My Genes Can Evolve Limitlessly

Chapter 100: Chatper 100

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Ghetto, Blackwood Street, Leah Community.

Even in a slum area, this community is a representative of dirty and messy.

Among the tenants, there are three kinds of teachings and nine ranks, and everyone has it.

Li Qinghe came to this community under the leadership of Framing.

She glanced at the piles of garbage piled up on the street in the community, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Soon, they came to a room.

In the room, Lin Hong and two night watchmen stood by the window.

The curtain was drawn, and there was a black instrument on the side, aimed at the opposite side. A night watchman looked at the instrument, observing something.

Seeing Li Qinghe come in, Lin Hong and the two night watchmen quickly got up.

"Sir! You are here!"

Li Qinghe nodded.

She looked at the opposite side through the drawn curtain, as if she could see the opposite side clearly.

"Xue Ren is opposite?"

"Yes, according to the information we have, he hasn't been out in the past few days. But it doesn't rule out that he has special genetic warfare skills and can leave without others knowing."

Lin Hong said.

The corners of Li Qinghe's mouth raised, revealing a smile:

"Although I'm not sure if it's this person, but... let me ask myself."

She took a step forward and disappeared.


Opposite the residential building, outside Xue Ren's door, Li Qinghe's body emerged.

She glanced around, with a flash of coldness in her eyes, staring at the room:

"Can you block my instant air step? I really caught it."

The dark sword appeared in her hand and slashed at the door of the room.

laugh! !

The door was shattered, and the inside of the room was as dark as a devil's cave.

Strange shadows rushed out one after another, and rushed towards Li Qinghe with a sharp roar.

"A lot stronger than before."

Li Qinghe sneered, sword lights flashed all over her body, and the power of darkness surged, killing all the shadows almost instantly.

Then Li Qinghe rushed directly into the room.

In the room, Xue Ren was sitting cross-legged on the bed, with wisps of evil black mist surging all over his body, and beside him, there were two corpses with wide-eyed eyes full of horror.

It was Fleming's other two suspects, Lucius and Ellis.

Xue Ren looked at Li Qinghe, his face was full of hideousness, and his voice had a bizarre double echo:

"Damn, I knew it wouldn't work like this! It's still exposed!"

Li Qinghe narrowed his eyes and looked at Xue Ren indifferently:

"Since it has been discovered, let's die obediently."

"Don't think about it!! Kill you, I can leave!"

Xue Ren roared, the terrifying black mist churned, and the air waves surged. The whole room shook, and cobweb-like cracks spread across the wall, and the windows were directly shattered.

That powerful breath is far from the second-order warrior level as mentioned in the information, but has reached the fourth-order warrior level.

However, even so, Li Qinghe's face remained calm.

She stepped out, the terrifying power of darkness on the long sword surged, and the sword was slashed out, and the deep dark sword energy slashed towards Xue Ren.

The terrifying sword energy carried an irresistible sword force, causing Xue Ren to open his eyes wide, his eyes full of horror.


He roared, and his body suddenly burst into black mist.

As his body exploded, strange shadows appeared from where he exploded.

In an instant, the entire room was filled, covering Li Qinghe.

The screams were piercing, enough to drive ordinary people into madness.

boom! !

The sword qi tore apart the black shadows incomparably, and Li Qinghe's body rushed out of the room and suspended in the air.

Countless shadows in the room also rushed out.

The dense black shadows are like dark clouds pressing on top of Li Qinghe's head, thousands of them.

In the opposite room, Fleming and Lin Hong saw the dark shadow outside the window, their eyes widened and their faces terrified.

Fleming's voice trembled:

"This... so many shadows?!"

"Xue Renguo is really the host of Alien Objects?! It's crazy! Are all these people who died in his hands? In just a few years, he has swallowed so many souls. If he is swallowed up infinitely, who is there? Can you stop him?!"

Not just them.

The movement of the shadow was so loud that almost everyone in the entire community was awakened.

Everyone walked to the window and saw the strange dark clouds outside the window, all showing a look of horror.

"God, what is that?!"

"Is that a ghost?? A lot of ghosts are floating in the sky!"

"And the person floating in the air...that's a genetic warrior? How strong is that even if it can fly in the sky?"


Li Qinghe raised his head and looked at the shadow, with a sharp murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"Are these people who died in your hands? It seems that your alienation level is not low."

The shadows did not answer, they quickly gathered together to form a huge shadow more than ten meters high.

The black shadow overflowed with black air and floated in the air.

The power he showed was even stronger than before.

Even compared to Li Qinghe, it's not much worse.

