My Lewd Symbiote System

Chapter 49: Back To Normal

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"This... W-why do keep getting voices in my head, firstly that perverted leech, now I have a naughty girl inside my head" Kelan's face paled and he knocked on the training room door.

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

"Jaden please open this door" Kelan shouted 

"K-kelan is that you?" Jaden muttered from the room.

"Yea, it's me and I'm sorry for what happened, as you can see, I'm fine now." 

Then Jaden opened the door for Kelan. However, when Kelan entered, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"J-Jaden why did you lock her inside?" Kelan said as he dashed towards Layla who had become paler, Kelan checked her breathing and realized that her heart was beating at an abnormal rate.

[Master, I'm sorry to say this but this girl I'm seeing, would die anytime from now] Gina said.

"No! I can't let her die, it's my fault but who knows that a dick could kill" Kelan mumbled.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

"I've to turn her into a symbiote, even if she will lose her human side, I can't let her die," Kelan thought.

"System, I know you can hear me, I want to initiate a ritual and turn her into a symbiote"

[Affirmative host, the ritual will begin now]

Suddenly, Kelan's hands began to remove black tentacles, and the tentacles attached themselves to all the parts of Layla's body.

"Kelan, what are you doing again?"

"I'm saving her"

Jaden wanted to push Kelan away from Layla but she feared that she might cause more harm than good to Layla since the tentacles were sticking to her body like glue.

Layla's body began to shake and convulse violently while the tentacles emitted black smoke.

Linda also rushed in after she heard the commotion going on between Jaden and Kelan.

Layla's body was shaking vigorously, and the couch broke down due to her struggles.

In front of Jaden and Linda's eyes, Layla melted into a jelly, and her body began to reform itself.


[You have created a shadow-stalker.

A shadow-stalker is a class of symbiotes that walks and fights in a stealth mode. They can pass through walls, and are the best, perfect at assassination, they are also known for their regenerative ability. However, close combat is their weakness, as they weren't empowered with brute strength

Disadvantage: Night-stalkers feeds on a life force

SLOTS: 4/5]

Kelan was dumbfounded by the system's information about the Night-stalker.

Layla's body had finished regenerating and she could be seen slowly opening her eyes, however, when she opened them, her eyes were glowing green, which gave Jaden some creeps.

"Layla! I'm sorry for what happened" Kelan muttered. However, he was greeted by a hard slap.

"You stupid brother of mine, you nearly killed me, of course, I know that you weren't in your right senses when you did that to me. However, you deserve a beating"

Layla replied angrily but she immediately calmed her nerves and hugged Kelan, while Jaden also joined them when she saw that her sister was okay.

"Ahem, Cough! Cough! I think you have to tell her what she is now" Linda said as she was surprised that Layla wasn't mad at Kelan, and she only gave him a hard slap.

Kelan nodded his head and explained everything about his system and what he turned Layla into.

"So, you mean I will have to feed on the life force of living things?" Layla asked and her body trembled.

"It's not as bad as you think, you can feed on the life force of plants or animals, even humans. Based on the system analysis, as long as you don't take more than what a human or plant can exercise, then you won't tap into their lifespan and cause rapid aging or instant death. However, the more you use your regenerative ability, the more you will need to feed on a life force. 

Then you can also drain your opponent's life span, it's a double-edged ability" Kelan replied as he tried to comfort Layla.

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"Ok, b-but can't I eat human food again?" Layla asked with a red face.

"Oi, I remember that you love food, if you eat it, it won't help you in any way, since you are not human, you no longer have a digestive system.

" Can I bear a child? if I don't have a digestive system" Layla's replied as her face kept getting red.

"Ahem, don't let us talk about that now, if you are feeling hungry, you can feed on my life force" Kelan replied with an awkward expression and he remembered what the system told him earlier, wishing him cute children.

"What a degenerate system," Kelan thought.

Suddenly, the door of the training room opened and a naked girl came inside.

"Tina!" Kelan blurted out.

Tina had grown taller from 155cm-170cm, her boobs had also gotten bigger and it was rivaling that of Linda's own.

"How Come?" all the women asked in unison.

"Hehe, I'm a succubus, as long as Kelan keeps getting stronger and feeding me with his cum, I will also evolve" Tina giggled as she stared at Kelan's rod.

"Sigh... I'm glad that you are ok, I was worried when I saw you bleeding" Kelan replied with a long sigh of relief.

"It seems everyone has their secret. Layla, Kelan I'm sorry for lying to you guys" Jaden said and she ducked her head in shame.

"What do you mean?" Kelan replied.

"I-I have a superpower but I kept it a secret because I don't want Layla to feel bad" Jaden mumbled and she placed her hand on a table.

The table began to freeze and Ice began to appear all over the table, making it shatter in an instant 

"Wow! Jaden I'm so happy for you, even if you told me, I wouldn't feel bad"

"Thank you, sister," Jaden replied as Layla patted her on her back.

"Do you have any idea of your power rank?" Kelan asked.

"I think it's C-rank," Jaden replied.

"I see" Kelan nodded his head and all the women left the room, to do their household chores.

[Fufufu, since the master has settled his problems with his family, it's time to go on a lustful mission. Master can only level up by lusting around, killing beasts won't help again] Gina grinned.

"Huh? You damned cunt, how about I lust over you" Kelan cursed.

[Hehe, if the master can enter his head, then the master can fuck me Fufufu] Gina giggled.

"Eww... You don't even have a body, heck you are not the system.

Shoo!" Kelan clicked his tongue.

[Fufufu, I have a body master, as long as you keep leveling up, I will acquire my body, hehe, then the master can fuck me black and blue. About the lust mission, the system told me about it] Gina giggled.

"Humph, you damned cunt! How should I believe you? Kelan snorted.

Suddenly, a notification popped up in his view.


[New Mission: Lust over the wife of  Lugard, the manager of the hunters guild]

"What the heck!" 



(Author's Note: I don't know if this chapter was a great read, but if you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote with your Golden tickets and power stones.


Your author: Perverted_Fella.)

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