Multiverse Simulator

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 



By: Child of Fate 






Ma Honjun / Izumi's POV 


It is growing.

My spirit ring is growing or should I say aging? I can feel the process through my spiritual power. Sapphire (my slime) is growing by ×12 times. 

It ages by 12 days when a day is passed outside. Same situation is with Jing Jing (Ice mirror beast of Xia Qingyue). He is also growing by ×12 times.

The time dilution is directly related to the spirit rank of mine and Qingyue. But this time dilution only affects the aging process of spirit souls, not the actual time inside experienced by me and Qingyue in the shared spiritual sea.

The soul power required to activate or maintain my first spirit ring will also decrease as Sapphire reaches the hundred years old. 

But I really need to stop holding back myself. In the previous spar, I didn't use magic circles of Aeaea World and my formation techniques. No, I didn't forget how to use those, I just wanted to improve my control over Phoenix fire increase and gain a deeper comprehension of it. 

But Qingyue also held back herself. Even though I don't know how she lived in her past life, if my knowledge of ATG is not correct, she never used higher stages of Frozen Cloud Arts or the Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon. Even her first spirit ring ability was enough to defeat me if I wasn't born with my Sixth sense skill. 

Similar to me, Jing Jing, her first spirit ring's beast, was baptised by blue coloured fire and transformed into a baby spirit beast of Ice Mirror beast species. 

Her first spirit ring allowed her to copy and store any three spirit abilities and use it anytime. Well, she could use spirit abilities according to her spirit power or spiritual power reserves. Currently her first slot of the spirit ability is filled with Mystic Ice Replacement which allowed her to swap places with any Ice structure with her, she copied the skill from a spirit beast of Extreme North. The second slot is filled with Traceless Mode, which vanishes her whole presence, sense and life signs from her opponent's mind. 

With only two slots filled she was able to defeat me. But sure enough, when we had a spar again in which I was able to bring a tie using my Phoenix fire and first spirit ability. 

With these continuous spars we were able to find weakness in each other's spirit ring abilities and tried to overcome it slowly.

And when I returned to my physical body, no physical injuries were found. Just felt a little exhausted mentally and took a nap to recover.

When I woke up, I found myself in the lap of my master. The soft texture of the cloth and the heavenly view of her bosoms just made me close my eyes again to continue my nap in those heavenly thighs.

But sure enough, I felt pain in my ears as I found my master twisting my ear to destroy my sleep.

“You undisciplined disciple! I think you need a few punishments to learn how strict your master is.”

I moved up and sat on the bed while looking towards her. I tried to distract her.

“Master, what was that spirit beast which you slayed? It had some type of spatial ability right?” I asked curiously.

Even the encyclopedia of spirit beasts didn't mention that worm type of spirit beast. The only thing I got to know about it was that its species lived in a symbiotic relationship with Sapphire's species and teleported them whenever the slimes found itself in danger.

“Well, I also don't know much about it. But yes, it had spatial affinity, which gave me a good spirit ring ability. Want to see?” She asked.

As I nodded my head, I felt very warm inside my heart. Even though we were master-disciple for a few days, she had put enough trust in me to show her spirit abilities to me. Because in this world, to kill a spirit master one needs to know all the weaknesses of the spirit abilities of the spirit master. So master showing me her spirit ability is like she is trusting me enough that I won't betray her in future.

With a wave of her hand, she took all my bags which mostly had my clothes given to me by her, inside her storage ring. Then she pointed her left hand at the door of the room and moved her right hand in circular motion while her martial spirit, wishful ring, which had one yellow, three purple and three black rings moved around it. 

The wishful ring in her finger came out in front of us and enlarged enough that two people could pass through it. But what shocked me was that the other side of the ring was the office of my master of Heaven Dou city.

“Teleportation. My seventh ring ability. But distance and how much time it takes to form the portal depends on the expenditure of my spirit power. So let's go?” She said as she chuckled at my shocked face.

So the worm she killed can be considered a space worm? But this movement of her hands is similar to opening portals by sling ring by the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj in the Marvel universe?

“Master, were those hand movements necessary to activate your spirit skill?”

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“...No. I just wanted to look a little cool in front of my disciple.” She said in a small voice while walking past the portal and making her back face me.

But if my eyes are clear then her red ears mean she is embarrassed. Even my master has her own cute moments and I'm going to remember it forever.






Xiao Wu's POV 



That's how my life has been after I ran away from that hellish place. But I doubt my mom would allow me to run away so easily. So that only concludes that I'm allowed to experience the human world.

Even though I feel freedom in this new environment, I feel the fear of my secret being known to someone. The fear of a Titled Duoluo sensing my presence and coming towards me to kill me. Fear of someone using me against my mother.

But looking at the peaceful town far away from those powerhouses of the continent erases all those fears. I mean who could come at this remote academy to hunt a human transformed weak spirit beast with only two spirit rings formed. 

I even found a toy and made a few subordinates to live my life filled with righteousness and chivalry. 

“Boss Wu, we brought this month's tribute.”

In this Nuoding Academy only my rule is allowed, even those so called seniors faced defeat when fought against by the combined forces of me and my toy.

“Give me one fourth and divide the remaining among the working students.”

Just like how a king takes taxes from its citizens, I also took taxes from noble kids and give it to poor working students who do my share of work and gets protection from me whenever they are bullied.

“And what about Tang San's shares?”

“Don't worry about it. He doesn't need them. He gets all his necessities from his master. You don't need to worry about his share.”

I dismissed my subordinate as I cleared the seed of chaos planted in his mind by a few rebellious students. Humph. Do those snot faced brats think they can start a fight between me and my toy, Tang San? I already prepared a lot of contingencies for it before becoming the boss of all students.

But what teacher Dong said is correct. Controlling chivalrous and prideful people is the easiest. Even though it was hard, I was able to make myself a place in that Tang San's close friend circle. Not using special techniques taught by Teacher Dong to handicap myself in every fight against him, I endured defeat and let him think he was stronger to get his guard down near me. 

With just a few emotional words at his weakest moment I was able to find his secret. After promising to become his sworn sister which I managed to do with my world breaking acting skills, I found his deadly secrets which might shock the whole continent. 

Tang San had knowledge of another world. If not, how could he make deadly weapons never found in the Douluo continent? He thought he could fool me, but he never knew how much my mom stuck the theoretical knowledge of the whole Douluo continent in my head. 

Silent Sleeve Dart he called his hidden weapon which he gifted to me. And he calls this hidden weapon of the lowest tier. Just thinking about the highest tier hidden weapons gave me chills. 

From that moment onwards I decided to control this seed of chaos which could shake the Duoluo world. So chanting the teachings of Teacher Dong, I decided to do whatever in my means to take all the unknown knowledge from him. 

Looking at his far away figure coming in my direction with a goofy smile on his face, a threatening thought went through my mind.

Oh Tang San. Just don't become my enemy in future because if you become, then the first one to destroy your life and make Titled Duoluos chase for your life will be me and you never doubt me of betraying you. 






A/N: In my fic, Xiao Wu is not naive or cheerful, but manipulative and clever due to her upbringing.






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