My Hero Academia: Evolution of Wills.

Chapter 4: IV.

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I used Instant Movement to close the distance between me and Flare and shot out another punch. Flare was surprised at my sudden appearance but still was capable of dodging my fist. Flare took advantage of my left arm's incapacity and hit me in the ribs with a strong punch.

"BLEGH!" I felt two of my ribs break and I coughed up an unhealthy amount of blood all while being sent flying into another wall. Before I had enough time to recover, I felt the heat of one of Flare's attacks from a distance. When I looked up, it was a flame spear that was too close for me to dodge and too fast for me to block.

The spear of fire went right through my abdomen and out of my back. The amount of pain that overloaded my senses was the most amount of pain I've ever experienced to date.

"GRRGGHHHH, YOU BASTARD!" I placed my right hand on the burning spear and slowly pull it out of me despite the smell of burnt flesh filling my nostrils. After what felt like an eternity, I took the spear out of my abdomen and forced myself to stand up.

I don't know how I was still alive but I wasn't going to ask. I watched as Flare looked at me with shock, "How are you still standing?! That final attack should have incapacitated you!"

I could only smile as I slowly got into the stance for Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, "Your will cannot compare to mine! It never will!" I moved forward faster than I did previously and closed the distance between me and Flare within seconds.

The engine in my soul roared louder than ever before and the blue aura around my body turned into blue bio-electricity as I performed my next attack, "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST: ONE-HANDED FANG!!"

My right hand moved faster than it has ever moved in its entire life and made contact with Flare's sternum, but it didn't stop there. My fist broke his sternum but once again, didn't stop there. My fist had so much force behind it that before I knew it, my hand was sticking out of Flare's back.

"BLEGH!" Flare threw up enough blood to fill up two cups. I pulled my fist out of Flare's chest and looked him in the eye as he died. Flare looked at me with horror before saying his last words, "Y-You will never..."

Flare couldn't finish his monologue due to him dying, sucks for him. Once the fight was completely over, I felt a wave of pain and fatigue hit my body like a truck. My vision went black for a moment but I forced myself to stay standing, If I fall here I will surely be sent to prison. I slowly walked out of the destroyed building and jumped out of the hole I made.

When I landed on the ground, I was met with a large force of police officers aiming guns at me again. I took a deep breath and turned my hand into a claw fashion, "If you don't move out of my way, all of you will die here and now..."

I saw a couple of police officers shake in fear, yet they still pointed their guns at me, how brave. However, bravery is not enough. My right hand was outlined by a red aura, it seems I've completely learned how to use this technique because its full name entered my mind.

"WHIRLWIND IRON CUTTING FIST!" I swung my right hand and a pressurized wave of wind shaped into a whirlwind cut the cops, police cars, and some civilians who were standing too close into pieces.

I didn't stick around and wait for anyone else to show up, so I immediately left the area without looking back.


[Toshinori Yagi, POV]

When I arrived at the scene I was horrified, what kind of monster would do this? I heard footsteps and saw Naomasa approaching me with a downtrodden look.

"Naomasa, how many casualties?" Naomasa sighed deeply before reading the report, "20 police officers, 5 civilians, and 2 Pro Heroes, Itonomi and Flare."

"Do we know what he looks like?" Naomasa nodded and handed me a tablet that had CCTV from a store that was broken into the other night. Although the video was black and white, I could analyze the perpetrator. The perpetrator was a young man with sharp features and shaggy hair.

"Do we have a name?" Naomasa nodded again, "We asked around, and turns out his name is Kagayaku Hoshi. He's a 15-year-old orphan who disappeared from his orphanage last night. Apparently, he was Quirkless but as evidenced by the trail of bodies he's leaving, he's clearly not."

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The smile on my face faded, and I clenched my fists in anger, "I can't let such a monster roam the streets of Japan!" This type of savagery can only be matched by one person and even then, I don't think he would go this far...


[Hoshi Kagayaku, POV]

Instead of falling asleep on a park bench, I decided to sleep in a tree tonight. The hole in my abdomen was only getting more painful along with my broken arm and other injuries I incurred. I hope a goodnights rest will help me out once again or I'm going to need to go into hiding for a little while.

I laid down on the long, wooden branch and looked at the full moon and the few stars I could see in the light-polluted sky. I don't know what came upon me but I began to laugh. My laughter was what many people would call insane and that thought only made me laugh harder.

Despite the injury in my stomach, I laughed. I laughed at my victory, my achievement, my first step at becoming a monster, an antithesis to all heroes. Soon my laughter began to fade and sleep began to overwhelm me.

Before I knew it, I was back in that subconscious realm. Only this time, I wasn't looking at Bang practicing his martial arts but a field of white flowers. I then saw the flower below me turn red and blossom into a beautiful red flower. When I picked the red flower out of the ground I felt my heart stop.

I hastily dropped the flower but my vitals did not return. I put my hand on my heart and it wouldn't beat. It was only then that I realized the red liquid seeping out of me, my own blood. My blood dripped onto the white flowers and they blossomed into the beautiful red flowers. When I put my hand on my wound, I felt that my blood was cold.

The thought entered my mind before and I didn't want to believe it but now I do. I'm dead. I died the moment I closed my eyes. I can't but feel a bit stupid that I laughed, I laughed myself to death, how funny.

Knowing that I was now dead, I decided to have one final act. I wanted to turn this field of white flowers into red ones, if I'm going to die, I'm going to die in style. And so I did. It felt like it took me a million years but I did in fact turn every white flower into a red one.

Once I completed my final mission, I laid in the field of red flowers and stared at the unsetting white sun in the "sky". I stared at the sun for a while until I picked one of the red flowers again and I felt my heart stop again, odd, I don't have a heartbeat. How can my heart stop if it isn't beating?

Despite the unsettling feeling, I looked at the flower closely and a thought entered my mind.

"Rebirth..." Once I said those words, I saw a figure made of green energy fall out of the sky. The figure pointed at me before speaking, "You are worthy."

"Worthy of what?"

"You are worthy of your Indomitable Human Spirit. Despite dying days ago, your life force, your determination to live is so strong that you surpassed your physical limits, your mortal limits. You alone have defied the universe just by staying alive and turning all of these flowers red. If that isn't worthy then I don't know what is..."

I thought about his words for a moment before responding, "Does it matter how worthy I am? No matter what, no one can reverse death. What use is Indomitable Human Spirit when I'm dead?"

It seems I angered the green energy being because he closed the distance between us and punched me in the face. I fell to the floor and despite being punched, I felt no anger, no desire to cause harm to him.

"Death itself cannot hold back the sheer power of a person's Indomitable Human Spirit. So please, don't underestimate your own will. The strength of your will is why I'm here today."

"Can you at least introduce yourself before punching me in the mouth?" The green energy being laughed for a moment before introducing himself, "You may call me...Spiral."

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