Multiverse Simulator

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 



By: Child of Fate 





In a peaceful courtyard, a boy played flute while sitting on one of the branches of the tree. He was eight years old and wore hanfu clothes in a combination of white and black colour. 

The serene music played by the boy attracted small birds who chirped and drank little water from the small pond in the courtyard. 

He lowered the tone of music and ended it as he sensed a person coming towards his courtyard. Putting the flute in his belt, he jumped from the branch lightly and landed down.

A thin man walked inside the courtyard and bowed his head to the boy while greeting him. The boy also greeted back while waiting for the news carried by the messenger.

“Young Master, Mistress told me you passed the exam with full marks this time and can return to Heaven Dou City. She also told you to pack all of your belongings for an unknown reason.” 

Forming a large grin on his face, the boy replied,“ Thank you for passing the message.”

The messenger bowed and left the courtyard to complete his other mission of the day.

The boy with a large smile started to pack all his belongings. Yes, he is Izumi and also known as Ma Hongjun in this world.

After getting his first spirit ring, his master started to give lectures on music, calligraphy, chess and many more subjects every day to him. But he surprised her as he managed to reach mastery level in all the four great arts and subjects taught by her which took her four years to reach. 

He chuckled as he remembered how disappointed she was when he said his favourite musical instrument was flute and liked playing it and didn't choose zither as his favorite instrument. Even though he learned about a lot of musical instruments, he found playing the flute to his liking. 

After gaining all this knowledge, she asked him to gain some practical knowledge. So she made him the head of one of the branches of Moon Pavilion in the Balak Kingdom. But what annoyed him most were the number of letters he had to write informing her all about his well being. 

Even though he was annoyed at this aspect, he found it reasonable from her perspective as she considers him as her only disciple and will be more protective of him. If his guess is not wrong there is a secret batch of spirit masters who protected him secretly while another batch who were under him to help him if he needed anything. 

Well considering the new cuisines he introduced to this world, it was necessary to protect him and hide him from public eyes. He shudders in excitement, as he imagined how much the world would change if he introduced spirit circuits and spirit formations after he was able to combine his formation knowledge with spirit and spiritual power successfully.

But first he needed to become powerful enough so that nobody could try to steal or kill him for these formations. 

Turning around his head, he found a woman with blue hair and a dress covering her body which depicted how thin her waist and large her bosoms were. 

Shaking away those thoughts, he ran and hugged his master, while she also hugged him back. 

“Missed me?” 

“Of course.” He said.

After not meeting Tang Yuehua for six months face-to-face as a test, Izumi never felt this happy to meet her again. Without knowing it, Tang Yuehua found her way and made a place for herself in Izumi's heart. Similarly, Izumi also made a special place in her heart which she had never opened after her separations from her sworn sisters.

“Don't you think, it is time to reveal your goal or are you still hesitating to decide your path? Listen, I don't really mind if you want to become the head of Moon Pavilion in future.” Tang Yuehua asked.

Before taking this test, Tang Yuehua had asked Izumi what he wanted to become in future, to which he had replied he still hadn't decided. But he had refused to become her successor as head of Moon Pavilion saying that Moon Pavilion was created by her blood and hard work till now and doesn't want to gain it for free. But the real reason he didn't accept it was because he would have great responsibilities if he became the head, which he didn't want. 

He wanted to be free from any control and to live a happy life while protecting his loved ones. So to have a comfortable life in this power hungry world, he will need his own organization which will face the top powerhouses of the Douluo continent. 

“I will make my own Academy, which will grow the best spirit masters in this world.” Izumi said. 

Tang Yuehua was surprised at his decision. Even though she wanted to say something, she stopped herself and just patted his shoulder and said,“ Remember this Hong'er that you will always have my support, so never waver from your decision and always be firm and determined to face any challenges.”

Knowing well she is caring and supporting his decision without asking any questions, he once again hugged her in happiness while snuggling a little between her bosoms.

Getting happy at sudden hug and seeing the smiling face of her cute disciple, she also hugged him back. 

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Ma Hongjun/ Izumi's POV 


“Master, I want to tell you something.” I said after me and my master teleported to the private resident of ours in Heaven Dou City using her seventh spirit skill. 

I took a deep breath as I decided to share my cultivation method with her. And by sharing it with my Master, I meant sharing it to the whole Moon Pavilion. I didn't want her organization made by her hard work to remain at the bottom of the food chain in this world.

“What do you want to tell me?” She asked curiously. 

Keeping a serious face, I said, “ I want to share my cultivation method with you and the Moon Pavilion.”

This time her curiosity turned into seriousness, which is reasonable. After living and interacting in this world for two years, I noticed that to increase spirit rank, most of the spirit masters just cultivate according to their martial spirit and try to become stronger by forming their own cultivation path, while only a few large organizations had their own cultivation methods and other manuals which don't require spirit power. 

“ I made a cultivation method when I used to live in the orphanage. I found 114 energy points in my body which I called chakra. When spirit power is flowed through these chakras, one increases their speed of cultivation which can also be increased if they ingest more spirit rich resources like herbs or cultivating in spirit rich environments. But I noticed that it became more difficult to increase spirit rank by one as it increased mine after I cultivated by that method.”

“But soon enough I noticed that after I filled up all 114 chakras with spirit power that there were 7 main chakras which didn't fill even after I poured spirit power through them. After doing a lot of experiments, I found that these main 7 chakras are related to the connection between the body, mind, soul and the martial spirit. And these chakras could only be filled by different aspects, like the Root chakra present in the base of the spine, represents our physical body and could be filled as one trains their body.”

I stopped after I explained this much and sure enough a frown was on Master. With a serious face she asked, “ First thing, did you harm yourself or someone else to complete this method?”

“No, I was very careful and knew that any mistake could make a cripple. So I was careful at every step and stopped the whole process whenever I felt something was wrong.” I half lied.

I didn't want to tell her that this method was created after I experimented on the bodies of the criminals in the Aeaea world. The Chakra Cultivation Method which I called the method helped in increasing my mana or magical power reserves in my home world and Aeaea world so it is very valuable to me. 

“Second thing, never try to experiment new things on your own again without consulting me okay?” Master asked me.

I sweated inwardly as I thought how could I explain spirit formations which I created to her without making her freak out at me. I just nodded my head at her question and felt warm at how she cared for me.

“Third thing, never share this method to anyone until you trust that person with your life or until you are stronger than me, okay?”

I nodded my head, as I saw how she realised the potential and problems created by my method if it is revealed to the public.

“Master, let's go inside and sit comfortably. Today Master, I will teach you how to flow spirit power through all 114 chakras through your body.” I said enthusiastically.

“Just how much trouble will you bring me in future, my stupid disciple?” She said as she sighed.

I chuckled as she realised my decision to share the Chakra cultivation method with her even after her last warning. 

Master, you are the second person whom I could trust with my life in this world. While the first person is Xia Qingyue, who had already completely opened 5 main chakras of her after cultivating for two years with the help of her special body constitution. So don't worry and just trust me.






A/N: Don't confuse the chakras I mentioned in my fic with the chakras of Naruto. 

I took the reference of chakras from the Indian Sanskrit, while changing a few things here and there by giving it a fictional touch.






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