My Dislocating Journey Across The multiverse

Chapter 3: CH 3. My Dislocating First Day

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[AN; I hope you have a wonderful day. Also, leave a comment about this chapter and what are your thoughts about it so far.]

[Amelia Pov]

I'd stood at the entrance of the university building, admiring the display of hopeful students and teachers. Even when coming to work, I saw the same scene play before on the streets. Everyone I saw was optimistic. This world carries a lot of hope. Even when things are tough, they push forward, moving on with their lively ideals of a better future.

This scene happening before me was the complete contrast to my old world. Everyone was more selfish and self-centered; there was no hope for a better future. Life was tough for both my family and me. I started to believe that there was a world that could have no hope, but I proved myself wrong when seeing the display of optimistic people before me.

I think I should follow the dream I've always wanted: get a girlfriend, start a family, and maybe help change the world for the better. A wise man once said a peaceful life is a great virtue that will bring happiness to those who wish it.

Yep, my goals may seem tedious, but they are realistic. My motto is always to be a realist with your goals and dreams. Seriously what type of idiot comes up with the idea of suddenly getting a harem and ruling the world? It's like they got the drop on their head. I swear the character I read in fanfics seemed a little unrealistic; then again, it's not my place to have a rant about other people's works. But wait a minute, if Dc and marvel, doesn't that mean other fanfics are real? Fuck there are some fucked main characters, and some are pretty powerful too. Luckily I will be fine when I unlock my absolute level of VM. Plus, I'm not really too fond of going through the multiverse. All I want is a peaceful and relaxing life.

I started to walk to the office of the headmaster of the University. Once I reached the headmaster's door, I knocked on It, waiting for a reply. A few seconds had passed when an older voice of a man came from behind the door.

"Come in," hearing the reply from the man, I opened the door and entered his office. The man In front of me had black comb-back hair with gray streaks on the sides of his hair; he seemed to be in his mid 30's and was supports a black suit and shoes. The man was standing at the window with a cigar occupying his left hand.

The man turned his attention away from the widow to face me. He took the cigar and smoked it a little, and finally voiced his introduction to me.

"Hello, My name is Robert White, headmaster of this university, and you are," The man said, putting out his right hand for me to shake.

"Hello, My name is Amelia Solomon, the new occupying teacher at this university," I stated while shaking the hand of the man in front of me. Mr. White smiled at my response and went to his desk to take out a folder; he passed the folder to me and said.

"that is the map of the University, and it also has information on where your class is located," Looking inside the folder, I noticed my class was in room 147 and that my teaching hours were between 11:30 and 3:30. The time now was 11:43 It seems I'm late by a couple of minutes. I Thanked the headmaster for giving me information about the University and started to head to my designated area.

Reaching My classroom door, I heard the sound of noise and rowdy behavior coming inside the room. Opening the door and entering the room, I saw a scene of different people playing and goofing around. None seemed to notice my appearance.

Seeing no one noticed me, I decided to make my presence known. I used VM to manipulate the sound of my hand clapping, the sound of which traveled thought out the entire room, which in turn made everyone quiet and turned their attention to me.

Noticing everyone's focus was on me, I decided to introduce myself.

"Seeing that I have your attention, can all of you please go to your seats so I can begin my class?" Once I finished, all of the students began to take their seats. For that whole duration, no one said a word. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Once everyone was fully seated, I presented myself to the class.

"Now that everyone is fully seated, it now times for my introduction. My name is Amelia Solomon. I will be your teacher in both crime and psychology. Any questions Before we begin class?" seeing no one rising or asking a question, I decide to move on and start my class.

"With further ado, I want to ask you what is the mortality of good and evil, how do we judge this, and what truly defines this subject? Can any of you give me an answer?" when I finished my question, a young woman raised her hand. Her appearance was of a blond-haired girl with blue eyes while supporting a pair of glasses and a slightly nerdy outfit.

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"yes, you there. Can you tell me what defines good and evil?" I called upon the young woman, who then replied, saying

"Good is being able to do the right thing even if there is no reward, while evil is doing the wrong and expecting a bonus from your action, such as robbing, killing, or terroristic acts." the young woman said with bright youthfulness in her voice.

Hearing the young woman's answer to my question, I decide to ask her name. "Can you please tell me your name?"

The woman replied and said, "sure, my name is Kara Danvers" hearing her name, I was slightly shocked, knowing that one of my students is Supergirl. Quickly calming down from the slight shock, I replied to the answer that Kara gave me.