The huge shadow opened its mouth and let out a shrill and eerie roar at Li Qinghe.

The air wave swayed Li Qinghe's black hair, she silently took out a cigarette, lit it and put it in her mouth, showing a smile.


The next moment, her body instantly disappeared in place and appeared behind the shadow.

When she appeared behind Sombra, Sombra's roar suddenly stopped.

Hundreds of pieces were separated from its body in an instant, and then the dark sword lights erupted.

Seeing this scene, Framing and the others below looked at Li Qinghe with admiration.

"It's the Shadow Slash of the Lord!"

"Burn the gene of the emperor with the body of the king of war, the adults are too powerful!"

"Well, are you kidding me? Not to mention in Daqixing, even in the entire Human Alliance, your lord is one of the most amazing geniuses!"

"Looks like it's over."

Just as a few people were talking, the hundreds of black shadows that were separated condensed again and became a whole again.

The huge black shadow punched Li Qinghe with a terrifying power, and slammed into Li Qinghe.

The strong air waves formed a storm, the rubbish in the community was flying, and the windows were broken one by one.

Li Qinghe's body disappeared in place, and his fists fell on the street of the community.

boom! !

The roar sounded, and a deep pit with a radius of more than ten meters appeared on the street.

The entire neighborhood shook.

Framing and the others stood up straight, looking at the huge deep pit, their pupils shrank, revealing the color of horror.

"This shadow is not dead like this?"

"As expected of an alien, it's really weird."

"What a powerful power! This power is already at the level of a king of war, isn't it?"

"I hope the adults can kill this thing quickly. If this guy is allowed to destroy it, this community will not be able to withstand the toss."

Li Qinghe glanced at the deep pit on the ground and narrowed his eyes.

Her body disappeared in place again.

The shadow froze again.

The next moment, his body was divided into smaller fragments than before.

Countless black sword lights erupted, almost engulfing it.

Li Qinghe's body appeared not far away, looking at the fragments indifferently.

After a while, the fragments wriggled and slowly condensed again.

Li Qinghe raised his eyebrows and said lightly:

"I don't believe you can recover indefinitely."

The dark sword light erupted again, and the black shadow that had just started to condense was torn apart again.

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Not far from the community, Xue Ren's body emerged.

At this moment, his body has become a little dry, and the hair that was originally black and white has turned completely gray at this moment, and his face is extremely pale.

The power that had already reached the fourth-order War Venerable level has fallen seriously at this moment, and the breath is extremely weak.

He glanced at the black shadow that was constantly being twisted into pieces in the distance, and coughed out a mouthful of blood:

"Damn! Damn! Battle King! That guy is Battle King! Why is there such a strong person in the slum?! All the hard work in the past ten years has been in vain! No... It can't be stopped for long. That is a Monster! Even with all her soul, she can't stop her. Evacuate first, go to the wilderness first!"

He clutched his chest and ran cautiously into the distance.

Just after he ran a distance, he suddenly saw two figures not far away.

After seeing Xue Wang's familiar face, Xue Ren's eyes flashed with a trace of blackness, revealing a wicked smile.

"At least a little bit of recovery."

He turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the two of them.


Lu Yuan and Xue Wang heard the roar and looked in the direction of the roar.

Both of them widened their eyes when they saw the black fog surging in the distance.

"what is that?!"

Xue Wang was shocked: "Gene warrior?! How can there be such a strong gene warrior in a slum??"

Lu Yuan felt the breath in the distance, and his face was full of astonishment.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Of those two fighting breaths, one of them seemed very similar to what he felt at home before? !

How can it be a genetic warrior of this level? ?

Why would a genetic warrior of this level target Sister Qinghe?

Lu Yuan's mind was full of question marks.

Just when the two were shocked, a black shadow suddenly flashed and rushed towards Lu Yuan.

The powerful breath made Lu Yuan's whole body explode, and his body was cold.

His pupils contracted violently, and the deadly threat made him sober.

His whole body was flashing with crimson light, the light of red copper was working with all his strength, and the power of black steel also worked.

Under the deadly threat, Lu Yuan squeezed the strength of his whole body, and the profound meaning of Heigangjin and the previous experience of practicing in the gravity room flickered wildly in his mind.

All the power in his body was immediately mobilized, his muscles and internal organs vibrated at a peculiar frequency, and his strength exploded.

Under such a deadly threat, the fourth level of Black Steel Strength was used by Lu Yuan.

The battle armor appeared on Lu Yuan's body, and the epee appeared in Lu Yuan's hand.

