My Life After I Was Reborn In a Different World

Chapter 5: (4) The Demon Named Damon (3)

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With my eyes widened in shock, it took a while for me to finally have the strength to try and push him away but as expected, he was strong and didn't budge. Instead, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his firm body deepening our kiss even more.

"W-Wait," I gasped breathlessly, pulling away from the kiss but I was once again pulled to continue. The memories I had with the male leads kept running in my head no matter how hard I tried to stop them, making me feel weaker and weaker. That night it was my first time. When the two men approached me and suddenly I found myself in a room with them, I knew immediately that I was the nameless woman in the narrated first chapter of the novel. I was afraid because I never had sex with someone before even back on Earth but then I thought I should do it anyway because that was my role. I felt obliged to do it even though I didn't know what to do but after that night... I've always fantasized about it. It's embarrassing to admit it but I've always craved for it to happen again. It's my deepest and darkest secret.

It was the first time a man had ever touched me but it felt so good I couldn't forget about it. I knew I could never be with the male leads so I dreamed of having a husband who would love me for who I am but after I got pregnant with Sibel and Rylie, I thought it was natural for me to give up that dream.

I mean, who would want a lady with two children at my age who hasn't married? Back on Earth, it would not have been such a big deal but in this world, a woman like that is only called a whore. A used object was thrown by a man who didn't like her anymore. If I stayed as a noble and the news spread about me giving birth, it is still possible for me to marry but no one would accept me except a dirty old man who already has multiple wives as his plaything.

I didn't want that to happen to me. The man I dreamed of didn't need to be handsome or as powerful and influential as the male leads, even a nobleman of the same status, a knight, or even lower would have sufficed as long they weren't an old man with multiple wives already. I just want a man who is kind and would love only me and our future children. I'm a modern woman and I know that men in this world practice polygamy but I'd rather stay single than live a life like that. That brings me to my other dream, which was to go on an adventure and see this world through my very eyes. By then, I'll be the happiest.

Even now that I have both Sibel and Rylie, I never gave up hope. I'm still wishing that one day I'll be able to enjoy life and this time with my children. But I can't really resist advances like this, perhaps I've been left with this thirst for so long without realizing it. Surely I could live without a man, I mean I've already did for my whole life except for that one night, but it's not too bad to have one as well... be it a human or demon. It should still be the same.

"Hmmnn," I moaned, feeling his hands slip under my skirt and towards my underwear.

"W-Wait..." I stopped him again, cowering against his neck as I gripped on his clothes.

"What is it?"

"A-At least let's go to the bed," I stuttered, feeling so embarrassed to the point where I felt like my head was going to explode. I'm literally saying okay to him! But then again, it's not like I'm doing anything bad. I don't have a man in my life and now a man came, I have no reason to decline, right? Besides, my body felt hot from the way his kiss made me feel and I didn't hate it.

"You are such a lovely woman indeed," Damon whispered with a chuckle as I watched before my eyes our surroundings warped until they unfolded into a different place, and found myself already laying in bed.

"W-Where is this?" I asked, slightly getting dizzy at what just happened but it looked like we were no longer at my tree which immediately my mind went to my kids. However, it looked like Damon had noticed it and answered my unsaid questions.

"You're at my place but you need not worry about the children. I've left my loyal subject there to guard them and if anything happens to them, my master will call upon me. I just don't want that Orpheus guy to interrupt my time with you," Damon said and quickly settled between my thighs lifting my skirt up.

"W-Wait!" I said again, covering myself and realizing everything was going so fast.

"What is it?" He smiled patiently, although his hands were slowly untying my whole clothes.

"I-I already have kids you know,"

"Well, I could clearly see that. I am extremely jealous of those who had you before me," he replied and it made me blush. It didn't seem like he was lying about what he said.

"B-but don't you feel disgusted by me? I-I'm still young but I have two kids," I said, feeling dejected. I am still in a world of a novel and this world discriminates against women with multiple men while praising the men with multiple women. Surely Damon is the same.

"Why would I care about such things? My lady, I think you misjudge me too quickly and it really saddens me. We demons are different from humans. Fame, wealth.., such useless things don't matter to us. Even this, I didn't indulge myself too much until now," He replied, raising one of his eyebrows, and at the same time, he had already untied my blouse pulling it down to my waist and making my breasts pop out from suffocation. I didn't have time to react as I looked at his red eyes and I could tell he was not lying making me blush. I didn't know what to do. What am I supposed to say to that?

Demons are indeed different from humans. They simply wouldn't care what humans usually fret about like wealth, fame, and influence since they don't need things like that since they're powerful enough to bring ruin to this world. They could wipe out this world if they wanted to but even the demon king himself has been quiet.

"I-If I'm really fine to you... t-then just be gentle... it has been 6 years since I-I did it," I said, blushing even deeper if possible as I covered my breasts. There's no stopping now, he's the third person who I had allowed to see my body and we're really going to do it. It's embarrassing but it didn't feel bad or maybe I'm really just a pervert or have been sexually deprived.