"Thank you, Kara, for the answer, but that was not what I was looking for. Good and evil are very complex morals; there is no black and white. What I mean by that is, for example, what happens if a man comes and robs you? Of course, You beat the man in self-defense and sent him to jail. You, of course, are the excellent guy for beating up the robber while the bad guy is locked up. That is the hero's point of view; let us look at the robber's point of view. The man you've sent to jail was very low on money, and his wife was highly sick. He was also fired from his job and was getting very desperate, so he decided to rob someone in the hope of paying for his wife's medical expenses. The man comes to you trying to steal your money, but you easily take the man down and turn him to the police. My question is, who was the good guy in that story? Was it you, or was it the man? After all, he was trying to save his wife and help her get better. Are you now the bad guy in the story for taking away a man's hope of trying to get your money?

The concept of good and evil is never really black and white. It can be in gray. Where someone has to do an evil act for the greater good. After all, everyone must take a risk to achieve the goal." Once I finished my statement, the people in the room were entirely amazed by it. Most people think more in line with the black-and-white concept of morality. They seemed to not know of the gray aspect of it. I guess that makes sense. When you are in the world of DC, there are only two sides to the moral concept, and relatively simple as there is only True good or true evil, there was never a middle ground. Heroes and villains, demons and angels, god and evil gods.

"It seems the question I posed to you is now becoming very complex. Since we now know that morality is not so simple. I would like to pose an interesting question. Are all human beings truly equal? Some may agree that we are similar, but I do not agree with that statement. These days everywhere you go, there's talk about the fight for equality. As a wise man once said, "heaven does not create one person above or below another. People like to throw his words around. That's not the whole quote. He goes on to say that while...we are equal at birth. Pretty soon...things begin to change. An academic effort is what sets some people rise above others. At any rate...Human change over time, based on their actions. Truth be told, at the end of the day...equality is just a fantasy. And most of us go through life denying the fact that we live in a meritocracy." Once finished, I looked around the room to see everyone dead quiet, but that didn't last long when Kara began to stand from her seat and voice her opinion on the matter.

"Will there really be no equality? that could mean you being cynical of the world. Everyone can be equal." Kara said her words seemed hypocritical, seeing that she is an alien and is basically a god. But then again, she truly believes that everyone is equal. Her statement, or her in general, are the complete opposite. I guess that is because she is young and naive about this world. She needs to wake up to reality.

"Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you will realize, that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering, and futility. Listen...everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace will initiate wars. And hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses and causal relationships that cannot be broken." Hearing my words causes Kara to sit back down while conflict and disbelief are written on her face. It seems she understands that this world can't be sunshine and rainbows.

A young woman next to Kara got up from her seat and asked me a question "then are we failures? Am I a failure for not being a victor? Am I destined to always be the loser?" The young woman was beautiful and stunning to look at. Her words have a complete contrast, she stated that she was a failure, but I wonder why she sees herself that way.


"Listen here, A true failure power is to understand that they will never give up. Believe in yourself. Believe in your future. There will always be a hater, doubter, and non-believer, and there will be you proving them wrong. Give it your best. And your dreams will come true. Things change through solid beliefs, but one must work for it. Our world might be different, but the principles will remain the same. The reason for our existence is our dreams and goals. Never give up!" I said to the girl, who then had a smile and slight tears running down her face. She took her seat and sat back down.

A few hours had passed with me teaching class. When class ended, I asked everyone a question before they went off with their day. "before you leave, I have an assignment for each and every one of you. What is the philosophy you go by? Every being goes by a philosophy. Whether they are good or bad, they stand by them. So in the next week of class, I want to know what they are at the start of class." soon, the students started walking out of class, leaving me alone.

Checking the time on my watch, I found it was 4:10 pm. I got to the store to pick up some food and go straight to my house. Walking to my house, I found a dog in an alleyway. It seems that she was abandoned here. Her fur was white but also dirty. I decide to take the dog with me to my house. The dog was vivacious about this arrangement and licked me on my face. I smiled at her actions and found them very cute. I took the dog to my bathroom so I could clean her off. Once done cleaning her, I made her some food to eat while also making myself a plate of food as well.


Once we were done eating, I decided to give the dog a name while also making a collar for her. With the help of VM, it was reasonably easy to make. The collar had the dog's name Lux, Latin for the word light.

Once done, I head off to bed with Lux following behind me. I entered my bed and went to sleep while cuddling Lux beside me.

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