My Gene System

Chapter 120: Vole's Aggression

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The scent of iron went through his nose as the human blood was splashing at his face and chest. To begin with, Riku received a new notification that came from the system. The task was against his will as he couldn't kill a human being with his own hands.

Yes! He killed several people earlier with his gun. But, he just did that to scare the attacker so he can force them to retreat and come back to their kingdom. To be more precise, Riku believed confronting them with a peaceful conversation wouldn't work out as long as the attackers couldn't see someone stronger than them.

The thing here was, Xelin was already defeated from the duel so there was no other reason to brutally kill him. He can't breathe and he lost his arm, so Riku could say that he attained the victory for the Arzotoc village.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

A sharp solid sound deeply cut the human flesh went to their eyes, seeing the man that was lying on the bloody ground had an opened chest.



But I have to do this!

The tears that formed in the corner of his eyes dripped on his cheeks. Thinking why he has to go too far?


The firing claw penetrated Xelin's chest after Riku stabbed his heart, which immediately took Xelin's life.

The dark clouds hardly dropped the rain that put everyone stop even though there was monsters' presence approaching from their behinds.

Honestly, ever since Riku came from this strange world, it was the first time the sky rained. He should be happy as it could help the crops in the Western section, but he can't understand why seemed someone pinched his heart made him miserable.

He looked above along with the tears welled up in his black eyes. "Why I should always listen to this system..." Riku said in a weak tone as he was afraid to lose the chance to get back to his world.


Suddenly, an angry voice of a man was perceived by his ears. It was Vole that couldn't accept the fate that happened to Xelin's face.

"Why?! Why?! He had no ability to fight back! Why did you still kill him!?" Vole yelled, switching his direction to Riku's direction.

[Blaze strike!]

Vole took the knife hung on his waist, after that, he cast one of his skills as the blue magic circle appeared next to him.


He dashed and reached the 45 meters distance against Riku. He then widely swung his left arm, planning to kill this man long-distance.

"He's a good guy! He didn't deserve to die like this!" Vole said and released the multiple freezing blades through the mid-air.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Of course, Riku could perfectly see the magical blades swiftly coming at him. But what he could do? It appeared that he already lost his will to fight.

[Magnum slash!]

Clang! Clang! Clang!

In just a blink of an eye, there was a woman intervened within Vole's aggression. She was rapidly whirling in the mid-air and managed to deflect all the magical blades.

Blue magical particles scattered around as they were immediately turned into dust. It was Emma who was angrily gritting her teeth after she showed how this man acted after he witnessed the result of this duel.

"You should shame! Your leader had been defeated by him so his members should obey the condition of the winner!" She scolded him within 20 meters distance.

Also, the duel in this world was a sacred match so the left members do what the winner said even though they were against it. Easy to say, the attackers have to respect the dignity of Xelin as a fighter.

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Furthermore, it seemed Vole's mind was closed for that. All the memories he had with Xelin were flashing back as he couldn't accept how his only friend died in this invasion.

"What the heck?! Are you kidding me, huh?! Do you think killing your opponent like an animal is still part of the rules?!" Vole couldn't control his emotion every time he saw Xelin lying on the surface with an open chest. The cut was deep enough to reveal his damaged organs.

She paused for a second, admitting Xelin's death was too brutal. Afterward, Emma was still persistent to explain the conditions of the duel. "You are the one who's kidding me! They were battling for their life. In the duel, it's not indicated there how the fighter should die!"

Nevertheless, Vole had no intention to listen to all of her words since the only thing he knew, was he wanted to kill the person who killed Xelin at all cost.

"Do you think I'm going listen to someone who had low magical power than me? I don't care if that man had the transformation magic, my life doesn't matter to me anyway." He angrily replied and was way more looked like ready for new attacks.

"This man peacefully asked each one you to withdraw from this man. But what did you choose? All of you choose to pass the blood in this place, isn't it? Why? Do you think that no one could defeat you? What a stupid idea. Also, don't blame him for why he died since first of all, the Rattin Kingdom's invaders choose to be this way." She didn't intend to mock him, but it wasn't inevitable as it was the best way to enlighten him.

Vole used his index finger to annoyingly scratched his earlobe. "Stop talking nonsense. If you don't want to step out of the way so died with him!"

Despite the heated conversation between Emma and Vole. Riku was still dumbfounded at the sky, thinking he would stop to suffer if he already died.

Rain was dripping badly and the main reason they can't perfectly see the person in front of them. To be exact, all of them were using [Mana sensing] to determine if there was someone coming at them or stop the magical attacks that possibly arose.

Unexpectedly, a huge amount of magical power concentrated in front of Emma. So she immediately drew out her fighting stance to ready himself from the upcoming attack. On top of that, the yellow-orange light was the only one she could see, so it was hard to tell what it was or where it would pass.

'This man is so angry, look at him, he's using all of his magical power in one attack. Well, for some reason, I can't blame him after I saw the brutal condition of Riku's opponent.' She uttered to her mind, thinking that they could easily dodge this magical attack. "Riku, it's way better if we go back to the village. Let lady Arisu, Captain, and Vice-Captain deal with them."

Her eyes were widened after seeing Riku crying along with his deep eyes. So she tried to walk closer to him to ask him. "Riku, what's the matter? Why are you crying-?" She was saying these words in a sweet tone so she can comfort him. However, she suddenly stopped when there was something occurred beneath him.

[Burst strike!]


A strong magical explosion happened under her feet. The current force it has and magical power used into it was enough to send her to the mid-air along with the several firing cuts all over her body.

"Ahh!" Emma screamed in pain, shocked that there was a magical attack that would transpire under him.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

After her head badly landed on the surface, she was now started to roll to the ground several times.

Blood was splashing on the parts of her body that were severely cut. However, it wasn't ended by that as Vole used again his freezing magical blade to finish her off.

Swish! Swish!

Another deep cut was experienced by Emma and she was screaming in agony while having a vague vision. At the same time, she was seriously coughing blood out of her mouth which piqued Riku's attention.

He was blinking his eyes in confusion, wondering who was the woman screaming and asking for help. He narrowly flinched as his senses back to their original state. Moreover, when he has figured out that the woman was Emma, he could extreme emotion inside his chest.

"Emma?! Why are you doing there?! Where do you get these injuries?! He asked her even enough he was aware she can't hear him.

But that multiple questions faded away after there was a man who answered him. "Do you deserve it! You are bitch! You keep blocking my way to kill him." Vole said along with an evil laugh. "Hahaha! I'm going to next you and your entire village!"

"Why do you this?! I already win in the duel! All of you should be backing right now!" Riku asked him, then immediately whirled around, knowing Emma could die with these severe injuries.

[Web stretch!]

He pulled himself to the area where the transparent spider's webs still existed. He easily reached the area and saw Emma was fighting for life as in just an instant huge amount of blood was lost to her. Aside from that, the magical attacks hit her vital points.

"Ahhh! Wake up, Emma! Don't die yet! You are still coming with me, right?!" He asked her while mildly tapping her soft face, hoping she would open her eyes again. But nothing happened.


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