Lu Yuan raised his sword.

Xue Ren's fist fell on the epee.

boom! !

The violent power poured out from Xue Ren's fist and landed on the epee.

The heavy sword slammed hard on Lu Yuan's chest, and his strength was released.

Lu Yuan's body flew out.

clack clack...

There was a sound of shattering bones.

Lu Yuan's body slammed into a high wall on one side, creating a big hole in the high wall.

Then his body fell to the ground.

Lu Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, and his brain went blank for a moment, and then was overwhelmed by severe pain.

He could feel his sternum and ribs broken, his arms numb, and severe pain in his internal organs of varying degrees.

With just one punch, Lu Yuan was seriously injured.

He didn't have time to think too much, and he used his spiritual power with all his strength to stimulate the rejuvenation combat skills, and his vitality bloomed in his body.

His body began to recover.

Lu Yuan took out another bottle of powerful healing potion and poured it down with difficulty.

Powerful Healing Potion and Rejuvenation Combat Skill work together.

Lu Yuan felt a warm feeling, and his injury recovered very quickly.

Only then did Lu Yuan look up at the figure in the distance. Seeing the familiar and unfamiliar face, Lu Yuan's pupils shrank slightly.

This is... the boss of the Wild Dog Gang?

Xue Ren's hair turned white and looked much older, but Lu Yuan almost didn't recognize it for a while.

However, why did this bastard suddenly attack me? !

Lu Yuan's killing intent boiled over, and he was a little scared.

Almost, if his strength is weaker, he may die directly.

Xue Ren flew to Lu Yuan with a punch, and saw that Lu Yuan was not dead, a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

Although his strength was greatly reduced and his vitality was greatly damaged, the strong ones in the second-order warriors should be dying if they took a punch from him.

A mere first-order fighter, and he was still alive after punching him?


He took a step to kill Lu Yuan.

At this moment, Xue Wang stood in front of Xue Ren.

When Xue Ren saw Xue Wang, his face was cold and he stopped.

The two stood opposite each other, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent.

But it was only silent for a moment. Xue Ren knew that the black shadow couldn't stop Li Qinghe for long. He didn't have much time, and his whole body was surging.

Seeing this, Xue Wang had an inexplicable look on his face, and the corners of his mouth pursed slightly:

"Sure enough, do you want to do something to me?"

Xue Ren said coldly:

"You are my son, and I gave you everything you have, including life. I just take back what belongs to me."


Xue Wang laughed.

He silently took off his sunglasses, his strange green eyes burning in the dim air.

"After my mother died, I knew there would be such a day. Let's make an end."

A thick black mist appeared in Xue Ren's eyes, and said lightly:

"You were made by me, do you think you will be my opponent?"

On Xue Wang, the crimson leather armor appeared, and he showed a bright smile:

"Who knows? Ouch!!"

Xue Wang roared, the green light in his eyes flashed, and his breath soared.

There were long silver-white hairs growing out of his skin, looking like a monster.

Combat Skill Silver Wolf Rage.

A dignified expression appeared on Xue Ren's face, and he said lightly:

"The genes are not fully integrated, and you forcefully stimulate your combat skills. Are you not afraid of mutation?"

At this moment, Xue Wang's face full of silver hairs showed a grin, and his eyes flashed with the meaning of death:

"It doesn't matter, my purpose of burning the silver wolf gene is for now, isn't it?"

"Oh, let's start then."

There were strands of light red blood light on Xue Ren's body, and there was a faint smell of black mist in the blood light.

Although Xue Ren's breath seemed very weak at the moment, the pressure still made Xue Wang's face dignified.

"I don't know what you did, it seems to be stronger. But I think it must not be a good thing, right?"

Xue Ren didn't speak, and with a single step, he charged towards Xue Wang.

His fist with spiked gloves was covered with a rich blood light, and slammed towards Xue Wang's head.

Combat Skill·Blood Fist

Xue Wang's face was indifferent, and he also punched and greeted Xue Ren.

boom! ! !

The two fists collided, making a roar.

Xue Wang snorted and took a few steps back.

Xue Ren only took a half step back.

He looked at Xue Wang and said lightly, "It seems that you are not my opponent."

Xue Wang smiled coldly, and as soon as he stepped on the ground, a cobweb-like crack appeared on the ground, and his body rushed up again like a silver light.

The two fists and feet crossed each other, and their bodies were staggered. From time to time, they landed on the wall with one punch and one foot, making big holes in the wall.

boom! !

Another collision, Xue Wang's body flew upside down and hit the wall heavily, a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

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