My Gift to You

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Michiru & Hikaru want to help (I)

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- Hikaru -

Weekend at last! Free from the shackles of the education system, I can spend my free time with Michiru!

That's what I wanted to say, but more pressing matters had come up.
Now, while Michiru was the most important person to me, I cared a whole lot about my friends. That's why when we noticed something amiss, Michiru and I modified our plans for the weekend to help them.


Yesterday, we ate lunch on the rooftop of a certain building as usual.

"Now is my turn," Michiru picked up an octopus-shaped sausage from her boxed lunch and held it in front of me.
"Ahh, sorry, sorry," I opened my mouth and let Michiru feed me. As I chewed, I kept pondering.
"Is something bothering you?" she asked.
"I was thinking about these past days," I fed Michiru a piece of chicken from my lunch, "You know how Akaishi-kun has been kinda weird since Wednesday?"
She chewed and swallowed the chicken. "Yes. I have to wonder what happened. I heard he and Aoyagi-chan went home together on Tuesday after checking out some clubs together, but the next day Akaishi-kun seemed rather distant. Then..."
"There's what happened this morning," I said.
"He tried to put some distance between them, only to end up pretending to be her boyfriend to scare away her suitors."
"I'm worried about Aoyagi-chan, too. When I took a look at her, her colors were all over the place. You know what that means."
"Inner turmoil," Michiru replied.
I nodded. "And what's more, Niko-chan has been feeling down as well."
"Love troubles, huh?"
"Is there something we can do to help? Oh, I know! Let's invite them to hang out tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? Fine, we can always go on a date later. Besides, you are still planning on staying over, right?"
"Of course! Okay, I will ask Niko-chan, you invite Aoyagi-chan."


And that brought us to today.

"There," I said to myself as finished doing my makeup.
I was going out with my friends, but my beloved Michiru was gonna be there too, so I wanted to look my best. I also wore the clothes she picked out for me the other day: a short-sleeved, frilled blouse, and a denim skirt. She once said that orange suited me well, so I bought a blouse in that color.
Next, I picked up from the bed a red sports bag, which I filled beforehand with the things I would need tonight, and left my home.
I was going to spend the night at Michiru's, so I headed there first to leave my stuff before meeting up with the others.
Barely a second had passed since I rang the doorbell when Michiru opened the door. The corners of her mouth curved upwards upon seeing me.

"Were you waiting for me while standing close to the door?" I asked.

Michiru blushed. She played with a strand of her white hair and her eyes darted all over the place.


Ahh, she is so cute!

She was wearing the blue sweater I bought for her birthday, along with a long yellow skirt.

"Please come in," she said.

I took off my shoes and followed her inside. Her house was spacious, with fancy furniture and decorations. But what pleased my eyes the most was a certain white-haired girl.

"You look great as always, Michiru."
"Thanks, you look splendid, too."

I put my bag on the floor and jumped into her arms.

"You smell nice."
"Um, Hikaru? We shouldn't make our friends wait."
"I know."
Michiru brought her face closer to mine, "There will be plenty of time for 'that' when we get back."

I picked up my bag, then we headed to Michiru's room. After leaving my bag on top of her bed, I took something out of it. It was a cute white-haired doll Michiru had made for me.

"Look! I brought Mini-Michiru with me!"

As the name implied, that doll resembled my beloved Michiru. Of course, there was a Mini-Hikaru to match.
I turned to Michiru's desk, where the Mini-Me was. I put my doll next to it.

"Together again," I said, puffing up my chest while smiling.
"They reunite almost every weekend, though."
"I know that."

Geez, let me have my fun...


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- Michiru -

We left my home and walked to the station. From there, we would get off the train near Saru Park, where we agreed to meet up with Niko and Aoyagi.
Given that it was a weekend, I was not surprised to see plenty of people at the station. Like us, they must be heading out to have fun in the city.

I extended my hand to Hikaru, "It would be bad if we got separated."
She smiled, "Yeah, I want to remain by your side."
"I meant 'separated' in this crowd."
"Oh, right."

She grabbed my hand. With our fingers interlocked, we got aboard our train. After we sat down, Hikaru leaned against me and rested her head on my shoulder for the duration of our train ride.
When we reached our destination, Hikaru whispered something to me.

