My Lewd Symbiote System

Chapter 48: I've Sealed Him

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After Linda explained everything to Jaden, she was glad that Jaden became calm a little but she was still nervous. 

Linda was forced to tell Jaden she and Kelan's secret, after all, she was his sister. However, Jaden was still wary of them as she couldn't understand why Tina also transformed into a demon, and she hid Layla's unconscious body in the training room then watched over her sister.

"Sister, I'm sorry for not being there, even if I was there I might also be in your condition. If you can hear me, I hope you forgive him when you wake up because he wasn't in his right mind when this happened, I hope this works" 

Jaden sobbed and kept applying different ointments to Layla's body and feeding her elixirs, as her condition was getting worse. 

A huge gaping hole could also be seen on her vagina and asshole as they were broken beyond repair. Jaden didn't want to take her to the clinic, as it might attract the school authority and they could probe Kelan for woman violation as they very much respect women's rights in Planet Olvis.

Jaden tried to look for a healer but she couldn't find one as it was a rare ability.


Kelan could be seen slowly opening his eyes, his vision was blurry but it slowly became clearer as he blinked his eyes a few times and he realized that it was in the morning.

"Ahhh! Why do I feel so weak?" Kelan groaned and stretched his body, he felt small hands on his chest region, then he turned his head and saw the naked figure of Tina, sleeping with a pained expression on her face.

He looked down and noticed that a pool of blood was beneath her crotch and the bedsheet was soaked with it.

"D-Did I do this?" Kelan mumbled as he vividly remembered his berserk yesterday.

"I've given her some pills, and her bleeding has stopped. Did you know that you nearly killed Layla yesterday and you injured Tina to the extent that she was bleeding internally"  a voice sounded from behind, Kelan turned his head and saw Linda sitting on a couch while playing with a Rubik's cube in her hands?

"I-I swear I don't know what came over me yesterday"

"It's fine, after all, we are your women and we should be able to help you in a dire situation. You were emitting an attractive aura that is similar to a demon's own but different, Kyle told me that you were in trouble, so I came rushing.

When I arrived, I saw the unconscious figure of your sister. And the bad news now is that she's still unconscious and her situation is worsening" Linda paused her words as she wanted Kelan to slowly digest everything that occurred yesterday, she had found out everything about his system since she could read his mind if Kelan allowed her to access his memories, she was able to know everything because Kelan was vulnerable during the night when he was asleep.

"W-where is she?" Kelan stuttered.

"Jaden locked herself indoors with Layla, she told me that she couldn't believe you would keep such a big secret from her.

I've told her some things but it would be better if you go and see her now, she didn't open the door since yesterday, I'm afraid that if this keeps going on, something bad might happen to Layla since Jaden doesn't want me to touch her" Linda pointed towards the training room as she sighed and shook her head.

"Gulp! Okay," Kelan swallowed hard as he walked towards the training room.

Before he knocked on the door, barrages of notifications suddenly started popping up.


[Merging has been completed]


[Name: Kelan]

[Race: Draconic-symbiote]


[Exp: 11,110/20,000]

[Energy: 200/200]

[Hp: 200/200]

[Agility: 90]

[Strength: 85]




You are reading story My Lewd Symbiote System at

[Sex stimulator] [Infinite buff]

[Soul form] [Sex scent]

[Eyes of abhorrence] [Force field]


[The host has chosen his queen, the symbiote Queen has been bonded.]


[The host has created a family, the host should choose a name for his family, right now ]


[Due to the host's mixed bloodlines, the host can turn humans into different classes of a symbiote.

SLOT: 5/5]


[As the host continue to level up, the host would unlock more slots]

[Awaiting host decision for a name]

"What the heck! A family, now I remember what transpired between me and Linda yesterday.

System, I will continue using the name 'Mystro'."


[Host, are you sure]


[The host has created a royal family, the system wishes the host cute children's]


[New Mission: Find your people, as the run-away symbiote King, since you continued the legacy of Mystro, return to your kingdom within a year]

"This..... B-but there's no crime in using his name, who wants to continue the legacy of that bastard. To think, I haven't even heard from him, and the system is not giving me any clues.

And why does the system sound perverted by wishing me cute children, is this the intelligence of the level two upgrade?" Kelan felt like crying and he could only swallow his saliva.

"Kelan, I know about your system, and what transpired between us. Let's keep it a secret, for now, I'm sorry for reading your memories" Linda said as she saw Kelan frozen in place.

"It's fine since we can read the mind of each other, but let's stop doing it,  it might affect the trust between us" Kelan replied and Linda nodded her head.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Kelan's head.

[Hey, Master]

"Eh, did you just call me master Mystro and why didn't you tell me that you were a king, you lied that you are a symbiote lord, you fucker" Kelan cursed.

[Fufufu, I'm not Mystro, my name is Gina, I'm the spirit of the dragon essence you absorbed. Don't worry I've temporarily sealed your little friend hehe, so I'll be here till he breaks free] the voice giggled.

"This... W-why do I keep getting voices in my head, firstly that perverted leech, now I have a naughty girl inside my head" Kelan's face paled and he knocked on the training room door.


(Author's Note: I know that many of you may not like the idea of two voices in Kelan's head but trust me, it's gonna be fun.

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