My Clones Are Special

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Ones Who Cure

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'I'm not religious, but Jesus H. Christ.'

"Dude, put the book down and get some sleep."

*Nods* The clone nodded and went to get some much-needed shut-eye.

'Awake for an entire day, doing nothing but reading. I could never.'

'So my clones need rest as much as any other person.' Liam thought thinking about his last 2 summons.

'The clone that I assigned physical activity could barely do 15 push-ups, 10 sit-ups and 5 pull-ups before it needed to rest. And the clone that I assigned to do nothing but read seemed as if his eyes were going to pop any minute from stress.'

'I guess 8 hours of sleep should be enough... I'll wake him up then.'

Liam considered absorbing back the clone, but he thought he was not in the best condition to do so just yet. More importantly, he still wanted to know if he had a limit on how long he could have his clones activated, and although the clone had already been active for more than 24 hours, he needed to experiment more.

"Shit, does this mean I have to make my own breakfast?" Liam said as he realized he did not have a clone at the moment to rely on so had to grab a snack from the kitchen counter.

"Welp, in the meantime, I guess I'll continue watching 21st-century anime."

"I still can't believe the ending of One Piece, truly brilliant. And it's a shame Hunter x Hunter was never finished, I wanted to learn more about the dark continent."


[9:37 PM]


"Well, would you look at that, time flies by when watching greatness." Liam said as he walked towards the living room.

"Oi, get your ass up."

The clone slowly opened his eyelids and made eye contact with Liam.



"Was that me or you?" Liam said hearing the sounds of stomach grumbling.



"Ah right, I guess you do require food, sorry about that. I'm a bit peckish as well."

'I think enough time has passed to allow my body some rest, so I should be able to create another.'


"MRaAGH- MOTHERFUCKER THAT HURTS!" Liam shouted as he fell on the couch.

"g-Go.. make the two of us... food.. now." Liam said while panting."

*Nods* The newly created clone nodded and headed to the kitchen.

"As... as for you.. keep reading."

*Nods* The first clone nodded and carried on reading from where he left off. By this point, he had already read most of the books in the apartment and was currently going through the dictionary.

The second clone had come back half an hour later with 2 plates of pasta mixed with bacon and mayonnaise.

Liam wasn't sure what to do with the clone yet, so it was made to stand there as it watched the other two eat in the meantime.


[10:33 PM]

By now Liam had finished eating, and the first clone carried on with his reading, but Liam wasn't sure what to do with his other clone.

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He thought he should carry on giving it physical exercise but realized he had put too much of a strain on the first clone that did it, which ended up causing him even more backlash, and he did not want this to happen again, as he wanted his body to rest after what it's been through the last couple of days.

But he couldn't think of anything for the clone to do. He gave the first clone the task of reading all the books in the apartment and didn't feel the need to give the same order to the second clone since most of the books had already been finished.

'Wait a minute, why does it have to be just books?' Liam said and stared in the direction of his mobile phone.

'My clones can remember everything they see, so why do books have to be the only source of information to learn from?'

"God bless the internet." Liam said with a massive grin on his face.

"Number 2, go pick up my phone and start learning about ways to make me smarter, I don't care what you start with, just get it done."

"Also, delete my browsing history before you start..."

*Nods* The second clone nodded heavily in response.

'That takes care of everything I guess. I'll have the first clone increase my vocabulary, and have the other find new ways to make me smarter.'

'But what will happen if I'm able to make a 3rd clone? I'm fine with having someone use my phone while I'm not using it, but I can't have them use my laptop as well...'

'I'll cross that bridge when I get there I guess.'

'It seems number 1 will run out of books soon, I should make a trip to the library tomorrow to get some more.'

'Now that I think about it, I can't even remember the last time I went to the library.'

"I've only got one week left of vacation until the next term of school starts, can't waste even a second of it." Liam said while yawning. He planned to continue his session of binge-watching anime before he headed to bed.

But before that, Liam decided to head back to his laptop and check social media to see how his friends were doing before he would meet them a week from now.

Just as he was about to search for their names, he noticed that the trending tab on twatter was filled with the same topic.

He clicked on the first link on the trending tab out of curiosity and played the video from what seemed to be a popular broadcasting news network.


"The grade B gifted 'Howard Lowe' also known as 'Ursa Major' has been found dead in an alleyway near District 4."

"We warn you that the following video contains graphic content that may be disturbing to some viewers, discretion is advised."

In the video, it seemed that a battle had taken place in an alleyway due to the amount of damage that could also be seen on the nearby buildings.

At the end of the alleyway, one would be able to see the body of a middle-aged man in his thirties with ripped clothing, slumped down against the wall. The ground was dyed in a pool of red, and one would be able to see deep claw marks if zoomed in.

Resting on top of the man's legs and within his arms was none other than his head, with one of his eyes seeming to have been ripped out of its socket.

Behind him, on the wall was the WGO logo of a lotus with a shield behind. It seemed to have been crossed out and painted with what could most likely be seen as his own blood, with the following words written above:

You are not gifted. You are cursed.

You are a virus. We are the cure.

We will not rest until your kind has been eradicated.

In equality we stand -ILLISTAD

'It's happening even more often... To think they are even targeting grade B gifted now.' Liam thought as he stared at the decapitated corpse on the screen.



Hopefully the novel is enjoyable so far.

Unfortunately fight scenes come much later, as I'm more focused on world-building right now.

Please favourite and follow if you're enjoying, and leave a comment and a review to keep me motivated on this, thanks.

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