My Lewd Symbiote System

Chapter 82: Checking Out The Weapon (1)

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When Kelan arrived at his dorm, he was surprised to see Francisco inside, however, what made him surprised was that Francisco was currently on a computer, he seemed to be so focused that he didn't pay attention to Kelan's arrival.

"Hey, Francisco, are you okay? Or am I dreaming? Because all you've always done in your free time is to sharpen your ax. I'm a bit surprised to see you using the computer" Kelan said.

Francisco stopped concentrating on the computer and glanced towards Kelan.

"Welcome back, I know that I spend most of my time sharpening my battle-ax but you spend most of your time chasing after skirts. So I hope you stop complaining" Francisco replied and continued what he was doing.

"Ok fine, you win. But why do you seem so focused on it?" Kelan asked as he found Francisco acting strange.

"Don't be a fool Kelan, the human realm is currently under attack by some unknown creatures that seemed to be the work of the demons. Haven't you observed that the military are restless and most soldiers have been moved to the human realm, that's why the number of soldiers guarding here has decreased significantly? According to my research, those creatures appeared out of nowhere and started attacking humans. What was strange was that only a single one of those creatures was assigned to each location, like villages, cities, and parks, all the places that are crowded with humans. What is so surprising is that those creatures appeared out of nowhere and disappeared after killing. How is it possible!? Most of the villages attacked don't have warping stations or warping devices. I couldn't get more information because this computer runs on the military server, there is only minimal information." Francisco replied.

Kelan also dashed towards Francisco and stared at the screen, he could see a picture of dead and battered humans that had been ripped apart by the creature. Looking at the screen to have a better view of the creature. Kelan noticed that it was a humanoid creature, that looks more human, and agile than the wendigos he killed. However, Kelan tried to zoom in on the picture but it was blurred.

"Have you seen it?" Francisco asked.

"Yes. Although, I couldn't get a perfect view of it. And if you remember clearly, Francisco, when I fought against that elven boy. He brought out a pink crystal and crushed it before disappearing. I think it is some kind of teleportation crystal. It seems like the elves are still keeping a lot of secrets from the humans" Kelan speculated, although he fainted when he fought against the boy, it was Mystro who told him every single detail of how the fight ended.

Realization hit Francisco and his eyes widened in shock.

"Y-yes, I remembered that the boy suddenly disappeared. But why are the elves keeping the teleportation crystal a secret? Do you think that they are helping the demons?" Francisco replied and shivered at the thought of being captured or killed by the demons.

"I'm not sure, I just hope that my parents are safe and you mustn't tell anyone that you know about the crystal," Kelan said as he locked onto Francisco's shirt.

"Yes, yes" Francisco nodded his head like a chicken as Kelan gripped on his shirt.

"Good!" Kelan replied and freed him. Ever since the day that Francisco had tried to kill him, he had never trusted him or dropped his guard anytime he was near him.

"I'm sorry for what happened the other day, stop treating me like a betrayal" Francisco said as he felt bad with the way Kelan treated him.

"You caused it! And it will take a long time before I can trust you" Kelan replied and entered the bathroom, leaving Francisco in a sour mood.

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When Kelan entered the bathroom, he turned on the shower and washed the lewd scents off his body. After bathing, he stared at the mirror and looked at himself.

"I can't believe that I'm already this handsome. And my hair is already turning white" Kelan thought as he wiped off the water on his hair.

[Master, what do you think about the attack of the demons?] Gina asked.

"I seriously don't know, I hope that my parents are safe. Besides, I've to go and collect my sword today" Kelan replied telepathically before wearing his pants and leaving the bathroom. Before leaving he had a little struggle with his underwear.

When Kelan arrived in the room, he noticed that Francisco was no longer inside, including his battle-ax.

Kelan shook his head as he opened his wardrobe and brought out one of his nice outfits. The military didn't seem to care about the students wearing any dress apart from the uniform in the elves realm.

After putting on a black and white T-shirt with black trousers. Kelan brushed his hair and left the room. Although the outfit was formerly his best clothing. But he didn't seem to care about it as he had accumulated quite some wealth. He currently had over 1450 gold coins inside his space ring, which could sustain him for the rest of his life. However, Kelan felt like it was nothing and he wanted to make more.

When walking through the base, Kelan could see the soldiers carrying some students into the morgue, the students were over 50 and they seemed to be killed brutally. As some had their head missing or their eyes gouged out with their arms and legs missing.

According to the rumors, he heard from people while walking due to his heightened senses, he heard that the students were all killed by an unknown creature during their missions.

"Tina, you've gone too far" Kelan mumbled and left the scene as he felt pity for the innocent people that died.

He stopped at a stall that sells low-grade crystals and he purchased an E-rank turtle crystal and fitted it inside his hoverboard.

He quickly got on it and throttled it, causing a fizzling sound to emit from the board before taking off into the air. As Kelan rode the hoverboard, he earned a lot of gazes from people as he had no idea how much the board cost, not knowing that it would cause a problem for him in the future.

After riding the board for two minutes, he finally arrived at the dwarf house. It was easy to identify as it stood out like a thumb among other houses due to its small size. What was still bothering Kelan, was that the house was somewhat large on the inside, making him wonder if some space altering was done on the house.

"Time to get my masterpiece that I've been longing to see" Kelan mumbled as he descended. He was feeling excited to see his weapon.


Note: The story is getting slow-paced because volume 1 is coming to an end.

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