Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas

Chapter 8: Aftermath of the Fight

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'_____' - Thoughts
"____" - Speaking

[1250 Words]
(1st Person POV)

"What?!?!? But why? Why are you expelling the three of us from this school? I just transferred here last month. How can you do this to Gray and Stephen too? Both of them were just bystanders. If you want to blame someone for assault, then blame me."

Stephen and Gray beside me attempted to calm me down.

The cowardly principal with sweat trickling down his face wiped his forehead with his handkerchief and answered," The victims are informing that they were assaulted by you three students and there are several witnesses too which can support their statement. We are a reputable school and according to our guidelines, any assault done on the school premises will be considered unforgivable. Testimony for the assault is needed from at least three witnesses. The punishment to the perpetrator may range from suspension to permanent expulsion and will be decided on the severity of the assault."

"What kind of bullshit? Did you think that I did not read the school guidelines and rules? There was no mention of this clause in there."

He gave me a toothy smirk and said," Yes, there was. You should have read the updated guidelines. "

I just threw my hand in the air due to frustration caused by this old geezer.

I seethed at him with anger, and said in a threatening voice, "I know, you must have been bribed by that city representative. What if I report this to some news channel and the whole nation gets to know that one of the top science middle schools are taking bribes? What will you do then?"

"You can't. All the major news channels will deny broadcasting this news in fear of offending the city representative." He replied me with confidence.

'Haaa... Of course, I knew that this geezer was sharp. How could a school become one of the top science middle schools if its principal is not competent at all? I should have just beaten those dipshits so much that it would give them PTSD and they would jump a bit at the slightest mention of my name. They wouldn't even have the courage to report me.'
(A/N - PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it.)

I glared at the faces of both the principal and the vice-principal.

'Both greedy pieces of shit.....'

I stand up from the sofa and then go through the door.

Stephen and Gray both follow me. All three of us walk towards the gate of the school without saying a word.

We spot a bench and sit on it. We just sit in silence for some time.

I break this silence and say apologetically," Sorry, due to my actions both of you were also roped in."

Stephen replies," Haha. Why do you have to worry about me getting expelled from the school? You know that I am not that much interested in my education anyway. There are hundreds of schools out there"

I have a bitter smile on my face when I ask," Gray, what about you? Weren't you the person who used to study every day?"

Stephen replies instead of Gray," Oh, you don't have to worry about him. He just wants to study to fill his 'emptiness'. He told me."

I feel a bit confused, " What sort of emptiness? "

Gray has a slight blush on his face due to maybe embarrassment, he stammers a bit and says," T-That was just something that I spoke about without thinking too much. "

Stephen catches on to his fluster and teases him for a bit.

After Stephen had his fill of laughing and teasing Gray, I ask them, " Are both of you Ok? I mean, one of your friends Bryce just backstabbed you today."

Gray has a smile that is full of self-mockery and says," I saw many signs which showed that Bryce has a lot of ego and he was jealous of Stephen. I just chose to turn myself away from reality and live in my delusions. "

Stephen also says that he already came to terms with Bryce's betrayal after the night he was beaten up.

After a bit, Stephen in his usual cheery voice says, "Why don't we go to Gray's house and play PX4 there?"
(A/N - PS4 is mentioned in the form of PX4 in the webtoon.)

Gray agrees with a nod and both of them look towards me.

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I agree with that proposal with a smile.

(Gray's House)

Wow, Gray's house is pretty luxurious and big.

I ask Gray," Will your parents mind if we come unannounced?"

Gray replies in an annoyed voice, "No, they are not usually here and even if they were, they won't care about their son's friends."

Stephen gives me a sign by shaking his head vigorously that I touched a sore point for Gray.

We enter the house and then settle on the ground with a mat.

I ask," What are we playing?"

Gray shows me a manual which has 'Tekken' written on it in bold words.

"Uh, but guys. I don't know how to play it."

Stephen looks at me and says," Just see me and Gray play first, then you can play after you know some combos. You can also look through the manual."

I open the very big manual and skim through it.

After the round which Gray wins easily.
Stephen whines a bit about how Gray just basically cheats by remembering all the combos.
He gives me the console says with a mischievous smile that he will now enjoy someone else losing to Gray.

I take the console, get a bit of a feel of it and then the round starts... I just press the buttons at random and hope that those just make a combo.
After my huge loss, I hand the console back to Stephen who is still laughing at me for being this bad at playing games.

While I am watching the round, I realize that Gray has great observational skills. He analyses what his opponent is gonna do and does the exact counter of it.
'Wait a minute, I just got an epiphany...
What if he goes against a person who can observe 1000 times faster than him? It will be a landslide defeat for Gray.'

I go through the manual and remember all the basic buttons and a couple of beginner combos.
Before the round starts, I activate my first ability and then start playing...
When I open my eyes, I feel like I can observe every single pixel on the TV Screen. I focus on my opponent properly and can see his every move that he will be performing soon...
'Upper Cut, Dodge, Juggle, One-Two, Upper Again, Link, Shield, Rage Uppercut'

I can see him doing these moves, so I employ the exact counter of it. Not surprisingly at all, he is not able to attack my avatar at all. I smile and keep draining all of his health.

Both Stephen and Gray are shocked at how I can combat Gray's moves at just my second try...

Though this doesn't keep up for long, soon my ability stops and I lose the rounds later on.

Stephen attributes it to beginner's luck and laments the fact that he did not get this sort of luck when he was playing with Gray. We play for hours and then have dinner together.

After that, I go towards my own house and just drop myself on my bed and sleep.

What an eventful and hectic day it was...

(End of the Chapter)

So yeah. All three of them have been expelled and they may have to face some difficulties in joining another school.

Also if there are any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, you are free to inform me.

I would really appreciate some feedback on my fanfic. Are there any parts I have to work on? Is it too fast-paced or slow-paced?

Also, should I put some more of these interactions between people to bring life to these characters?

You can find story with these keywords: Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas, Read Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas, Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas novel, Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas book, Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas story, Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas full, Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas Latest Chapter

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