My ‘Simplistic’ School Life (Rewritten)

Chapter 11: Chapter 2.5

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Wake up and smell the coffee is a term I am oh so familiar with. Fantasy is often crueler than reality due to the fact that it is so close and yet so nearly impossible to grab. Reality is just there in your face, whether you like it or not.

I tend to blur the lines between my fantasies and my reality. I often visualize myself as a normal, functioning member of society. A bird soaring through the air of infinite possibilities and alternatives?

Then, as cruel as reality is, it takes aim with a rifle and shoots me out of the sky. 

I sat on one of the many school benches, holding a can of grape soda in my left hand. After opening the can, I pressed the cold metal against my lips and drank.

From anyone else’s perspective, I probably looked like that one lonely emo kid who sat by himself in order to be alone and sulky. Let me tell you, perspectives are a hell of a thing because it is quite the opposite. I just wanted some peace and alone time like any normal person would.

With that being said, how does a friendship commence? By the shake of a hand or the blink of an eye? Maybe just crossing paths will be enough.

Alright, that's enough moping around. Back to my regularly scheduled path to a relaxing school life.

Uh, where was I now? Oh yes, the school clubs.

After getting out of the club registration hassle and the interaction with the student council president, I took a seat on one of the many benches that were spread out across the school campus.

I’ll be honest here: mixing and mingling is very taxing on me. In fact, it has never been my strong point. Much of my life, I’ve been a turtle hiding in my shell instead of a social butterfly, but for now, I'll try my best to be friendly.

I finished my drink and stood up to throw away the empty can.

Suddenly, someone came falling before me. Huh? Was he practicing to be a tumble weed or something?

The student slowly got to his feet and rushed over to another student.

Oh, it's a fight? When did this develop? The area was rather calm, with students just hanging out with each other.

The student who fell at my feet swung his fist at the bigger student. This guy is at least 6'1 and pretty muscular. A brave choice indeed.

For some reason, I felt like someone was staring at me while I watched this potential one-sided fight.

This bigger student sidestepped the attempted punch and gut checked him with a rising knee.

I must say that it looked painful. Beyond that, I noticed that a crowd was starting to gather now due to the scuffle.

In the blink of an eye, Eiko appeared out of nowhere and tried to separate the first.

"Hey guys, cut it out." she pleaded, but her cries fell on deaf ears.

One of the students shoved the other one, and he bumped into Eiko, knocking her to the ground.

When both students realized what had happened, they quickly broke it up and left the area.

Ehh. It's time to get involved now. I walked over to Eiko and pulled her up.

"Your name is Eiko, right?"

"Yeah, and you're Yuki, right?"

"That's correct."

Eiko dusted herself off and said, "Thank you."

I replied, "No problem, but why would you try to separate those two?"

"I just can't allow things like that to happen right in front of me."

I eyed her then said, "I am not sure if it's self-righteousness or you're just a good person, but I suggest you tone it down a bit before you get yourself injured."

With a surprised look on her face, she said, "You don't look like the type to be concerned about others, so I am a bit taken aback by your suggestion."

I sighed, "As classmates, we're supposed to look out for each other."

"That's true."

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With a smile, she thanked me again and left.

I really hope that she takes my advice before she puts herself in more harm.

As I made my way back to class, I saw Minori in the corner of my eye. So that's who I felt staring at me.

She quickly approached me and said, "Well, aren't you quite the superhero for helping that girl from our class?"

Heh? Is that being a superhero? I just assumed it was just being a decent person.

"I think you're just overexaggerating it."

Minori shook her head and replied, "If you stopped the fight, then Eiko wouldn't have felt obligated to stop it herself."

Huh? Does she think I am a referee or something?

I sighed and pointed at the camera above us.

"That's why. The entire fight is captured on there, so why would I need to get involved in another person's issues? Especially a physical one."

Minori jotted something down again in her notebook and closed it.

I finally inquired about it, "So what's the deal with the book?"

She shrugged her shoulders and replied, "Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady about her secrets?"

That makes no sense, but I am not even going to press the matter further.

I kept quiet and walked towards the classroom.

I passed Ichiyo Hisoka, who stopped me and asked, "Are you good with Minori Tadeka?"

Heh? Where did this question come from?

I curiously asked, "Define your version of good."

He scratched the back of his head, "Like, are you guys friends?"

"Uh, I wouldn't say that. We just interacted a couple of times. It's nothing special, I should say."

Ichiyo ran his fingers through his light blue hair and sighed, "Oh, OK." Never mind then."

Hmm. I wonder what he wanted, because he genuinely sounded disappointed.

In an attempt to change the topic, Ichiyo asked, "Yuki, did you change your mind about that music club?"

I nervously laughed, "I think I'll stick to my decision. We're having our first meeting very soon."

Ichiyo looked at me in a weird manner and said, "You're so boring, dude. Tennis is where it's at. I am starting to think that you hate to be around attractive women."

How the hell did he even formulate that thought from me just wanting to join a music club?

Ichiyo smacked me on my left shoulder and added, "You're quite a boring guy, I must say. I'll convince you to switch clubs eventually."

I flashed an awkward smile and replied, "Unfortunately, that's just me."

Tennis doesn't sound that bad, but we have a lot of talented players in this school. So I would probably go up against one of them, lose, and then smash my racket into the ground.

So I'll pass on that. After all, I am a sore loser.


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