My Life After I Was Reborn In a Different World

Chapter 6: (5) Spirit King Orpheus (1)

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Shifting in my sleep as I heard loud crashing noises very close to where I was, I slowly opened my eyes only to see the whole surrounding was covered with vegetation and debris. I quickly covered my naked body before I sat up looking at the two familiar men fighting with so much destruction. 

"I knew it was you! It was weird that those soldiers managed to get through my barrier. You planned all this to take my Elaina away from me! You purposely brought her here so that it wouldn't be easy for me to teleport in this disgusting withering place,” I heard Orpheus yell and I was flabbergasted. It is clear to me that my familiar had gone in his way and went wild just from looking at the room I am in as it had been damaged beyond repair. In fact, I could see the grayish sky above me, and yet there was without a single scratch or single debris on the bed I was on.

“I’ve been silent until  now but I will make you perish from this world!”

Suddenly feeling a headache coming, I had enough of Orpheus outburst as I gently called upon his name to come. That even though my voice was so small for him to hear in our distance, I saw his head shift in my direction before and moments later he vanished mid-fight and appeared beside me.

"Elaina!" He called worriedly and I could already see his tears streaming down his cheeks. The flowers growing on his hair had fallen and the leaves had turned limp and yellowish. Orpheus looked at me as if I had been assaulted brutally by Damon that he didn't even dare touch me, perhaps thinking I would break if he did.

"T-That demon... I'm going to kill him even if it kills me," He said as his tears continued to drop and I just sighed helplessly. I looked at the area where his tears fell and not to my surprise, wildflowers had grown like it just gone through the harsh winter and finally the spring had come.

"Orpheus, it's okay. He didn't force me to do it," I said as a slight blush appeared on top of my cheeks, remembering what I just did.

"That's right! I gave her the pleasure you couldn't give," Damon suddenly interrupted appearing out of nowhere. Earlier I saw he had wings and his black raven hair had grown long but right now, his appearance had gone back to normal—whether the opposite, I’m not quite sure which was his original appearance. But I frowned at what he just said. 

"Orpheus and I aren't like that, Damon," I responded with a frown. Orpheus is my familiar. How can I do such a thing with him?

"My lady, you're too naive. Even a spirit, they have desires... Unfortunately, he just doesn't have one. No matter how much he desired for you, he simply lack that thing," Damon added and his tone was clearly mocking my familiar. But then again, if I think about it, Spirit Kings are supposed to be these holy beings and them having nothing down there, it is highly reasonable since they supposedly don't have desires for that kind of thing and therefore there’s no reason for them to have one.

"I'm going to kill you! How dare you mark my Elaina!" After trembling at the demon's remark, Orpheus yelled before vines quickly grew from the ground and before it started attacking Damon who was quick to dodge each assault. I watched them fight as my headache continued to persist. I was about to scream at them to stop but I suddenly found myself being picked up by Damon while still dodging my familiar's vines.

"Excuse me." He flicked his fingers and in an instant, I was dressed before he spread his wings and soon flew into the sky.

"W-Where are you going with my Elaina?! Give her back! I'm going to kill you!" I heard Orpheus yell from afar as he began to chase us but fortunately, Damon's wings were so strong and fast that it was easy for him to make great distance. But for some reason, the wind wasn't hitting me, and instead, it just felt like it was a slight breeze.

"What are you doing? You're only making him angrier." I said as I couldn’t help frowning but he didn't reply and instead just continued to fly until we finally reached our destination, which was river stream near my tree. It is where I and the kids normally take our baths.

"My lady, you're really too naive..." Damon whispered, reaching out to touch my cheeks that probably had become flushed due to the cold temperature in the sky just now.

"Perhaps you were wrong. Orpheus is like a godfather to me, there's no way we can be in that kind of relationship," I tried to explain. I've been with Orpheus for six whole years, I simply couldn't see him that way. I looked at Damon with a serious expression but all of a sudden I didn't expect the demon to burst into laughter, even holding his stomach showing that he was laughing uncontrollably to the point that his eyes teared up making me all confused.

"Then I pity him a little... now that you’ve said that, I guess you can comfort him for now since I still have a lot of chances in the future..." Damon smiled enigmatically before I just found him leaning down to kiss me on my lips. I was a little surprise at his advances but I also didn’t dodge him as I closed my eyes letting his soft and surprisingly sweet lips leave me breathless.

When we finally drew away, Damon had quickly vanished out of thin air. I looked around and he was really nowhere to be found but I wasn't worried because he’s connected to Rylie and I would see him again anyway sooner or later.

Seeing that I have nothing to do, I was thinking of going back to my tree and try to catch up making desserts for the kids when I suddenly heard a soft rustling from a nearby bush and soon a drooping Orpheus came into view.


