My Genes Can Evolve Limitlessly

Chapter 98: Chatper 98

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One of the Kaman people pointed at Luyuan with a staff, and the water mist condensed to form a water arrow that shot towards Luyuan.

The water arrows ripped apart the air, making a sharp screeching sound.

This power is stronger than the leader of the ancient sea giant crocodile that Lu Yuan encountered before, but Lu Yuan's face remained the same, and the long sword in his hand was cut out and slashed at the water arrow.

boom! !

The water arrow was directly smashed, and Lu Yuan kept his footsteps and continued to rush towards the three Kaman people.

The three Kaman people panicked when they saw that Lu Yuan could easily smash water arrows.

The sword-wielding Kaman roared and cut open the vines, trying to escape alone.

But Amy pursed her red lips and kept squeezing her own strength. The vines were endless, rushing towards the three Kaman people, making the sword-wielding Kaman people unable to open a way for a while.

In just two breaths, Lu Yuan had already rushed in front of the three Kaman people.

During this period, the water arrows Kaman people fired two water arrows again, all of which were easily smashed by the land edge.

After approaching the three Kaman people, Lu Yuan's eyes were cold, and he immediately slashed at the water arrow Kaman people.

This kind of guy with long-range combat skills is the most annoying.

"Don't think about it!"

A Kaman man holding a shield growled and stood in front of the water arrow Kaman. All of his light gray skin had some stone patterns, and even the shield had stone patterns.

Petrified skin combat skills.

Lu Yuan's first combat skill was petrified skin, so he naturally understood this skill.

Defense is pretty good.


It also depends on who you are facing.

A savage color flashed in Lu Yuan's eyes, red light flashed all over his body, and the black steel force burst out with all his strength.

The epee slashed on the shield.


The powerful force made the stone-skinned Kaman people fly upside down, opening a mouthful of blood.

Defeated in one hit!

The water arrows of the Kaman people have not yet condensed, and Lu Yuan is another sword, and the red sword light flashes and kills him.

When the remaining sword-wielding Kaman saw this scene, their pupils shrank slightly, gritted their teeth, turned and slashed towards Lu Yuan.

The epee that was flashing with gray light had a sharp breath, even if Lu Yuan turned on the light of red copper, it felt a little dangerous.

This power is similar to that of the flame slash.

He directly greeted him.


The long sword collided, and the face of the sword-wielding Kaman turned pale, and he stepped back again and again, his hands trembling.

Lu Yuan's strength was too strong, and with one blow, the sword-wielding Kaman felt as if his hand was broken.

He was shocked, what kind of monster is this human being? !

Even if the defense is strong, how can the strength be so exaggerated? !

However, just as his thoughts flowed, the heavy sword slashed again.

The powerful and imposing sword-wielding Kaman rolled over and dodged in embarrassment.

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and slashed at the sword-wielding Kaman again.

The sword-wielding Kaman was still rolling, a wisteria entangled him, his pupils shrank, and a sword light flashed, and his sight fell into darkness.

After killing the sword-wielding Kaman, Lu Yuan looked at the stone-skinned Kaman who fell on the ground and struggled to get up, and it was a sword to go up.

All three Kaman were killed.

Amy on the side saw that Lu Yuan killed the three Kamans so neatly, and a look of surprise flashed in the big purple Kazilan eyes.

She knew how powerful these Kamanites were, but she didn't expect to be so vulnerable in front of Lu Yuan.

Looking at the fluctuation of spiritual power, this guy should have just reached the first rank not long ago, right?

It's just that the previous strength and defense capabilities are completely unlike the warriors who have just reached the first rank.

His extraordinary genes should be very advanced.

Don't know which one is from?

Why haven't you seen it before?

Haven't even heard of it.

Amy didn't think for a long time, she felt a emptiness in her body, and she used all her strength to push the wisteria, making her a little weak at the moment.

She scattered the wisteria and leaned against the tree, panting slightly.

After Lu Yuan killed three Kaman people, he saw the wisteria dissipate and turned to look in the direction of the purple-haired girl.

Seeing the purple-haired girl's face pale, Lu Yuan asked, "Are you all right?"

The purple-haired girl smiled at Lu Yuan, and with the delicate little face of the baby fat, she looked very cute.

She waved her hand forcibly, pretending to not care:

"It's just a little thing! How can it be so hard to beat me, Amy Algaby! Don't underestimate me!"

It would be more convincing if her body didn't tremble when she said this.

A black line appeared on Lu Yuan's forehead, looking at the purple-haired girl who was holding on, speechless.

He took out a bottle of spiritual potion and a bottle of healing potion and handed them over:


Amy's originally snow-white pretty face turned red.

She took the two bottles of medicine in embarrassment, and gulped her head up and drank it.

