My Clones Are Special

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Another Clone

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Liam started making notes on the goals he wanted to achieve now that he had awakened an ability. It's not as if he did not have goals before, but now they needed to be altered due to the appearance of his newfound gift.

[Power: I still need to learn more about my ability, but as it stands, it's clear as day that my clone won't be able to help me out in a fight.

Wealth: Unless I sell my clone to those with strange fetishes, I'm not sure how I can make money from this ability.

Influence: I can barely talk to my classmates without them thinking I'm some sort of fool, how would I be able to influence anybody.]

Liam kept pondering and scratching his head on how he would be able to achieve all of this but could not come to any conclusion.

Upon looking to his side, he saw a stack of books that had still been left untouched.

'Oh right, I should test how long I can have the clone active.' Liam thought, noticing that his migraine had disappeared.


"Make me breakfast, then get to reading." Liam commanded as he stared at the time displayed on the alarm clock.

[10:49 AM]

*Nods* The clone gave a nod then headed towards the kitchen to prepare a dish while Liam kept pondering more about how to achieve his goals.

A few minutes later the Clone came back with buttered toast and jam, then immediately picked up the nearest book 'Intermediate Maths for Dummies'.

'Ah, this is the life, getting someone else to do your work for you while you reap the benefits without a care in the world. Nice and relaxing.' Liam said while he folded his hands behind his head.

"Wait a minute, relaxing?" Liam said, noticing something was strange.

'That's weird, why do I not feel any pain? Or any muscle ache like before?'

'Have I adapted? It was definitely getting less painful each time I activated it.'

"Hah, so I guess I can activate it now without feeling like I'm getting hit by a truck." Liam said, but then instantly realized something.

'Hold on, each time I activated my ability, I didn't have a clone active in the first place... what would happen if I 'activate' it again, would the clone just disappear or would it be replaced?' Liam said as he looked towards his clone sitting in the living room.

'Well, here goes nothing I guess' Liam said as he activated his ability once more.

"ARGGGH-MMRARGHHHHH" Liam shouted causing his clone to stare at him.

"Fuck that hur-" Liam stopped as he noticed a naked version of himself was standing next to him.

Liam slowly looked over at the clone in the living room, then turned his head back to look besides him.

He was staring at another clone of himself.

"Holy shit"

'So I can make another clone? Just how many am I able to make? Can I make another one now?'

"mRHM" Liam groaned as he tried to stand up.

'Probably best to wait until I recover before trying something like that again. But this opens up a lot more capabilities of what I'm able to do with my ability.'

'But what sort of ability is this? It's clear that it's not Doppelgänger Physiology which I thought it was, but I definitely don't remember seeing an ability that creates an exact copy of oneself multiple times, unless it's an elemental ability, but this definitely isn't an elemental ability.'

'Well, it's not as if all abilities are known and noted on the site anyway...'

'There's so much I have to figure out, but one thing's for sure, I have another slav- helper.'

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"Now what to do with you?"

"For now I'll name you number 2."

"Your mission should you choose to accept, and you will, is to first clean up the apartment, and after that do some workouts. So sit ups, push ups, pull ups... I don't know any other workout, but those 3 will do for now, and you are to do it until I tell you otherwise."

*Nods* Clone #2 nodded and went to pick up a mop nearby.

"Wait, put on some shorts at least, it's one thing to not look at clone 01, but if you're cleaning up the apartment and working out, I don't want to see your dick swinging everywhere".

'Alright, I think I should be able to learn more about my power with this. I'll learn how long I can have the first clone active while he does some studying, and now I should be able to learn if i'm able to absorb the physical training a clone has done.'

"Needs more butter..." Liam said taking a munch of his breakfast.


[11:49 PM]

Liam was unable to believe what he was seeing. He created the first clone at 10:49 AM and had been doing different activities to pass the time. Currently it had just turned 23:49 PM but the clone was still active and reading away, albeit, his eyes were a little red.

Previously the clone he created had stayed activated for 12 hours, but this time Liam was awake to see it, and not only that, but this clone had stayed activated even longer.

Meanwhile the other clone had practically made the apartment spotless, then had been working out for over 5 hours.

"Number 2 come over here."

'I'll absorb back the second clone for now before I head to bed.'

Liam decided it was better for him to absorb the clone now, rather than next morning as he assumed it would be harder for him to move around due to the headache he receives when he absorbs a clone like the last time. Moreover, the clone had his frame which was quite scrawny and had been struggling to do physical activity for the last couple hours, so it had to take some breaks in between.

*Absorb* Liam willed as he put his hand on the shoulder of his second clone.

As expected, a wave of pain rushed into Liam as he tried his best to stifle his groans.

It wasn't until about half an hour later did he regain some sense of relief.

'I know there are abilities that have their own sort of backlash when used but this is just ridiculous. Do I have to go through this every single time?' Liam said said as he laid sprawled across his bedroom floor, drenched in his own sweat.

"Goddamn it I just cleaned this place."

'At least I don't lose my clothes.' Liam said has he noticed the pants that the clone was wearing were now laying on the floor next to him.

"So tired" Liam said as his eyes became heavy.

Using whatever strength he had left, he removed his clothes and passed out on the bed.


[Monday the 26th of August 1:08 PM]

"Everything hurts..." Liam said as he got out of bed.

'Usually by now most of the pain would have gone, but it feels as if my bones have been crushed. Could this be due to absorbing the clones physical workout? It's too soon to assume anything for now I guess.'

"More importantly..." Liam said as he stared at his alarm clock and then to the person of interest.

'This fucker is still active and has been reading for an entire day?!' Liam thought as he stared dumbfound at his clone who seemed to have bloodshot eyes.

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