Multiverse Simulator

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 



By: Child of Fate 





*Poke* *Poke* 

Getting annoyed by the constant disturbance by a baby spirit beast, whose small scales looked like mirrors, the slime decided to change its sleeping place again.

This time it dived into the water of the fountain, which was situated in the middle of the garden of the floating castle inside the shared Spiritual Sea of Izumi and Qingyue.

An otherworldly beauty sat under the shade of one of the trees of the garden. Ignoring the age appearance that happens whenever she enters the Spiritual Sea, she closed her eyes and tried to use the Heart Separation Control Technique for the first time.

And soon enough she broke through many realms and reached the Seven Aperture Exquisite Heart, the known peak level of this technique. 

“As expected, this thing will help me a lot in the future…” 

The beauty said while smiling and touching her heart where her Heart of Snow Glazed Glass was situated. The same body constitution helped her comprehend Heart Separation Control Technique easily. 

It is the secret technique of Seven Treasured Glazed Tile Clan which helps the user to control multiple spirit abilities at once. After reaching the peak of this technique, Xia Qingyue decided to see if she can make eighth, ninth, or more levels of this technique.

Knowing well her profound and divine cultivation techniques were not working properly due to the lack of ‘profound way’ and ‘divine way’, she got confused when she started to cultivate spirit energy in an unknown way subconsciously.

This unknown cultivation technique helped her increase her rank easily while enlightening her about her martial spirits, which is only possible when one reaches Spirit Sage or Spirit Douluo.

“Hmm. So it is like an equivalent exchange huh?” 

A boy with black hair tied by a band, wearing informal clothes said as he suddenly appeared in the shared Spiritual Sea. 

Izumi was a little surprised when he found out that his dear sister was cultivating by his method which he wanted to teach her in the future as a surprise.

But after going through a lot of guesses, he concluded that this shared Spiritual Sea exchanges things between him and her of equal value as their bond for each other deepens.

Like how his cultivation technique of energy is exchanged for her comprehensive and Heart of Snow Glazed Glass's truth-seeking ability. 

And knowing well enough that their bond will deepen more in the future, Izumi won't doubt they both will be able to share their memories of their past lives on consent.

“Qingyue, don't you think we should take full advantage of this shared place?”

Not understanding what Izumi wanted, Qingyue tilted her head a little confusingly. But soon enough a strange glint passed through her eyes as she remembered how her brother did little spars with her in the orphanage.

“You mean…we can spar here without any recuperations..?” 

“Well, I don't know what side effects it might cause. But there is no harm in trying it once right?”






Swords clashed fiercely. 

One was made of ice while the other was black. 

Their owners fought each other through their swords, minds, and bodies.

While one had acquired battle experiences through great battles the latter was well-versed in sword skills.

Even though Izumi knew only the basic stances of swordplay, he was able to flexibly find weaknesses in the attacks of his twin using everything to his advantage. 

Manipulating fire from the left hand and defending himself while swinging his single-handed black sword, Izumi's battle intent never decreased in the battle.

Getting annoyed at how her ice attacks which were hidden in many of her sword attacks vanished when reached near him due to unknown reasons, Xia Qingyue poured all her spiritual power into the Heart Separation Control Technique to manipulate ice attacks of different shapes to trap Izumi and make an opportunity to attack in his ever-changing stance.

Anti-Magic. The trait which helped him negate elemental and complex magics against him in the Aeaea World. But he lost this trait when he was reborn in this world. 

The same ability he regained as his first spirit ring ability. But this time it allows him to devour or negate or parry any spirit-based ring ability against him. And as his spirit ring is ten years old, it requires a minuscule level of spirit power and spiritual power to activate and manipulate it freely around his surroundings to escape from traps and ice attacks from Qingyue.

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But what frustrated him the most was her control of the ice. Every type of fire attack which he tried to integrate into his sword style was brutally destroyed by Xia Qingyue. His fire attacks just vanish whenever they reach a certain distance away from her. 

Suddenly seven large ice walls of seven feet surrounded him while a large ice fog was spread everywhere. 

Feeling a layer of frost forming on his body, Izumi circulated Phoenix fire around his body in a thin layer while blocking sword attacks that were aimed at his heart. 

Clearing the fog with a wave of his sword, he faced seven Qingyue looking at him. Surprised at her level of control of ice, Izumi increased the ferocity of his Phoenix fire in the battle.

Xia Qingyue had a grin on her face as she realized how much experience she was gaining from this battle. 

After using the unknown cultivation, she was able to use spirit power according to her previous life techniques. So she started to attack Izumi with Frozen End Divine Art's first-third stage which got destroyed by him in one attack of his Phoenix fire. 

Knowing well that she can't use higher stages of Frozen End Divine Arts, as they require a large amount of spirit power which she currently didn't have, she showed the first spirit ring ability of her Mirror of Samsara.

Sixth sense. One skill that was ingrained in his soul and he didn't forget even after the rebirth. And this time the same skill helped Izumi to dodge the sword aimed at his neck in the middle of the ice blizzard formed by Xia Qingyue. 

Calming his heart and adding the new attack or skill known by Qingyue in his mind, Izumi was trying to think of possibilities of what this spirit ring ability of hers does. 

“Your Hand, Brother!!”

Qingyue shouted as she threw her sword made up of ice and came near his left shoulder and looked at the place where once his left hand was. 

“I'm s-sorry. What sho-ould I do-o?” 

Qingyue panicked looking at his missing left arm and regretting not controlling her strike. Not knowing what to do in this situation, she started to manipulate and pour ice to handle the bleeding.

“Wait. Don't do anything. Don't panic. Remember this is my spiritual body, not my physical one. And see this, Phoenix's regeneration is not a joke.”

Izumi tried to calm her panic as he showed the passive regeneration of the Fire Phoenix and reminded her that this is a spiritual world and not real.

“Does it hurt?” 

She asked after calming her heart and inwardly was embarrassed for forgetting that this is a spiritual world.

“Well, this was not the first I was experiencing a missing limb in a battle, so I thought we were gonna continue the battle-”

He stopped talking when he noticed her glaring intensity increasing at him. Instead, he looked at part of the forest where they had the spar to escape from her intense glare.

Iced and charred wood remained in their surroundings. Knowing well everything will regrow once more he was happy to know that he won't lack a sparring place.

“Passive regeneration of wounds and the destruction ability of the fire. These both are known passive abilities of my Fire Phoenix Spirit.”

Izumi quietly mentioned as he remembered how worried and panicked she got at his wound. 

Not to be left out, Xia Qingyue also mentioned the passive abilities of her Ice Phoenix Spirit.

“Passive regeneration of stamina and great control over the ice element.”

“Your spirit ring ability could negate my ice attacks, right?” Qingyue inquired.

“Yes. I mean at Ten years old it can negate or absorb or even change the direction of spirit or elemental attacks. But it will take more consumption if I had attacks from Spirit Ancestors or above.”

Izumi said as he disregarded the attacks from Spirit Masters, Spirit Grandmasters, and Spirit Elders. This didn't go unnoticed by Qingyue's eyes.

Chuckling at his antics, she explained how she obtained her first spirit ring, her new sister, and her new life in the new clan.

Similar to her, Izumi also mentioned a few things about his Master and the things he experienced till now.






A/N : Just got released from hospital (was admitted due to dengue). Got more new ideas for new fanfics.




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