After drinking the potion, her complexion began to recover quickly, and her body stopped shaking.

A look of anger appeared on her little face, and she waved her fist unhappily:

"If it weren't for those guys who were despicable and attacked, there were so many people, and I hadn't recorded the extraordinary genes with offensive ability that were suitable for me, then they would not be my opponents!"

When Lu Yuan heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

good guy.

Listening to the little guy, she hasn't recorded the first-order genes yet?

Just because the first gene is so strong, is it really the same person as Ye Ye?

Lu Yuan looked at the girl named Amy Algaby curiously.

If this is the case, then among the elders of this little guy, there should be a strong person above the War Emperor?

You must know that there are only four war emperors in the Red Maple Empire, and there should not be many Daqixing.

I don't know which war emperor's son this little guy is?

Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Others worked hard and tremblingly just to burn an elite gene, and as a result, these people casually inherited the extraordinary gene above the boss level.

If it wasn't for Lu Yuan's Evolution Cube, his mentality would have collapsed.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, the ancestors of the war emperors of these people did not inherit extraordinary genes before, and with their own efforts, they stepped on the height of war emperors step by step.

It can only be said that this is a return to those war emperors.

Envy is useless, it is better to work hard to break through to the Emperor of War, and in the future, your children can become the envy of others.

Of course, Lu Yuan's goal is not the level of the Emperor of War.

His goal is naturally the God of War, even stronger than the God of War!

Amy didn't know what Lu Yuan was thinking. After she got angry for a while, she looked at Lu Yuan with a hint of curiosity in her big purple eyes:

"Eh? What's your name?"

Lu Yuan glanced at her and smiled:

"My name is**."

"**? Surnamed Lei?"

Amy tilted her head to think about it, and then looked at Lu Yuan with some doubts: "It seems that there is no Great Emperor family surnamed Lei? Are you not from the Great Emperor family?"

Lu Yuan smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Amy's eyes widened, and she was a little shocked:

"Then you can be so strong? Are you the kind of super genius that is unique?"

Seeing Amy's startled look, Lu Yuan suddenly thought she was interesting.

He nodded solemnly, looking up at the sky forty-five degrees, with a trace of lonely snow-like melancholy on his face:

"Is it finally exposed? In fact, I want to keep a low profile. Just seeing people of my race being besieged by aliens, I couldn't help but feel anger in my heart, and I took action."

Amy pursed her red lips when she heard Lu Yuan's words, feeling a little moved.

After all, this low-key super genius only shot to save her.

Because of seeing the same race being attacked by a different race?

What a great guy!

Amy gave Lu Yuan a definition in her heart.

She took a deep breath, Xiaoyuan had a serious look on her face, raised her hand and patted Lu Yuan on the shoulder, and then patted her chest with a bang, and said solemnly:

"Since you saved Miss Ben, you will follow Miss Ben in the future! With Miss Ben here, no one dares to bully you!"

Lu Yuan looked at Amy's little hand clapping her chest hard, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

He really wanted to say that you don't take pictures, if you take pictures again, it will sink.

But he thought about it, if he said so, I'm afraid this little guy would be at odds with him.

No need, really no need.

But seeing Amy's proud look, Lu Yuan couldn't help but think of teasing her.

He opened his mouth and said:

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"Am I ugly?"

Amy was stunned, not expecting Lu Yuan to ask such a question.

She opened her eyes to look at Lu Yuan, and then said with a smile:

"It should be pretty good, what's wrong?"

Lu Yuan sighed and said:

"Didn't they all say that life-saving grace cannot be repaid, and can only be promised with one's body? I thought I was ugly, so you told me to mess with you."

Amy was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive, she blinked, and then her face suddenly flushed, her body took a step back, and her entire back was pressed against the tree trunk.

She looked at Lu Yuan in shock:

"You, you, you, you... how can you promise each other with your body?! That's only when you like it! You have to hold hands!! How can you say such shameless words?! Don't be ashamed! I Don't let you mess around with me!"

Lu Yuan: "?"

He watched Amy's violent reaction, full of question marks.

"hand in hand?"

"Yes, yes!"

Amy leaned against the tree trunk, pretty blushing, but she was embarrassed:

"I've seen it in flipbooks, people who like it want to hold hands, and then there will be a baby!"

Lu Yuan: "?"

"No...hand in hand? And then there's a baby?"

(subway, old man, mobile phone).jpg

This is probably Lu Yuan's expression now.

Amy roared red: "Why do you want to repeat it again?! Don't you know how shy??"

Lu Yuan: "..."

He looked at Amy, whose head was smoking, and fell silent.

After being silent for a while, Lu Yuan asked:

"Amy... how old are you?"

Amy smiled proudly:

"Me? I'm sixteen! I'm already an adult!"

