My Genes Can Evolve Limitlessly

Chapter 99: Chatper 99

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The thick fog surged, and Lu Yuan looked around vigilantly.

Even with his current strength, he can only see through the thick fog within five meters.

Farther away, he couldn't see at all.

His face became ugly.

"Damn, it's foggy!"

Amy, who had always been proud of her, turned pale at the moment.

"It's over, we're too unlucky, aren't we?! The foggy forest doesn't get foggy once in a few years, but we bumped into it?"

Lu Yuan has investigated the specific information of the foggy forest on before.

In the central area of ​​the foggy forest, it is a perennial foggy area, and there are many powerful beasts entrenched in it.

Entering the central area of ​​the foggy forest, very few people can come out alive.

And if the central area of ​​the foggy forest is a very dangerous area.

That foggy foggy forest is a deadly period that is even more dangerous than the central area of ​​the foggy forest.

This is not just one area, but the entire Misty Forest is in a deadly danger zone.

The beasts originally entrenched in the middle of the foggy forest will run out of the central area at this time to hunt down beasts and genetic warriors.

The most dangerous thing is that it is rumored that whenever the foggy forest is foggy, the sleeping mirage in the depths of the foggy forest will wake up.

That is the legendary mythical creature!

The Mirage will scavenge all creatures that enter its territory, so the foggy forest in this period is deadly dangerous.

All the genetic warriors inside will basically die.

However, Lu Yuan felt that this should be just a legend. It is so possible for a mythical creature like a mirage to be in this ghost place?

What to do now is to leave the foggy forest as soon as possible.

Just when Lu Yuan thought so, Amy murmured to herself with a crying voice:

"It's over, it's over... Mirage is about to come out, and I'm going to die here for the first time..."

Lu Yuan was stunned, and glanced at Amy strangely:

"Amy, do you think Mirage is real? Isn't that a legend?"

Amy rolled her eyes at Lu Yuan, even so, she was still very cute.

"Who told you that it was a legend?! My great-grandfather told me that there was a war emperor who entered the foggy forest when it was foggy and wanted to find out the truth inside, but he was struck by a huge claw sticking out from the fog. It was shot dead! So even the Emperor of War would not dare to come in when the foggy forest is foggy! The foggy foggy forest is a restricted area!"

Lu Yuan: "..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth: "Are you kidding me?"

Before Amy could speak, the fog suddenly surged.

"hold head high!!"

A terrifying roar sounded, as if it had passed through countless time and space and entered Lu Yuan's ears.

Lu Yuan and Amy's faces changed dramatically.

Lu Yuan turned his head and looked in the direction of the roar, obviously his vision was blocked by the fog, making it difficult to see the area five meters away.

But the strange thing is that he can clearly see that in the depths of the fog, there are strange golden-green beasts churning.

Judging from the size, it is very long, very large... It looks like, maybe, it should be a mirage? !

Lu Yuan's scalp is numb, is it really not a legend? ?

Amy next to her trembled.

She hid behind Lu Yuan, grabbed Lu Yuan's clothes with her little hand, and her voice trembled:

"Then, is that a Mirage?!"

Lu Yuan didn't answer.

I don't know if it's really a Mirage though.

But that kind of figure that churns in the fog, like a rule, can be clearly seen even through the fog, there is no doubt that it is not an ordinary beast.

The incomparably powerful breath made Lu Yuan feel as if his heart jumped out of his chest, making it extremely difficult to breathe.

"We sneaked away."

Lu Yuan whispered, although the mirage might be very far away from them, he was still afraid of being heard.

Amy came back to her senses, nodded her head, glanced at the mirage in the distance, and shrank her neck.

At this moment, Lu Yuan and Amy's pupils widened, and panic appeared in their eyes.

The mirage dragon churning in the distance suddenly turned to look in the direction of Lu Yuan and Amy, with indifference and majesty in his golden eyes.

Lu Yuan didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that the evolution cube that had been revolving around the gene chain in his body suddenly shook.

Before he could get to the bottom of it, he noticed that the mist around him and Amy was suddenly violently surging.

The next moment, the fog engulfed the two of them.

Lu Yuan felt a sharp pain all over his body, as if he had been crushed.

His consciousness fell into darkness.

When he regained consciousness, he sat up suddenly, only to find that he was lying on the bed in the room.

His whole body was soaked with sweat, and the severe pain from before seemed to have penetrated into his soul, which he still remembers freshly.

As if the pain continued.

Lu Yuan turned to look around, the scenery outside the window was already late at night.

He looked at the neon lights flashing in the dark night and came back to his senses.

he came out?

Died for the first time from the Land of Origin?

Lu Yuan was still a little bewildered.

The pain of death was his first experience, the feeling was unforgettable, and he probably would never forget it in the future.

Maybe it's because he died so badly.

