My Dislocating Journey Across The multiverse

Chapter 1: CH 1. My dislocation

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A young teen could be seen walking down the sidewalk, making his way to the store. As he was near the entrance, his phone started to ring. The young teen answered his phone. "hello," the young teen said after saying that, a woman's voice replied through the young teen's phone. "Hey, Henry haven't you got the milk yet," the woman said. The young teen named Henry remarked, "no, I haven't yet. I'm right here at the entrance of the store." In turn, the woman replied, "oh, I see. Then can you also get some cereal because we are out? Also, mom said to be careful out there because of the sudden shooting." Henry remarked, "it's okay. I will be safe and tell her she doesn't have to worry too much. I don't want her to get sick because of the stress of worrying. Bye, sis love you," the woman who is the sis of Henry replied affectionally "love you too Lil bro." Henry hung up his phone and entered the store.

Henry walked down into the store and went to the cold selection and picked up a gallon of milk, and then went to the pantry selection and picked up a box of cereal. After picking up all the needed items, he went to the cashier and placed them on the counter. The cashier, who looked to be 25, started to have a small conversation with Henry. "Hey kid, how's your day been." Henry replied in a neutral tone, "it's all right; what about you, sir." The man voiced in a bored manner, "well, not bad; it's just very hectic out there with all the shootings and crazy people running around. Hey, kid, be safe when going back home, okay." The man then scanned the items with a barcode reader and said, "that will be twelve dollars and five cents."

Henry reached into his pocket, pulled out the money, and gave it to the man, who then bagged henry's items and gave them to him. After getting his bagged items, Henry walked to the exit, got out of the store, and began to head home. As he was making his way to his house, he was greeted by a group of thugs and a young teen who had red-dyed hair and appeared to be trying to confront the thugs. Henry tried to stay away from the situation and was about to walk across the street to escape.

As Henry was about to venture into the street, the young teen with dyed red hair began to run towards Henry while a group of thugs chased the teen. Seeing this happening, Henry was about to run across the street, but the young teen with red hair caught his collar, pulled him to his side, and ran with him. Henry seeing no other choice, ran with the teen but not before telling the teen about this crazy situation that he was pulled into, "why the fuck you pulled me into this situation." Henry angrily said to the teen, who then replied with an outrageous answer, "because I need someone who has my back, and you were the closest person I saw, so I picked you."

Henry was dumbfounded by that answer and voiced to this crazy teen he had just met, "that doesn't make any fucking sense, and are you fucking crazy? Why the fuck did you have to mess with the thugs that are chasing us." Henry stated. The teen replied with another crazy answer, "Well, I've always wanted to be a hero, so I thought why not try to be one in real life, and I started watching anime to learn how to fight so I could learn moves and fight the bad guy but quickly found out this was a bad idea." The teen said while scratching his head and making a cringe real-life anime expression.

Henry looked at the teen with a pained expression and voiced to himself, "why the fuck does it have to be a fucking crazy person that gets me killed? Just why the fuck is life like this." Henry said while rubbing his forehead. The two boys could be seen running away from a group of thugs; the boys tried to lose them in an alleyway but were greeted with a dead end. Trapping the boys within it was the thugs that were chasing them. They then started blocking the alleyway's entrance to keep the boys from escaping.

The leader of the thugs began to walk toward the two boys near the end of the alleyway and voiced to the red-haired teen, "you think you can get away from me after calling my mother a useless bitch and calling my brother slow? I mean, I know he is a little slow, but that doesn't give you the right to say that" the leader said. While the man next to him said, "hey, I'm not slow at all. I can count to ten." The man huffed and turned his head to the side while crossing his arms. The leader replied, "hush, Timmy, I was joking. No need to get mad. Hey, after this, why not we get some Ice cream, my treat?" the man named Timmy nodded his head.

The leader looked back at the two boys, locked his eyes solely on henry, and asked him, "do you know the kid next to you? And if you do, you will die with him." As henry was about to reply to the man, the red hair teen spoke first, "yeah, this guy is my friend, and if he denies it, then he is lying. He was always known for backstabbing his friends when in messy situations." Henry was shocked about this sudden development and voiced to the man, "that isn't true. This guy just pulled me into this situation. I've no part in this friendship," but the leader of the thugs didn't believe Henry and told his boys to shoot them.

The thugs began to let out a clip of lead in the boys' direction. The last thing Henry saw before his life expired was the family he would miss and the friends he would never see again. Everything went black for the two boys for that passed second, but then, they were greeted at an office with a desk, and behind that desk was an old man with a name tag on his chest that spelled the name Rob. Rob looked at the two boys before him and spoke. "Hello, my name is Rob; I'll explain the karma system, so you better listen carefully. The karma system is a system that works by the points of your good and bad karma. Good karma can make your life better in the next life, and lousy karma can make your life worse. Depending on the amount of good karma, one could get a wish or random prize of any kind." Rob continues," any questions."

