My Gene System

Chapter 129: [Preview]

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[Bloody crow] it was the first branch before he could reach the first evolution. By this, he can enhance his combat abilities and raised the amount of his mana pool.

[Do you want to accept the bloody crow? Yes/No]

Riku was standing under the 21 meters cliff where he could see around him were the glistening small stones, bushes, and birds were lively chirping around him. It was located 120 meters away from the Arzotoc village's entrance.

For him, this spacious soothing area it's the right place he was looking where he can explore more in the gaming system without thinking anyone. To be exact, he had no idea if he can control himself after the evolution so he was afraid to hurt the creatures around him.

"I have to keep going... I already reached this far, there's no reason to refuse the thing that can help me to improve." Riku said while looking at his finger and saw the ring he snatched from Vole.

Moreover, to activate the [Bloody crow], he must have one enhancing stone and 20 low-quality mana essence. But for some reason, after he wore this ring all the requirements were removed.

[Enhancing Stone (Mid-Grade): it is the advanced enhancing stone that could help a mutant to increase the success rate of the evolution.

Well, using mid-grade enhancing stone might have been a big factor in his gene as it can instantly develop your combat abilities and sometimes give a skill that was based on the middle range of the second evolution.


He gulped afraid of the possible occurrence that will happen with his body. Back then, yes he was aware that the mutant in his world has the ability to evolve based on the genes they have. Like his father, first, Akio's gene was the gene of the normal wolf until he evolved into a dire wolf which give him fangs and dark horns on his forehead.

Yes, changing the outward appearance of a certain mutant was just an ordinary occurrence since it was talking about the monsters' mutation. But the problem here, when a mutant was evolving was also the time when the monster's gene had the chance to take over its mind as the mutant let it pass throughout his body.

45% the success rate of the evolution and it was decreasing when mutant reached higher evolution. Yet, at the end of the day, the result was still dependent on how strong Riku's state of mind was.


Riku said this word inside his head, but before the evolution took place the system sent a new notification.

[Remember! Mid-range enhancing stone will shatter into pieces! Do you still want it to continue? Yes/No]

Of course, he was aware evolution would destroy all the materials he used. So he responded to the system with the same answer.




Five seconds count down appeared on the screen in front of him, at the same time, he didn't know the first thing would happen as he felt nothing.

"Bloody crow? I have no information about this evolution but I hope it will give something useful." He uttered to his mind and closed his eyes after the screen released distorted lights that dazzled him.



A dark red magical aura easily coated his entire body and the color of aura seemed signified of the [Dark Crow's gene]. First, everything was fine until the screen showed up with a new notification.

[Bloody crow evolution would take 30 minutes before it finished. In that given time, you'll experience severe so it's strongly recommended to endure it!]

As soon as the screen popped out, Riku was started to feel like having a heavy head along with his vision being hazy. "H-Hey! What is this pain? Ahh!"


A mild aftershock transpired after Riku suddenly knelt to the ground and groaned in pain. The feels like his entire body was burning in magma and there was a large thing in his veins that was passing along with its body.

Swoosh! Swosh! Swoosh!

The sound of moving leaves and branches was coming in the area as the numerous soothing birds were leaving after sensing the dangerous aura.

"Argh! It's too painful!"

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At this point, it came to his mind the main purpose why the mutant was using human-size type in their evolution. It looked like it was the scientific invention that would help the mutant to eliminate the pain they'll receive in this evolution.

He was rolling on the surface didn't know what was the good position to replenish himself by the pain. "Shit! I feel something crouching inside of me...!"

Riku was gritting his teeth along with widened eyes as he felt there was an elephant sitting on his chest. On top of that, the white in his eyes were now releasing some blood and dripping into his cheek.

The clear gray sky earlier was now filled with bloody color as he can't control the blood coming out his eyes and nose.



Riku screamed in the loudest way he could after there was part of his body suddenly filled with the mild explosion. Sound unbelievable, doesn't it? Well, the monster's gene was passing inside of him so it means some parts would malfunction.

"W-Why? This is too brutal? I just wanted evolution to enhance myself but why this process is killing me?!" Riku yelled knowing only the monsters here could hear his voice. But what he could do? It was the way to help himself to endure the severe pain.

He looked at his right leg, saw the explosion create a deep hole in his flesh, and saw his veins were splashing dark and red blood.

Creek! Creek! Creek!

But the only thing he didn't know was that his body was flickering the mutation skill that he had like his black wings, dark metallic armor, and firing left arm. It appeared because of the excruciating pain, these skills were unexpectedly cast.

"Shit! I can't hold it anymore!"

Riku was closing his eyes along with the idea of what would happen to him after this. It had two options, it might be he just simply passed out or berserk in this forest as the monster's gene was as controlling him.


As soon as he fell to the ground, Riku bounced back it before starting to didn't aware with the occurrence would happen around him.


On the other hand, Arisu was entering the mansion where she statues and gold items decorated this house. Guards were bowing their heads at her while she was walking to the person who was sitting on the golden throne.

It was King Luke that seemed to recover from his illness, and next to him were Giza and his uncle Cuifer. If you forgot, Cuifer was the First Tactician of Arzotoc village, he suddenly vanished from the Arzotoc village after he discovered the Rattin Kingdom would be invaded the village. To be honest, he just got back here after he knew the village was saved by the outsider.

Arisu bowed her head, but not in the people who were sharply looking at her. "Good day, Father!" She lifted her head and looked at Cuifer. "Wow! You came back, Cuifer. Where have you been?" She approached him along with a malicious smile on her face.

King and Cuifer bowed their heads at her.

"Good day, Arisu!" King responded to her with a smile as he was happy to see his daughter safely come back. And yes, Giza reported the assault Riku did to him, yet it looked like King doesn't believe Giza as he wanted to hear the report would come to Arisu.

But before that, Cuifer greeted her along with an uncomfortable smile kn his face. "G-Good morning, lady Arisu, I'm glad to see you." He narrowly lifted his head and answer her question. "I went to the Colonary Kingdom to ask for assistance from the invasion. But for some reason, they refuse to help us no matter how I begged them. Tch!"

Cuifer was making a story, knowing the Colonary's King would never refuse to help this village.

Arisu chuckled at him, "Is that so? Really? By yourself? You making me laugh." She raised her two fingers in the air. "Two conclusions why you disappeared, first you are the who started this war, or second you abandoned the village. But I have strong guts that you did was the second conclusion."

Cuifer took a glance at the King with his worried eyes. "What are you saying, lady Arisu? I went out to ask from some help-"

"Why you didn't inform us?" Arisu stopped his words as she was already where she can find holes in this man.

"King? Don't listen to her, might lady Arisu is still exhausted from the war because she can say that. I'm the Tactician here I'll never abandon this village!" Cuifer was explaining, waiting for Giza to intervene with the conversation.

"Don't listen to her, father Luke! That crazy woman let that bastard assault me even I just want to help! It's way better if you kicked her out of the village." Giza said in a high tone.

She chuckled once more, "Now I know where you learn that attitude, showing yourself at the very end and acting like a hero. Also, Riku assaulted you because you slap me in front of the guards. And the reason why do you that? Because I didn't agree to kill him back then, right?"

He was gritting his teeth in annoyance. "Stop talking nonsense, Arisu-"

Giza stopped when King Luke pointed his magic wand under Giza's chin. "Are you guys dumb? Do you already forget that I have [Preview] skill?"

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