The solidified mist was directly crushed to death, and the mirage was too cruel!

Lu Yuan couldn't help shivering. Is this something that the boss can do? !

Too bad he can't beat that big guy.

Lu Yuan could only secretly make a note in his small notebook, and then go to it to settle accounts when his strength is complete.

The only thing that made Lu Yuan a little distressed was that this time the harvest could not be brought out.

All fell out.

My heart hurts!


Lu Yuan lay down on the bed again, heaving a sigh of relief, feeling a little tired.

Lu Yuan was stunned.

I heard that after death, it will affect the spirit.

He glanced at the door of light in his mind.

It was found that in addition to becoming dim, there were also cracks in the door of light.

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that he had to wait for the crack on the door of light to be repaired, and then restore the brightness before continuing to enter the land of origin.

Don't know how long it will take?

Lu Yuan was a little helpless.

At this moment, Lu Yuan suddenly stopped, stood up suddenly, and looked out of the room, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He felt the fluctuation of spiritual power.

It's in their house, it seems to be in... Sister Qinghe's room?

Could it be that someone wants to be detrimental to Sister Qinghe? !

Lu Yuan's pupils shrank and hurried out of the room.

He came to Li Qinghe's room, twisted the door handle, and found that the room door was locked.

Lu Yuan's heart sank, and his face became cold.

He directly twisted the door handle with force, breaking the door lock by the way.

Pushing open the room door, Lu Yuan entered Li Qinghe's room.

He looked around and found that Li Qinghe's quilt was on the bed, a little messy, and there was no one in the room.

Only the window was open, and some cold night wind blew in from the window.

Lu Yuan felt that the spiritual power he had sensed before was moving towards the distance at a very fast speed.

Lu Yuan's face changed, and he came to the window and looked in the direction of the movement of the aura.

The neon lights spread to the distance like a gorgeous ocean of colors, but in the distance, the neon lights gradually became scarce. In that area, only the faint street lights were flashing, and it looked a little dim.

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes.

That's the direction of the ghetto.

He glanced down from the window, at a height of tens of meters, even with his current strength, it was still a bit dangerous to jump down.

However, Lu Yuan's face was dull, and he turned over and jumped down.

His body fell rapidly, and the night wind whistled in his ears.

After descending some distance, Lu Rim suddenly reached out and grabbed the protruding window sill.

The downward momentum disappeared immediately, and Lu Yuan let go of his hand again and continued to descend.


The land edge fell smoothly to the ground.

After landing, Lu Yuan did not stop, turned into an afterimage, and ran towards the slum.



The Night's Watch's secret stronghold.

In the shadow of the room, Li Qinghe's body emerged.

She came to sit on the sofa, crossed her legs, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Taking a breath, Li Qinghe narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about something.

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Just then, the room door was pushed open.

Fleming rushed in.

Seeing Framing's eager look, Li Qinghe frowned slightly:

"what happened?"

Fleming showed a hint of excitement:

"Sir! We have found Xue Ren's location!"

"Huh? Where?"

"It's in Nancheng! In a house on Heimu Street. During this time, the night watchman and Hongfengwei of Xili City cooperated with us to find the traces of Ellis, Lucius and Xue Ren, and finally found Xue Traces of Ren!"

Li Qinghe raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Really? It's not bad to find one, so let's go and have a look first."


Fleming took Li Qinghe out of the room.


At the junction of the slum area and the downtown area, Lu Yuan's body appeared.

He glanced at the dimly lit street in the slum, his brows furrowed, his face cold.

After leaving the slum, Lu Yuan thought he would never come back.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, I came to this place again.

He sensed the spiritual power around him, and his face became a little ugly.

That person's speed was much faster than him, and at this position, he was completely unable to sense that spiritual power.

The slum is so big, how should he find it?

Who took Sister Qinghe away?

With her status as Sister Qinghe and her cautiousness in living in a slum, she should not offend the gene warriors.

And still such a strong genetic warrior.

Lu Yuan clenched his fists and his eyes flashed.

Then Lu Yuan thought of Flaming, he and Li Qinghe had a good relationship, maybe he knew something.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan's body turned into an afterimage and ran towards the Daming Martial Arts Hall.

On the way, two gangsters who had seen Lu Yuan alone and approached with bad intentions broke out in a cold sweat when they saw Lu Yuan suddenly disappear in place.

They looked at each other with horror in their eyes.


Daming martial arts hall entrance.

Lu Yuan banged on the door.

Soon, an angry roar came from inside.

"Who is it! It's so noisy! Ma De dared to come to the Daming Martial Arts Hall in the middle of the night to make a noise, don't you want to live?"

With the roar, the rolling door inside the Daming Martial Arts Hall opened, revealing a strong figure.