"Please don't hide, I want to see you feel good as I finally make you mine," he said and leaned close so we could kiss again. And just like earlier, his kiss started soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I could feel the soft tickle of his hot breath beneath my nose, fingers traveling around my body as we breathed each other in... before it suddenly became fierce and passionate as our tongues battled for dominance. All of this immediately sent me into a frenzy.


I felt his wide hand fully grasp my chest and squeezed it gently before our lips finally separated and he ventured down to suck on my nipples. The feeling was incredible and I didn't know I was this sensitive that his once cold touches became scorching hot against my skin. Especially when his fingers finally traveled even lower to touch my wet entrance after pulling down my underwear. Every time he touched me left a tingling sensation that hastened my desire. The desire I tried so hard to ignore.

"Lovely. You are as sensitive as a succubus," he commented, probably discovering how wet I was from his kisses that I couldn't help feeling even shyer as I hid my face from him.

"Don't be shy... I like it you more this way... see,"

Damon chuckled before he unbuckled his own clothes and showed me his erect cock with its veins popping out around its girth. I gulped at the sight of it, especially when he took my hand and urged me to touch it. I've only seen two in my whole life so this is my third one and it surprisingly looked the same as humans although it's bigger than what I had thought.

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"Do you like it? Do you want me to put it in?" Damon asked, making me blush again.

"W-Why are you asking me that?" I couldn't help but whine but all of a sudden he lifted me up as if I weighed nothing and soon put me on top of him. I was confused at first but I quickly melted in embarrassment, realizing what he wanted me to do.

"I don't trust I would be able to be gentle but you can move on top of me."

"B-But I don't know what to do," I stuttered, blood rushing to my head when I felt his penis poke my behind.

"I know you know what to do." He assured me and all of a sudden, memories flashed in my head that I quickly covered my ears as if it was going to shield me from it.

"P-Please stop... I-I don't want to remember that night anymore..." I said. I knew it was weird I was suddenly remembering something I should forget, but now I know it was Damon who made me remember it. Although that time was truly unforgettable as it was one of the most beautiful times of my life, on the other hand, I'd rather forget about it simply because it would do me no good.

"I-I'd rather w-want you to make a different memory for me."

I leaned close to Damon and for the first time, I initiated a kiss. I didn't know my tears fell because even though Sibel and Rylie were the most beautiful thing that had happened to me, I still regret that night.

"Then I will make you forget about it." He said with a very faint frown on his face as suddenly flipped us over again, perhaps giving up his previous thought. He wiped my tears away ever so gently that it was almost difficult to believe that he was in fact a demon. Demons are thought to be savages. They are like the monsters that terrorize the whole continent but here he is now, so gentle towards me. I couldn't help feeling special somehow even though I know he knew he just found me interesting. The woman who gave birth to this world's male lead.

"Hmmm... please..." I smiled before once again we kissed passionately. From there everything went smooth and before I knew it, Damon was finally entering me. He was big but I was so wet and needy that he slid in almost immediately without much of a problem.

"Ahhh, hmmn..."

"Does it hurt? I've never been with a human before so forgive me if I hurt you, I am aware that you are delicate creatures that a simple touch could snap you in half," he said and it was my time to chuckle. Maybe he was right, demons are strong and we could simply perish before their presence even against the weakest among them but I trust he wouldn't hurt me. He's been very gentle to me since the beginning.

"I-It doesn't but still, please do it slowly..."

"I will... I'll treat you like a precious porcelain that would break against my touch."

Funny how earlier I was so against him being my child's familiar but now I'm doing something only a lover would do to her partner. There's no going back now. I braced myself preparing for what was coming but in the end, I was not prepared for the pleasure that I was about to experience as I became such a moaning mess just from his 'gentle' strokes.

"Ahhh, Ohhh, Hmmmn..."

"How is it? Do you like it? I can do more if you like." Damon offered slowly moving his hips against me but at the same time with such force leaving me quivering each time.

"Ahhh, i-it's big b-but I'm fine... Ahh!"

"I've never been with such a delicate woman... but... this will be a problem..." Damon said before he halted his movement, straightening his back. I looked at his eyes and for some reason, it seems that it's glowing even redder. I could see him slowly breathing heavily and a single drop of sweat dripped from his forehead down to his neck. But what does he mean this will be a problem? Is he not feeling good? I'm feeling too much sensation though, that having him stop moving made me subconsciously squeeze my muscles around him and he must have felt that as I heard him groan as if he was in pain.

Maybe humans are just not enough to satisfy demons since they must have great stamina and insatiable hunger.

"I-I'm sorry... I couldn't satisfy you...I'm not very good with this," I mumbled, feeling a bit disappointed with myself.

"No, that's not it... but...for now, just tell me if I'm doing too much."

"Wha...Ahhh! Ahh N-No..."

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To be Continued...

EndNote: This is OPTIONAL but this chapter is a little bit longer on my  patreon and Ko-fi page so if you want you can support me there and read the rest of this chapter. However, if you don’t want to then that’s fine. You can rest assured it does not affect the story.

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