My Gene System

Chapter 122: Riku VS Xelin II

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Meanwhile, Arisu received an order from Riku that no attackers should be left alive in this invasion. Hearing this, he felt something different in this man. At the same time, she saw how aggressive his eyes were and how does it change.

To be more specific, there was red dark red color circulating on the circle of his eyes while his scleras were completely dark.

"Riku, what happened to you? The aggression and hatred you show us isn't the man that I know. I hope I can still your smile and optimistic attitude once this invasion ends."

These were the only words she can say. Why? She was too afraid to confront him, knowing how Riku was really affected by the incident that happened to Emma.

"You heard what Riku said, right?! Kill all the alive attackers!"

Despite the fact that the attackers were fighting numerous monsters in the backline. Still, Arisu ordered to launch their arrows and magic skills to eliminate all of them. In her mind, the monsters were approaching at the perfect time since they can land attacks without being noticed by the attackers.

"They had two options, it's either they would kill by our attacks or the monsters the would do it."

Well, she can't feel sympathy for these attackers as her heart has no room for all the people who had the intentions to destroy and kill the villagers that inhabited her beloved village.

Assortment of magic skills came from the guards were landing in the place where attackers can be found. It followed up with the spears stretched by the elastic strings and arrows that were rapidly flying in the mid-air.

Attackers were looking above, noticing there were numerous lights behind the thick fog and massive rain. Nevertheless, they weren't stupid enough to could not figure out these were magical attacks.

Damn it!

The Arzotoc's guards attacking us!

Watch out for your behinds!



I don't want to die!

Along with the alarming messages coming from attackers. It was easily enveloped with the screaming of agony at all the people who were hit by the attacks and killed by the monsters.

Yes, Arzotoc's village was winning this war. Thanks for the hard work and the invention of Riku. Arisu was sure that they couldn't achieve without his help.

"Thanks for everything, Riku. I hope I can do something to give back all the help you bestowed for our village."

Arisu said in a sweet voice while her hands positioned on her vast chest. It can't be helped that her face start being red every time she was thinking about him. Moreover, it came to her mind to take off at the battlefield to increase their winning potential. She had the fighting ability and huge magical power to kill attackers, but she couldn't do it. Why? Because Riku warned her that she must never step out of the village no matter what happened there.


On the other hand, a man who had black shimmering wings was flying under the heavy rain. Also on the side where the magical attacks, spears, and arrows were impossible to hit him.


After a few were moments. He landed on the wet surface along with the furious expression on his face. To describe in front of him, there was kneeling on the ground that had miserable expression while looking at the man was lying.


Riku heard a click of the tongue and some words came from his next opponent.

"You still have some guts to come back here, huh?! I'll let you escape but you choose to go here and fight me." Vole said in a weak tone, then pushed himself into a stood up position. Well informed that there was a high chance this man would attack him.

Riku laughed at his mind. Escape? First of all, he didn't want to escape with the upcoming fight that will happen between them. He just simply left for a couple of seconds in order to save Emma from dying. At the same time, he doesn't want someone who could be a deadweight for him in this battle.

Furthermore, he didn't respond to any of his words. More likely, he just wanted to start this fight and let this man feel the extreme pain that he never imagined that this day might happen once in his life.


Without initiating conversation. Riku dashed towards Vole with his full speed and the 15-meters gap to each other was easily down into 5 meters.

Vole's eyes were widened, at the same time, wondered where this man get this high speed? Despite he was wearing heavy armor that Vole was certain that could really affect his speed. Yet, he was aware that he must do something to stop this man.

[Ice blade!]

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Suddenly, a blue magic circle appeared next to him. After that, he swung his knife in the air to release the blade.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Three magical blades were coming at him. But he just simply cut all of them by using the [Fire claw]. To be exact, since it was raining right now and no sunlight touching him, his mana pool was regenerating dramatically.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

As soon as his claws touched the magical blade. It created a steaming effect and eventually vanished like a bubble.


Vole clicked his tongue once again, seeing his attack didn't inflict any damage to this man. At this point, he stepped forward as he was way better to do magical attacks than fighting in a fight close.

"No, he can catch up to me. That claws probably will hit me." He said in a worried tone. Even though he tried to escape with this man's aggression, still, his speed wasn't enough to create further distance.

[Abaddon Dime!]

By the given situation, it forced him to pull out one of his skills that he just always used when he was in a bad circumstance. Mix color of green and black magical circle occurred next to him. Also, that color coated his body that seemed would help enhance his both offense attack and defensive style.

Of course, Riku was surprised by this since he had no idea what was the main purpose of this skill that man utilized. Yet, he knew it was too late to step back right now as he reduced the gap by three meters. In just one step, he can possibly reach him.

"You're trash! And I swear I'll not leave this place until I kill you." Vole said in an aggressive tone, then stepped forward while the magical color coated him was left behind.

As soon as he was swinging the knife, Riku do something to change the pattern of his fighting style. First, he pointed his arm to the right side, showing that he was going to use again the [Web stretch] ability.

Vole frowned his brows along with the malicious smile on his face. It seemed like he already figured out what this going to do as it was the exact movements when Riku slashed Xelin's neck.

Without making any second thought, Vole jumped to the right side where he could see the spider's web. After that, he activated the [Abaddon Dime] skill, by simply increasing the size of his knife into a reaper along with tremendous green magical power circulated to it.

[Web stretch!]


When the moment, he heard the signal. He positioned his reaper over his head and gripped it with both hands. After that, he swung downwards that seemed could kill bunches of creatures in an instant.


A strong explosion happened. It shook the complex and crumbled the surface which was the main reason why it was having cracks. Also, even Vole was stopping himself from would not fly away because of the force he was given.

Since the place was experiencing heavy rain. No smoke arose in the place which shocked Vole. First, Vole thought that he already landed on the massive attack on this man because he felt his reaper touch human flesh. But the truth was, it just hit the corpses that were lying on the surface.

To explain it precisely, Riku already anticipated that Vole would figure out what he was going to do. Why? It was simple: every time he was using his [Web Stretch] ability he was always going to the right side. Why again? His left arm hands the [Fire claw] ability so that means he can use it when he was switching position as it will stick on the web.

Yes, he used the [Web Stretch] skill to confuse Vole. How? He knew the only thing that could cut the spider's web was his claws or all the things that had tremendous heat. Since Vole was kept using that related to ice, he figured out that he would not have any problem with it.

When the time, the web stick to his wrist and passes to the air. He immediately cut the thread to stop his body from moving. After that, he dashed to the left side and swung his claws.


In just a blink of an eye, Vole was lying on the surface and feeling the heat and deep cut under his right rib.


He was screaming in pain. At the same time, he wanted to regain his footing as he was certain that man would never waste an amount of time to reach him.



But he stopped when he received another malignant kick directly to his chest. He bounced back to the ground while coughing some blood out of his mouth.

"You wished for this! So be ready for the consequences."

He cut his finger....

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