When Xiaohu saw Lu Yuan, he was stunned for a moment, the anger on his face disappeared immediately, and he smiled:

"Oh? It's A Yuan! Haven't seen you for more than half a month? What are you doing here in the middle of the night? ... What's wrong with you? Your face is ugly."

Xiao Hu was a little worried when he saw Lu Yuan's face.

Lu Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a stiff smile:

"Brother Hu, I'm fine, by the way, is Brother Ming here?"

"Brother Ming? He hasn't been in the martial arts hall recently, and he doesn't know where to go."

Lu Yuan frowned, and his heart sank again.

Except for Flaming, Lu Yuan found that he didn't know other people who were related to Li Qinghe.

He regretted that he didn't know more about Li Qinghe's interpersonal relationship before.

If you know more, there may be other clues now.

But now, where should he go?

Why did that gene warrior take Sister Qinghe away?

After a long time, will she be in danger?

Lu Yuan felt extremely annoyed.

"A Yuan? Are you okay?"

Seeing that Lu Yuan's face became more and more ugly, Xiao Hu became more worried.

Lu Yuan returned to his senses and smiled dryly:

"It's okay, when will Brother Ming be back?"

Xiaohu patted his head:

"I don't know about that either. No one answers the phone calls to him these days, and I don't know what to do. Are you really okay?"

Lu Yuan shook his head: "It's okay... By the way, do you know Li Qinghe?"

"Li Qinghe? I don't know. Who are you?"

"It's okay, Brother Hu is bothering you. I'll go first. If Brother Ming comes back, call me."

Lu Yuan smiled and turned to leave.

Xiaohu looked at the back of Lu Yuan's departure and scratched his head:

"Why is A Yuan so weird? Who is this Li Qinghe?"

He yawned, shook his head, and stopped thinking about it.


Lu Yuan left Daming Martial Arts Hall and walked slowly on the street, but he was thinking fast in his mind.

How can I find Li Qinghe?

Although it was very difficult, Sister Qinghe was the one who cared about him the most, and he would not give up just like that.

Can't give up either.

At this moment, Lu Yuan saw a familiar thin back on the road ahead.

He was stunned, a little surprised.

Why is he here?

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and walked over.

"Old Xue?"

The thin figure in front of him wearing an exaggerated floral shirt and beach pants stopped and turned to look over.

Lu Yuan saw Xue Wang's familiar sunglasses.

Because he was in a boring mood, Lu Yuan didn't even bother to complain about why he still wears these sunglasses at night.

"Old Lu? It's almost two o'clock now, why are you outside? Shouldn't you be in the place of origin?"

"I'm dead."

Xue Wang was stunned for a moment, a little surprised:

"With your strength, you will die from the place of origin?"

"Unfortunately, I encountered fog in the foggy land."

When Xue Wang heard the words, he immediately understood.

"So that's the case, then you're really out of luck. Wait... haven't you moved out of the slum? Why did you run back?"

Lu Yuan paused and said:

"I'm back with something."

Seeing Lu Yuan's ugly face, Xue Wang raised his eyebrows:

"I have something to tell my brother. It's not that my brother is boasting. After all, my brother is also a second-tier warrior. He is stronger than you, and maybe he can help you."

Lu Yuan thought about it and glanced at Xue Wang:

"My sister was brought here by the gene warriors, and I can't trace it now."

"Your sister?"

Xue Wang frowned slightly: "The slum is so big, it's a little difficult to find someone."

Hearing Xue Wang's words, Lu Yuan felt a little heavier.

He changed the subject:

"how about you?"

When Xue Wang heard the words, he paused, and an inexplicable look appeared on his face.

"I'm going to meet someone."

Lu Yuan was startled and remembered that majestic figure:

"The one from the Wild Dog Gang?"

Xue Wang froze for a moment, glanced at Lu Yuan, and showed a wry smile:

"That's it, you guessed my identity."

Lu Yuan nodded, and then a light flashed in his mind.

By the way, with the power of the Wild Dog Gang, if you let the Wild Dog Gang help you find it, maybe you can find Sister Qinghe? !

"Am I going with you?"

Xue Wang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head:

"I'll just go by myself. He's not a good person. It's too dangerous for you to go."

Lu Yuan opened his mouth, as if to say something.

boom! !

At this moment, a deafening roar sounded in the distance.

Lu Yuan and Xue Wang both felt the extremely powerful breath surging in the distance, their faces changed drastically, and they looked in the direction of the roar.

------off topic-----

Thank you: God of Death, Entering the password, Raining so big, Yan Yuhao, Wang Quan, Tianxia, ​​I really want to read quietly, Ye Han by the river, I just use a day’s announcement, Commander of salted fish at the crossroads, Wu Zong, Ask the sky why Rewards for Qing, Yueyi, Eternal Lingfeng, WP Canghai~~

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