Muted Infinity

Muted Infinity

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Genre :

Action, Adventure, Sci-fi



Status :


Muted Infinity

Review: 9/10 from 18 ratings

As the remnant state of humanity scrapes together to survive in a post WW3 world, created by their great grandparents, food is scarce, and resources even more so. In such a world, where the sun never shines, and acid rain pelts the scorched surface, Full dive VR is the poison of choice to escape the nightmare of life.

Unfortunately, nightmares have a nasty habit of following you into your dreams.

An insane plan concocted by the council’s head scientist to save humanity has nearly a million people locked into a death simulation- a twisted psychological human experiment to predict the future of a dying world.

And for what was once supposed to be a game with “Infinite” in the name, its resources are anything but… and growing scarcer by the day…


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