Henry began to raise his hand and asked, "hey, sir, isn't there supposed to be heaven for those who died." Rob replied, "yes, there is a heaven, but humans don't go through it. They usually get reincarnated through our karma system. Heaven is only for the higher beings within the omniverse." The red-haired teen next to henry spoke to rob about something on his mind. "Are you going to grant my wishes? Like those rob in fanfics." Rob released a sign and said, "while my name is Rob, I'm not omnipotent, and if your karma is high enough, you can get wishes granted by the system."

Henry commented, "yeah, right, this bastard won't have high karma after what he put me through. He should go to hell and think over what he has done. fucking bastard! *sigh* Hey, Rob, can I ask what happened to my family and how they are doing?" Rob, in turn, replies, "Well, your family was devastated by the news of your death and had to go through therapy to help push through the loss they felt. Some time passed after that incident, and they moved on with their lives. All of them are living today grateful for their time spent with you." Henry, hearing what Rob said, tears began to run down his eyes. Feeling embarrassed, Henry began to cover his eyes with his forearm while laying his head back on the chair.

The teen next to Henry didn't care about the room's mood, so he killed it with a question, "Can we get this over already? I want to see if I could get wishes." Hearing the teen's insensitivity to this situation, Rob sighed and replied to the teen, "of course, Alex, but please let the young man next to you get hold of his emotions, then we will begin." The teen, now named Alex, sighed and said, "Fine," Rob nodded his head and said, "thank you."

After a few minutes of letting out his emotions and getting them under control, Henry told Rob, "I'm okay now, so can we move on." Hearing that, Rob began scanning Alex and Henry's karmic points and displayed them on a transparent screen, letting Alex and Henry see each other's points. On the left were Alex's points with good karma on top of his bad karma. His excellent karma is nine thousand one hundred eighty, while his bad karma is ninety. On Henry's side, his good karma was one thousand, while his bad karma was ten.

Henry saw that Alex's points were higher than his and couldn't help asking why that was the case "why are Alex's points higher than mine? He was the reason for my death, so why?" Henry said, confused and in a slight anger state.

Rob responded, "He has higher karma than you because of the good deeds he has done in the past. And for the punishment for your death that he caused, he has a lousy karma rating of ninety and will subtract that same amount from his good karma score."

Henry, hearing that retorted, "so my life is only worth ninety points of karma." Rob replied to Henry, "Unfortunately, that is how the karma system works." Henry said, "that is a shit system if you ask me." while trying to calm his anger at this broken system.

Rob noticing that henry calmed back down, began to explain further what these points could do "The excellent karma points in front of you could be used to buy items within our karma system shop. The items within the shop could be a wish, talent, or choice of world, depending on the amount you are given; as for the bad karma, they will subtract from your good karma, so if you have ten bad points, they will remove ten good and so on." rob snaps his fingers. The points of both Alex and Henry were subtracted. The number of Alex's points was now 9090, while Henry's was now 990.

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"Now that the points have been subtracted, it is time for you two to spend them in the shop. Here are the options from which you could choose." Rob voiced while changing the transparent screen in front of Alex and Henry to the system store.

[System Karma Shop]

Wish Granter 1x 3000pts [limit: must not be of Omni related]

Universe Chooser 1x 2000pts [fictional or non-fictional]

Background Customizer 1x 1000pts [limit: cannot be world-breaking]



Random Exp & Knowledge Box 1x 500pts [can give a person the knowledge and experience of a fictional being from across the Omni-verse]

Extreme Luck Potion 1x 400pts [Time Limit: 24 hours]



Memory Keeper 1x 90pts [keeps one memory when being reincarnated]



Henry and Alex observed their options, and after a few minutes, they finally decided what items they would pick. Alex picked 2x [Wish Granter], which cost a total of 6000 points; he then filled out the two wish granter forums, and the wishes he wanted are [Superman prime one million] powers and abilities, and the other one is [absolute control] this ability will let him have complete control of his skills and capabilities. Alex also picked [Universe Chooser], [Background customizer], and [Memory Keeper], which is a total of 3090 points. The universe he chose was [marvel], and the background was that he was Tony Stark's younger brother. Once Alex was done filling out his requirements, he started to shine in bright yellow light and then disappeared from where he was sitting.

Henry picked the items he wanted and could only choose at this moment because of the meager points he had held. The objects which he has selected are [Random Exp & Knowledge Box], [Extreme Luck Potion], and [Memory Keeper]. Once he bought all of them, he started to glow in bright yellow light and disappeared. Going off into a random universe with a random background, his journey will be surprising for the ages.

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