My Gene System

Chapter 121: Riku Vs Vole

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Suddenly, Emma fell to the ground without her consciousness. It seemed like Vole's magical skills inflicted so much damage on Emma that even her body and armor could not absorb it.

Ehem! Ehem! Ehem!

Her blood was spilling in her multiple wounds while coughing some blood out of her mouth. At this point, Riku's senses were awakened by this instance. He thought the battle would be over as soon as he defeated the head of this invasion.

"Emma! What happened to you?!"

He couldn't believe what his eyes seeing right now, knowing Emma would die if the severe bleeding won't stop.


He immediately dashed towards her by using the [Web stretch]. When he reached the area, the first thing that came to his mind was who was the person behind this assault. Nevertheless, the question that pierced his mind easily faded away after he heard a deep voice of a man not too far away from him.

"This is what you get if continue to block my way!" Vole laughed in an evil tone before adding these words. "Each one of you deserves to die! So come at me if you are hurried to see the afterlife!"

Riku gritted his teeth, couldn't believe Xelin's members had no intention to follow the condition as he was being defeated. "

He furiously looked at the man 58 meters away from him. Their distance from each other was enough to have a small conversation. "Why do you this? The battle is already ended so your team should be backing as of now?" He confronted him along with the thoughts to kill this man.

Yes, he regretted brutal killing Xelin as it was how the system ordered him. But the regret was disappearing as he now understood those wouldn't be going to hesitate to kill someone. On top of that, seeing Emma's critical condition made Riku's blood boiling, and blacked out which get to the point he can't control himself.

"Huh?! Are you kidding me?! Do you see how you killed our leader? It's not acceptable! H-He can't fight but you still decided to kill him in a brutal way you know!" Vole stuttered as he saw again the miserable body of Xelin lying on the ground. Where the mud slowly covered him because of the strong rain.

Moreover, you could notice that hatred in each word Vole spitting out. To be more precise, he can't still accept the person he always joined to eat together, a person who cared for him, and all the happy memories they were made together were starting to fade away.

Riku slightly bowed his head along with the disappointed expression on his face. "You know? The first thing hated the most is the person who's not following the condition." He said in a weak tone as he was eager to land his claw in this man's neck. "Stay right here... And I'll show you that you have messed up in the wrong guy..."

First thing first, he was well savvied that he must do something to stop the bleeding in Emma's body. In this situation, this kind of Riku decision was inevitable. He carried Emma with his armored arms, after that, used his [Fly] ability to ask someone in this village to heal her immediately.

In his mind, he doesn't want to show some of his powers to anyone knowing that could be the main threat to his life. But what he could do? He must save the woman who was always ready to help him without hearing any complaints. He can't afford to lose here not because Emma would join him to obtain his first ever [Domain], it was because Emma was too important a person for him and he doesn't want to lose more just like what happened with Haru, Akio, and his fiance (Yui).


Riku flew to the mid-air with his black armor, didn't care even he was caring heavy things. Moreover, you could see at him the willingness to save this woman, at the same time, the eagerness to wipe all the attackers in this village.

[Bloody Crow- 50%]

[Host must consume blood to receive a promotion to the first stage of your first evolution.]

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It seemed like Riku's mind was being taken over by his [Dark crow's gene] since his personality suddenly change and he was attracted by all the blood washing away while he was looking from the above.

"Bloody crow? I-I'm not sure what kind of powers would I have once I attained it. But if this thing could help me survive in this world and find my way back home. I'm going to do this." He muttered in a serious tone, then darted his eyes at a huge wall away from that almost 150 meters away from him.

On the other hand, Vole left startled on the wet surface after seeing the black glistening wings come out from that man. "That's definitely transformation magic..." He slowly shook his head as it appeared to his mind to withdraw from this war. To be more precise, he was well informed that it was hard to fight someone like him. "No, I have to do this. I should revenge Xelin's death."

It was already decided. Vole would like to continue this war in order to get the revenge he wanted for Xelin. At the same time, he knew he would also die once they reported to the Rattin Kingdom King that they defeated in the war. Despite the fact that sent thousands of attackers and each one of them had a huge mana pool and started to train their bodies when they were five years old.

Moreover, Vole used the small time to attain a closer distance against Xelin. To thank him for everything he did for Vole without expecting anything.

He reached the area and couldn't help his tears to well up in his eyes. He knelt to the ground and held his hand. And all of a sudden, his arms were trembling for some reason. It was trembling not because he was afraid that his body turned out like this, it was because he was really angry that things happen to him.

"H-He, He butchered you like a lowly animal. This isn't acceptable! He must pay for the price." He said in an angry tone, seeing the multiple deep cuts in Xelin's body where he could see some of his organs even the heart that stopped pounding and filled by the mud splashed on it.


Back to the Arzotoc's wall, Riku and Emma landed on the high platform where Arisu and guards standing next to her. He then softly positioned Emma on the ground and ask them for immediate medication.

Even though Arisu was astonished by the black wings that appeared on Riku's back. Still, she decided to won't mention it as it was inappropriate behavior for someone like her. Also, she already gave her sympathy to Emma since her wounds were the real deal here.

"Please! Someone help her! I'm begging you!" The last time he begged them was the time when the guards tortured him inside the enclosed room.

Arisu quickly ordered the guards to heal Emma, knowing every second was important, and Emma would die if they were late even one second.

Guards were hurriedly going to Emma's location, casting their multiple [Healing] abilities in order to stop the bleeding and closed the wounds. Also, they were moved Emma somewhere that way safer in her current location.

"Please, save her! I'm begging all of you! I-I would blame myself if something bad happens to her." He said in a sorrowful tone as he was now realized the reason why Emma was there. "She tried to save my life. While me sitting there, thinking that my life was miserable and regretting killing him that should not. This is my fault."

For some reason, Arisu felt guilty as Riku would not do this if he refused to help their village. So she stepped forward, patting his shoulder to help him to calm down. "Riku, don't blame yourself. You haven't done wrong, it was the fault of that man. If he just follows the rules of your duel's condition, this thing would never happen to Emma." She explained in a sweet tone. Also, Arisu wanted to stop Riku from thinking that was his fault every something didn't go according to his plan. Or called it an unexpected worst-case scenario.

He nodded his head at her, showing that he was going back to the warzone.

Well, Arisu was bothered since there were monsters already attacking the Rattin Kingdom's attackers. "Where are you going, Riku? What are you planning to do?" She asked him after she saw him spreading his wings.

"Lady Arisu, could you order the guards to kill all the remaining attackers, none of them should still be alive. Just leave me the man who did that to Emma, I'll let him taste the pain that he never imagined before." He said in a serious tone.

Arisu couldn't do anything just to nod her head at the man who was flying in the sky.. "Something different to him? His eyes went red and for some reason, I was terrified of him."

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