Lu Yuan was stunned, that is to say, Amy just woke up this year?

Think about it too, with such extraordinary genes, coupled with the family conditions of the Great Emperor, it is not easy to break through to the first order.

For them, one month is enough.

Which is like Lu Yuan, who needs to work hard to hunt down beasts and obtain spirit crystals?

So hard to break through in a month.


Lu Yuan looked at the complacent Amy, feeling a little numb.

Is this guy sure his biological knowledge is sixteen? !

The level of openness of this world is not much different from that of the previous life.

Generally not to mention junior high school, even elementary school has already had a relationship with people.

At the age of sixteen, I still think holding hands will give birth to a baby...

Lu Yuan was full of question marks.

"Is your home not connected to the Internet?"

Amy glanced at Lu Yuan and said with contempt:

"Your home is not connected to the Internet! I often watch cartoons online!"

The land edge is full of black lines:

"Have you not checked other information besides cartoons?"

"Other information? What information?"

Amy opened her big purple eyes and looked at Lu Yuan curiously.

Lu Yuan looked at Amy's pure eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he smiled dryly:

"Nothing, you're right!"

Amy is so pure, although Lu Yuan didn't know how their family did it, he felt that he should protect it well.

After all, he was only sixteen.


Although sixteen years old is not too young.

Amy looked at Lu Yuan, and raised her head slightly proudly:

"That's for sure, I, Amy Alghabi, can't be wrong!"

Lu Yuan nodded, then smiled and said:

"Lord Amy, I will mix with you in the future."

"I don't want you to mess with me!"

Amy looked disgusted: "Your thinking is too unruly!"

Lu Yuan: "???"

He didn't know how to respond for a while.

Compared with Amy, he seems really dirty!

Powerless to refute.

I'm sorry, as a dirty adult, I'm sorry!

Amy glanced at Lu Yuan, who had a confused face, paused, and said:

"Although I won't let you mess with me. But you are my Amy's savior after all. My grandfather taught me to be a human being and to be grateful! If you have any difficulties in the future, just tell me, and I will help you solve it when the time comes. !"

Lu Yuan also showed a smile when he heard Amy's words.

Although his original intention to save Amy was not like this, having Amy's words is an extra bonus.

After all, this is the promise of the genius of a great emperor family.

Lu Yuan is quite self-aware. For him now, Amy's promise is very precious.

He asked curiously, "Amy, which emperor family are you from?"

Amy glanced at Lu Yuan with contempt:

"Have you never heard of the Algabe family? You should have heard of the Emperor Tianluo, right?"

Lu Yuan's pupils shrank slightly.

Isn't he going to Tianluo City where Tianluo Zhandi is located?

"Are you a descendant of Emperor Tianluo?"

Amy spread out her small hands proudly, her spiritual power surged, and a small piece of purple vine swayed in her hand, looking very cute.

"That's my great-grandfather! You didn't even recognize Tianluo Wisteria. Hee hee hee~ Really stupid!"

Amy glanced at Lu Yuan again, then covered her mouth and smiled.

Lu Yuan said seriously:

"That's naturally not as smart as Amy-sama Bingxue."

Amy was even more proud: "Humph! You still have some vision! If you are not so unruly, I will let you follow me!"

Lu Yuan: "..."

Can we not talk about the ignorant?

I was wrong, I was really wrong.

I shouldn't have said anything like that to Amy at the time.

At this moment, Amy has almost recovered.

She stood up straight, carefully patted off the dust on her purple robe, and said:

"Let's go! I'm recovering, are you also going to Tianluo City? Let's be together, my Tianluo Wisteria is unparalleled in control of the enemy, you just go up and cut it!"

Amy stretched out her little hand and made a slashing gesture.

Lu Yuan smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Lu Yuan thought of something, and looked at the places where the previous genetic warriors had died. Some spirit crystals, materials, and even a battle axe with a flashing light green light fell on the ground, which was the weapon of the elite kobold.

"Almost forgot."

Lu Yuan smiled and picked up the things.

Amy looked at Lu Yuan picking up things with a hint of curiosity in her eyes:

"Aren't these things very cheap? It's too much trouble to pick them up."

Lu Yuan glanced at Amy speechlessly.

Sure enough, these big guys are all the same, Ye Ye would rather eat ordinary materials than take up space, and Amy finds it too troublesome.

When can he dislike these ordinary materials and it is troublesome to pick them up?


After picking up the things, Lu Yuan said:

"Let's go."

The two walked towards Tianluo City.

At this moment, a thick fog suddenly drifted from a distance.

The dense fog was extremely fast, and almost instantly covered the positions of Lu Yuan and Amy.

------off topic-----

Four chapters, each with more than 4,000 words~almost 16,000 words~

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