"Have you noticed?"

I looked around. A couple was laughing while holding hands, another couple sat on a bench while holding hands. Then, I saw a couple waiting in line to buy parfaits.

Yes, they were holding hands too.

It was a Saturday, so wasn't surprising to see many couples around.

Since everyone is doing it, it shouldn't be as embarrassing, right?

I took a hold of Hikaru's hand and interlocked our fingers.

I let out a giggle, "Heheheh."
Hikaru brought her other hand close to her eyes to use her gift, then she sighed and said, "Y-You are just like a hormonal teenager,".
"I-I mean, that's precisely what we are."

We continued onwards to Saru Park. Just like we agreed before, we waited near one of the statues that gave this park its name: a monkey covering its mouth. Niko and Aoyagi arrived in less than a minute.
Niko wore a pink cardigan over a black blouse, white shorts, and brown boots. As for Aoyagi, she was wearing a purple dress and black tights.

"And this is why it's called Saru Park," Niko said pointing to the statue behind me.
Aoyagi tilted her head. "A monkey statue? But why?"
"Why not? Monkeys are cool, don't you think?"
"I-I suppose..."
"Actually, there are two other statues here," I said, "They are called the 'three wise monkeys'."
"I think I have heard of this before..."
"Anyway," Hikaru clasped Aoyagi's hands, "we have so much to do today, let's go!"

Our first destination was the movie theater. As we looked at all the posters, I stood in front of a particular one. Hikaru then approached me from behind and put her chin on my shoulder.
"Mi-chi-ruuuun. You want to watch it again, don't you?"

Was it that obvious?

Niko and Aoyagi walked toward us. The latter then read the movie's title.
"Fruity Warriors - DeLIGHTful Stage Plus!"
Niko looked at the poster, "Right, I have heard of this one. They team up with the 'Heartflash' team in this one. I loved that show when I was little!"
"You like this stuff, Miyazawa-san? You don't seem like the type..."
"Is there a problem?" I said.
"No, not at all."
"My siblings love it," Hikaru said, "although I prefer 'Steel Sheriff Sigma-X'."
"For me, it's got to be, um, 'Steel Legend ScorZector'" Aoyagi said while fidgeting.
"That's a solid choice," Hikaru nodded and gave her a thumbs up.
"But," Niko said, "I thought you two already watched it?"
"You see, there's a special campaign where you can get a keychain," Hikaru explained, "and Michiru wants to get the full set."
"I see. Then, it's decided! Let's watch this one!"


"That was fun!" Niko said, carrying an almost empty popcorn bucket.
"Yeah, the animation was superb," Aoyagi said, "and the backgrounds were very detailed."
I nodded "Of course. The staff pours their hearts into this, specially when it comes to the movies."
Niko finished the remaining popcorn and put the now empty bucket in a trash bin, "Maybe I should have bought the large ones, I'm still hungry."
"In that case," Hikaru raised her index finger, "I know a nice café. Should we go? It's not far from here."
"Sounds good."

We left the movie theater and followed Hikaru to the place she mentioned.

This café will be perfect to talk about that.

Upon entering, we were greeted by a shiny wooden floor and walls to match. 
While there were a fair amount of customers, the café managed to retain an aura of tranquility. I hoped this would help lessen Niko and Aoyagi's worries.
We sat at a free table and looked at the menu. Once we were ready to order, I raised my hand and a waiter came to our table.
"Fancy meeting you here, Aoyagi-chan," the waiter said, "Niko-chan, too."

This man... I think I have seen him before.
Last year's school festival, maybe?

After taking our orders, he left for the backroom.

Hikaru rubbed her chin for a bit, then she snapped her fingers, "I remember now. That was Akaishi-kun's cousin, right?"
"Yeah, from his mother's side. That means we are not related, but we get along just fine," Niko said.
"Speaking of Akaishi-kun..."
Aoyagi's shoulders shook the moment I mentioned him.
"W-What about him?"
Her gaze was now directed to the table behind me, even though no one was there.
"You two seem close. Plus, there's that thing that happened yesterday," I said.
Aoyagi slowly leaned back. She squirmed on her seat, then she put her hand between her collarbones, "T-That is..."

She is... distressed, isn't she?
Oops, did I rush this too much?

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