmao

Elijah Kim: That's funny AF man.

James Wong: I can understand regarding Gray Yeon and Stephen Ahn but why Felix Shin? (A/N - Only OC character in this chat)

Bryce Oh: Oh, that little shit Felix has also become friends with these two.

{Picture of Stephen, Gray and Felix walking together after school.}

Fu**ing sus ass, creeps

Joseph Hu: What is going on between these three?

Jacob Lee: Hahahahahaha...

Noah Son: These freaks man The atmosphere between them is suspicious AF

Chandler Lee: Don't tell me it is what it is?

Henry Jung: That is Fu**ing disgusting. Dude I am about to yak, srsly. (A/N - What's yak? Does this mean puke?)
Wesley Song: And what about when he was running around like an idiot with his tape, putting up posters?

Bryce Oh: I swear I wanted to spin his jaw, FAM, FR, Hahahhahahahah

Liam Lee: And the fu**ing safety pin on his pants. He thinks he's cool with that shit...Lololol.

Samuel Bae: So Oswald Yang had to serve up some justice for him?

Liam Lee: That fu**er Stephen Ahn may pose like he's some saint, donating to class and shit but he's only doing that for his student records.

Lucas Sung: Pretty sure he lives in a rented apartment.

Melvin Min: I hate these fu**ing bottom dwellers trying to come up - Fake ass motherfu**ers
Oswald Yang: I decided to stay peaceful for a while.

Wesley Song: Oswald's such a gentleman

Oswald Yang: You like that? Lol
Then who has some smokes, in the spirit of it.

Samuel Bae: Me

Elijah Kim: Me

James Kim: Me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'These disgusting people.'

I looked at them and said in a nauseating voice," You disgust me. Even worms are useful to society. But you people are just a burden on Earth. The worth of 1000 of you people will not be able to match against the worth of Stephen. You guys better delete everything related to that chat."

All of the students under fear and pressure fumbled for their phones and tried to erase any existence of that group chat.

"And you Bryce...If I ever see you again bullying anyone or taking advantage of anyone. You better know that your situation after my beating will be worse than your current situation. Remember my words. Now get the hell away from here !!! ."

He nodded his head and ran away with his tail between his legs. Oswald Yang and his goons also slinked away which they may have thought they were doing sneakily but I was aware of their escapade.

I wiped my hands with my handkerchief and faced Stephen who is still shocked by I don't know what.

I helped him up from the floor and he asked, " So we are friends? "

" Yeah, we are. You got any objections? "

"No, not at all." Then he muttered a grateful thank you to me.

Just then Gray entered and rushed towards us as he started to question us, " What happened to you? Why were Oswald and Bryce covered in blood? "

I explained the situation to him and a plethora of emotions emerged on his face.

He mumbled a 'Thank You ' in the part where I helped Stephen. He glared at the students when he heard about the group chat. He almost flipped over when he heard how Bryce stabbed them in the back.

I calmed him down and say that there will be no more problems for us. They are now scared of me and can't do anything to hurt us.

Oh, how wrong was I...

(End of the Chapter)
Phew, I guess the chapter ended at a good part.
I wanted to do an epic fight but a fight that involves a scrub and a really powerful person is not a fight. It is a massacre.
I will try to write better fights later on in the story.
If you have any questions, you are free to ask them.

In what regard do you think Felix was wrong?

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