My Alternate Saber

Chapter 5: Shards va sell

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"We are so screwed, that dude servant is a beast" Shiro cried out, laying on the floor in the classroom where he spent the night,"How do we go up against someone like that?".

"Master, do you not trust that I can take on our opponent?" Saber asked, standing to her feet with her face hardened.

"No, don't get me wrong Saber, I trust that you are powerful that's for sure, but...I don't trust myself" He sat upright, and stared at the ground with a gloomy face on, "Chances are, I fuck this up putting but of us at risk".

Saber knelt down in front of Shiro, raising his head with her hand as she looked at him with her reassuring eyes.

"As long as I wield a blade, every battle will come out a victory for you " Saber uttered, "You show signs of weakness, that is not an attribute a master should hold on to"

Shiro looked up at Saber before taking a deep breath, "Yeah, you're right" He stood up from the ground.



"Okay, take us to the Ft Zone"


Their bodies began to sparkle and before they knew it they had been transported to a different place.

The place had a red Moon and everywhere was so dark and cold, the entire place felt like the underworld, there was no sign of beauty anywhere.

Shiro and Saber were in a transparent-looking square- shaped containers, since it was transparent they could still see the outside.

"So this is the Ft Zone? A little on the dark side but oh well, so what now Aril" Shiro asked.

{Look to your left, you'll see a Sarinyte crystal, that is where your safe point, so no matter how deep you go in this world you can always just reappear here}

Shiro looked to his left and saw the crystal floating in the air, it was blue and extremely shiny.

Shiro walked over it before placing his hand on the crystal, not long after it started beeping, indicating that it was reading Shiro's profile.

"It's just like a game", Once the computer had finished reading Shiro, the door opened for them.

"Okay then, let's go, Saber," Shiro said as he walked towards the door. As soon as he got outside he was attacked by a rampaging bull.

Luckily for him, Saber was quick to her feet, she whooshed to the bull's front before placing her sword in front of her to slow down the impact of the bull's horns.

Even though she was able to block it, the force still sent her flying.

"Saber, are you okay?" Shiro asked, watching as Saber got to her feet after crashing into a wall.

The bull began to sweep one of his legs on the floor as it sought to charge toward Shiro again

The bull's born had blue rings around them, and its skin was covered in a crystal-like substance.

Saber whooshed out of the rumbles she was under and headed straight for the bull.

She used the flat side of her blade to smack the bull on the face, the bull feeling fell to the ground.

Saber leaped to the sky before stabbing the bull in the head with her blade as she landed.

The monster's body turned to dust almost instantly and after a while, a crystal-like orb fell to the ground.

"No way she took it down with ease" Shiro uttered.

Saber walked towards him with the white shard, in her hand, "Master here you go" She said, stretching the shard to him.

"Thank you" Shiro reached out and took the shard from her, "Syncro" The panel opened and Shiro then noticed her change in stats.

{Name: xxxxxxxx.         

Level: 1x

Class: Saber

Noble Phantasm: Excalibur


"Wow, your level seem to be increasing, nice" Shiro uttered as she watched the gauge of the level almost get full.

{{Name: Shiro 

Mp: 100

Skill: None

Servants: Saber

Matches won:0



"Yosh! Now we are getting somewhere" Shiro yelled, "Let's go!"

Shiro and Saber spent a total of three hours in the Ft Zone, killing monsters and forcefully trying to level up.

"I'm exhausted," Shiro said as he appeared at the check zone.

"I would have never pegged you for the fighting kind Master, but you stood up against a kimera, how ever stupid that was, it was still brave" Saberuttered.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Shiro sighed, "The further in we went, the stronger the monsters were" Shiro thought to himself

"Okay, let's see how far we went, Syncro" Shiro yelled and the panel appeared.

{Name: xxxxxxxx.         

Level: 2

Class: Saber

Noble Phantasm: Excalibur

Name: Shiro 

Mp: 100

You are reading story My Alternate Saber at

Skill: None

Servants: Saber

Matches won:0


Shard: 25}

"Wow saber, you're at level two now" Shiro yelled, feeling excited.

"Is that a good thing?" Saber asked, notching her head to the side as she tried to understand why Shiro was so happy.

"Obviously, Aril!"


"Where can I do an aberration," Shiro asked, 

{Would you like to do it now?}


{Please hold on while I transport you to the Xr facility}

Their bodies began to glow again and Shiro found himself in front of a church, "A church?" Shiro asked.

{Affirmative, the procedure takes place in there}

"I see, let's go, Saber, " Shiro said before walking towards the door.

"Of course Master"

When they got into the church, they saw a huge time capsule floating on the Church's altar and beside the altar were two female servants.

The servants were dressed in a nun's outfit and had a black blindfolds on, and they stood beside the giant time capsule awaiting Shiro to approach them.

Of course, it took some time to get to the altar, the church was just way too big.

"Welcome to Xr, how may we be of service to the young master?" One of the servants, Achiha, who had black long hair asked.

"Sexy nuns, are those elf's? I'm so jealous," Shiro thought to himself before giving out a loud sigh, "I would like an aberration for my servant" Shiro uttered.

"Of course, right this way" Salihat, the other nun servant with blonde hair said, "that would be Five hundred Aixzs".

Shiro froze when he heard the price, "Figures it was going to be expensive".

Shiro sold all the shards that he gathered in the Ft Zone and was able to make 10,000 Sels.

Sels is just a higher version of Aixz, two 500 Aixz automatically equals 10,000 Sels.

He opened the panel in front of him and clicked on the money, and almost instantly, 500 aixz appeared in his hand.

"Thank you young master," Slihat said before taking the money from his hands.

Achiha walked over to Saber and pulled her to the altar, she then placed her hands on Saber's head.

During this process a bright light started to show around them, a white blinding light sparked and immediately went away.

Achiha removed her hand and moved back, "It is done, you may leave".

"That's all? tsk! give me my money back" Shiro thought to himself.

Saber walked down the altar checking to see if anything had changed in her body, "Master, I don't feel any different than I did before" Saber uttered.

"Yeah true, I thought your appearance was going to change, okay let's check your stats," Shiro said, "Syncro"

{Name: Arthur Pendragon.         

Level: 2

Class: Saber

Noble Phantasm: Excalibur

Skill: Encounter

        : First heal}

"Your stats went up, looks like you have a new skill".

Saber moved closer to him to check it out, "Arthur? Is that my name, master?" Saber asked.

"I suppose so" Shiro, looked away trying to avoid having sexual thought about Saber since her cleavage was opened.

He gulped down his saliva before clicking on his stats too.

{Name: Shiro 

Mp: 150

Skill: Rewrite

Servants: Saber

Matches won:0


"Awesome, my stats went up too," Shiro uttered, "I also got a new skill, Rewrite?".

. . . . . .  


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