My Gene System

Chapter 130: Giza's And Cuifer's Punishment

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[Preview], it is the ability where the user could see the past by reading the mind of a certain person.

It seemed this was the ability why Luke Hanz was the King of the Arzotoc village. No one ever could lie to him as he already had the answer without asking them.

"I think do you forgot who am I, isn't it?" King asked him and couldn't help himself to cough a few times.

Ehem! Ehem!

Of course, Arisu knew king Luke discovered the exact thing that happened in the invasion as he was looking at her with his gleaming eyes. Yet, Arisu can't help herself to defend Riku from those guys.

Giza and Cuifer looked at King Luke with their trembling eyes as they thought the king can use it because of his current condition.

"Don't believe him, father! Arisu just making false images inside her head!" Giza was still persistent to drag Arisu down, also, he was starting to imagine Riku was assaulting him.

King Luke glared at Giza, "Do you think I'm dumb to wouldn't figure out the situation?" He said in a deep tone and didn't accept that one of his children could do a such thing.

To begin with. Yes, Cuifer abandoned the village after knowing the letter sent by the Rattin Kingdom. He thought that was impossible to win against them, so he decided to save his life first and have a new life with the other Kingdom.

At this point, Arisu's second conclusion was quite right. Also, Cuifer never tried to contact the Colonary Kingdom for asked help.

As soon as King Luke looked at the B+ guards, they immediately went to Cuifer and Giza to restrain from making a commotion inside the mansion.

Cuifer's and Giza's eyes were widened after seeing how the King settled the problem here. "King Luke, what is the meaning of this? I served and work for you for the past years!" You can't do this to me!" Cuifer said in a high tone, didn't expect the king could arrest him.

Ehem! Ehem!

King coughed first before replying to him. "I have no interest in those people who decided to abandon the village in a difficult time."

"I never abandon the village, King Luke! I already said it, I left the village to ask the Colonary Kingdom for help!" Cuifer aggressively said while charging his head in front of him, wanting to escape from the guards tightly handled to him.

"Shut up, Cuifer! I already knew that there was something with your personality. King said and slowly pushed himself into a standing-up position. "You know? I'm still blessed by the spirit forest as it makes way to find concrete evidence for you!"

Inside King's mind, Cuifer was a cautious man he was avoiding committing mistakes by himself.


"That's bullshit! I helped you to grow this village and this is what I would get for helping you in those times? Don't mess with me!" Cuifer said in a high tone as he couldn't control his extreme emotion. "I'll kill you!"

When the moment his entire body was coated by the green magical power, the B+ guards suddenly knocked back.


His magical shockwave surrounded the mansion and destroyed the guards' defenses. Cuifer slightly bent his knees, planning to charge toward the King.

"I'll swear, I'm going to kill you!" Cuifer said in a serious tone and you could notice the killer around him.


As soon as he was going to move his feet, Cuifer couldn't continue to it as he felt there was a keen touching his neck, and the sword's sharpness was enough to give scratch and blood slowly dripped on it.

He gulped and had sweaty hands, knowing this sword type of sword belonged to Arisu.

"One wrong move, I'll never hesitate to cut your head." Arisu warned him in a weak tone, then tugged Cuifer's hair and gradually pushed her sword deeper.

Conifer knitted his face, feeling the sword penetrating in his neck. In his mind, if this woman swung her arm, his head probably sent to the air right away. "S-Stop it, Arisu! I'm not going to fight back." He dropped his weapon and slowly raised his hands to the air, showing that he had no intention to fight.

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Yet, Arisu wasn't the type of woman that can easily fool as even though Cuifer surrendered, still, she remained her sword instead of removing it. After that, she darted her eyes at the guard, ordering numerous guards that were enough to hold him and can't escape.

"Don't you ever try again to say those words to my father, if you don't want to see the afterlife sooner?" She reminded him, then put back her sword in its case as the guards has already settled him down.

Cuifer chuckled while the guards aggressively carried him to the place where all the criminals belonged. "Hahaha! I don't care about it because your father still going to die." He paused for a second along with a malicious smile on his face before adding. "Oh? King Luke, don't forget to drink your tea, okay? It'll help you to have better health."

Shut up, Cuifer!

Don't try to disrespect lady Arisu and King Luke because if you will I'm going to kill you even they didn't order me to do so...

Come on, let's detained him! Our village had no room for that kind of people!

These were the words that came from the B+ guards as they were annoyed with the attitude of this man.

Moreover, hearing Cuifer's words, something came up inside Arisu's head. She thought that the tea mentioned by Cuifer was the main source of why King Luke's condition slowly getting worst. But before that, they must give the right punishment to Giza.

King Luke seemed doesn't bother with all the words said by Cuifer to him as he was looking at his son with his straight face. "Don't you ever think because you are my son I'm not going to punish you? I'll never consent to anyone for their bad behaviors. Also, your action with the invasion was embarrassing the Hanz family."

Giza gulped as he was afraid of the punishment King would give to him. He knew his action back then was enough reason to kick him out of the village. 'No, he can't do that. I'm still his son...' He uttered to his mind along with the idea king Luke would just demote his rank in this village and detained him for several days.

Ehem! Ehem!

King coughed once more before giving his punishment, at the same time, Arisu had no idea what kind of punishment would give by her father.

"Your behavior in the invasion was enough reason for me to punish you sentence to death..." King said in a deep tone.

Giza was blinking his eyes in confusion, wondering his father could think to kill him. "What are you saying, father? I-I'm still your son..." He stuttered while looking at his father opening his mouth.

"That's why I can punish you with that." He spun around where he can see the door that way to his room before adding these words. "So I suggested that you should leave this village. I'm cutting all of my connections to you and don't ever try your step your feet again in this village, and show your face to me."

And all of a sudden, a tough appearance of Giza became softened. He knelt to the surface, begging for his father's forgiveness. "Please, father! Don't do this to me! I'm still your son!"

Tears welled up in his eyes as he can't afford to kick out in this village. Why? It was because he will surely lose his influence in this village, aside from that, he had nowhere to go.

However, King Luke pretending doesn't hear anything instead says these words. "If you do not leave this village in this day. I'll change your punishment, or rather to say, sentenced to death."

At this point, Giza couldn't know how his father can forgive him. So he looked at Arisu with his teary eyes. "Oi! Arisu! Do something! I don't want to leave this village?" He yelled and asked for her help.

Of course, Arisu was still shocked by the punishment given by her father. She narrowly flinched and eventually shook her head at him. "That's not my decision, Giza. Also, you choose to be in that situation, so blame yourself."

To be exact, by being the King of the Arzotoc village, Arisu knew that she can't do nothing to convince her father. Yes, he loved her so much, but the thing here was, that was the King's job so it was way better if she doesn't intervene with it.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Promise! I'll come back here and kill you all!

Giza said while the guards escorting him to the village's exit.


On the other hand, a man lying under the cliff suddenly woke up. In front of him was the screen provided by the system for him.

[Great! You are already a bloody crow!]

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