My Dislocating Journey Across The multiverse

Chapter 2: CH 2. Dislocating Arrival

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[Henry Pov]

I began to stir awake, glancing around the surrounding area. I quickly find out I'm in a small living room. I guess that I'm in a small apartment. I started to get up from the couch to fully adjust to my new environment and try to have a feel for it. Getting to my feet, I felt the weight of my body shift forward. I catch myself with my other leg to stabilize my sudden weight shift. I looked down at myself, examining the new body I was in, and quickly found out that I was no longer male but Instead a Female. My chest and rear felt slightly heavy. I noticed my hair was long and covered my shoulders; the color of it was ruby red. The clothes that I wore on my body were a white dress shirt with a black tie and dress pants.


Presently when I was done examining my body. Two objects suddenly materialized before me with a note on top of one of them. Picking up the letter and reading what is inside of it {hello young man or now woman, I would like to express my thanks for your purchase at the karma store Ps. the memories within the body you've possessed will be activated when you are finished reading this letter.} right when I finished reading the note, sudden memories began to surface.

The sudden memories didn't cause any pain, just a minor headache. The memories were my new name, my job that I would be working at, and my age. Amelia Solomon, Age 22, works as a psychology & crime teacher at a university. There were a few more memories about this world's background, such as the city I'm living in, Metropolis City, and that various superheroes and supervillains are running a mock in this society.

The Universe I was in the DC universe.

[Henry Pov]->[Amelia Solomon Pov]

Putting away the letter, I turned my attention to the two objects in front of me. I picked up one of them and examined it; I noticed that the Item had a button, and it was in a box shape, while the other Item I didn't pick up was in the form of a flask with a clear liquid inside of it.

I concluded that the Box was the random exp & knowledge box I bought while the flask was the luck potion. Putting away the Box for now and turned my attention to the luck potion. I picked the elixir near it to my mouth and gulped the liquid without hesitation. Knowing this action was irrational, I paid it no mind and continued with my current effort.

The liquid from the flask tasted sweet and sour, while the temperature of the liquid felt cold to the point it made my brain freeze for a split second. The effect of the potion came with a significant force. The force hugged my body like a warm blanket covering me from the cold.

Noticing that the potion was in effect, I moved my attention back to the Box and pressed the button. The Box began to glow a blue color. The glow disappeared, and the shape of the Box turned into a card with an image of Rick Sanchez printed on it. The card flew into my head. When it dissipated, memories of Rick's experience and knowledge began to surface. I noticed that the Rick I got wasn't C-137; instead, I got an unknown Rick from an unknown dimension.

This Rick seemed to know C-137 and appeared to be the third smartest, beaten only by evil Morty, who is in second place. The memories I've gotten from Rick were something I didn't expect. Even though he is the third most intelligent being, he never invented his portal gun and seemed to not care about it. Instead, he only focused on quantum physics and chemistry. The most notable of his achievements is making a serum that can give a person superpowers of any kind, but the most noticeable flaw is that the Power must be science-based and that the limit of use of said serum is one dose.

The serum will be of use as I will be making one dose, but the question is, what type of ability do I want? Hmm... why not vector manipulation? This ability is highly versatile. Now that I've got the Power I liked, it is time to make the serum aptly called V-M, short for vector manipulation.

The requirement for said serum is a mathematical and magic algorithm that will allow me to manipulate vectors. I started to work on the serum by ordering things online to get the needed Items, which wasn't all that difficult. Once I got all the required materials, I started to get to work on combining the serum. The time spent was at least 8 hours. Once finished, I looked at the Item in my hand. It was an injector gun; the color seemed gray and black. It also had a glass tube with liquid that appeared to have runes and mathematical formulas.

After admiring my handy work, I proceed to inject my arm. The liquid began to rush into my arm, and pain began to rise as more of the fluid pushed in. The pain started to become unbearable, but I went through it. A few minutes passed, and the pain finally subsided. Taking a breath of relief, I decided to see what the changes were. The first change I noticed was that the AIM field surrounded me and that my subconscious was doing complex algorithms for the surrounding vectors.

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The algorithms within my subconscious are manipulating vectors on an advanced level. It seems I could influence my mind to add more to the algorithm. When I finished that, I ended up at an Ultimate level of vector manipulation. It seems I couldn't hit the absolute level as I can't accurately grasp how to influence metaphysical ideas or concepts.

Even using vector manipulation to redirect information vectors within my mind, I still got nothing. I will have to see a concept in action to proceed to the absolute level.

Sighing in exhaustion, I decided to go to bed as I would have to go to work tomorrow.

*Scene Change Gotham City*

[Pov ???]

"Mhahaha, ROB, thank you for reincarnating me in this world. I can finally achieve my dream," I said excitedly, Looking around the new area. I noticed that I was in a big apartment with a bunch of expensive things within it.

"It seems ROB kept his promise about making my life comfortable. Alright, Michael, you are in a new world with endless possibilities, and with the powers given to you by rob, you could do anything." I voiced to myself while slapping both of my hands on my checks which probably caused a red mark on them.

[Pov ???->michael]

"if I remember correctly, the powers that I've wanted were the concept of erasing, but Rob limited to physical contact. next was the ability to copy powers, but it is limited to only physical contact, and could I hold only three powers at a time," I stated to myself.

I proceed to the bedroom to get some sleep. I noticed that there was a mirror beside the bed. I went towards it and saw my reflection; my looks improved. Thank you, Rob, for doing this for me. I proceeded to get into my bed with a pair of pajamas. Tomorrow I will be going on a harem spree and making this world bow to me. After all, no one can ever hope to beat me.


{Narrator Pov}

The young man finally fell asleep, along with his delusion of grandeur.

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