"Orpheus!?" I called. It hasn't been that long since Damon and I arrived here but as expected of him, Orpheus quickly caught up. Actually, it would have been odd if he didn’t since he is a spirit king after all.

I neared my familiar and held his arms softly seeing that he was down. It had always been easy to tell his mood because it always reflected on the leaves and flowers on his hair and around him and this time I know he was feeling down because the leaves on his hair continued to turn limp, some even fell, and there's no more flowers on him. It's not too long as well before the surrounding bushes were affected as it all turned limp as well, some bushes even got all their leaves falling that I have to do something immediately that would make him feel a bit better.

"Please, don't be mad at Damon. He really didn't force me, I gave him my consent..." I explained as I caught his huge droplets of tears. He's really such a baby. How can a great spirit king like him act like this towards me? No matter how much he's fond of me, he shouldn't act so pitiful. He's a great Spirit King of Nature after all. A simple flip of his fingers and it would surely bring catastrophe into this world. Truthfully, I didn't even know how I caught his attention enough for him to even agree to become my familiar.

"Besides, I would have called you if anything bad happened to me. You know that,” I added but to my surprise I didn’t receive a reply. Nevertheless, I patiently waited for him to talk despite the long silence that had evaded the space between us.

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"D-Did you really like it? He said that you liked it! S-Such act... he said you enjoyed it." 

"Wha—well... t-that question is too personal. Can't we just forget about that and move on now? It's never going to happen again," I replied with a blush. How can he ask something like that so suddenly?

"But I heard him saying he would have a lot of chances in the future! Elaina, c-can't you just do it with me instead? I'll make you feel good... even better than he did. I don't have the human male organ yet but I can make it, just wait for me, okay? Soon I'll satisfy you and you wouldn't even think of that hateful demon again," Orpheus said desperately, holding onto my shoulders slightly shaking but I was just there staring at him in disbelief.

First of all, did he really just offer me to have sex with him instead of Damon? And secondly, can he even simply make something that he lacks? Anyway, the latter doesn't matter. I just can't believe I'm hearing this from Orpheus.

"Wait, Orpheus. You've got it all wrong... A-Although, I did enjoy it. Damon and I won't do it again. That’s just… a one-time thing so you don't need to do something so unnecessary and you don't have to force yourself to do something impossible for me. You're a spirit king that this world needs, I can't disgrace your body with mine." I said with a chuckle. Truthfully, this day is filled with so many surprises that I couldn't even imagine ever happening to me before.

"What nonsense! I am not forcing myself and you are not to disgrace my body. You are precious to me and I would do anything to make you happy. So if it is the human male genitalia that you need, I will give it to you," Orpheus said and I was even more out of words. He makes it sound like I’m a disgraceful and shameless woman who only had that kind of thought running in my mind.

"Orpheus, c-can you stop talking?” I covered his mouth, blushing.

“You've really got it all wrong so please don't talk like that anymore and let's just move on, okay? I don't want to talk about something like this with you." I quickly said and dismissed the topic. I pulled away from his hold and planned to go back already but I had just put a few meters distance between us when I suddenly halted feeling his vines wrapped around my waist before it slowly pulled me back to its master.

"Is it because you only see me as your godfather?"

"W-Were you listening to us back then?!” I asked surprised but he didn’t reply.

“Nevermind but I don't think you understood me this whole time, Orpheus. I already told you that that thing with Damon won't happen again.  Whether with him or other else so it’s not about you being a godfather to me or not."

"Why not? You're okay doing it with him but not with me? I-I've been with you longer than he was. I've supported you all this time so why don't you see me as a man as well? You've only been with  him for less than a day but he had marked you already... as for me... I've held you close to my heart for so long..." Orpheus expressed with a pained expression and for some reason, his words felt like he was confessing to me. Or maybe this was really a confession? But I mean, is he really confessing? To me?! A mere human who in the beginning he was never fond of? Was such emotions even possible for a spirit king? Even if it was, how am I to even respond to that? I simply don't see Orpheus like that. He's like a precious friend and I don't want to cross that line.

"I-I... I don't know what to say..." I simply replied because truly, what am I going to say at this point? Why is this even happening? I've been living a mundane but peaceful and happy life until now but I feel like that's soon going to change.

"Elaina... Please, give me a chance..." 

Successfully pulling me close, Orpheus hugged me and whispered. He sounded begging and it made it hard for me to cut him off. Luckily, before I could give him an answer, a small black shadow suddenly appeared behind him before I heard my son's voice calling for me from it. Rylie usually asks his shadow friends to find me when he couldn't so I quickly used that as an excuse to avoid this topic with Orpheus.

"I should get back soon... you should let your head cool down and let's talk later, okay?" I said and untied his vines which I really didn't have to give effort to since Orpheus untied them himself. I was about to turn around and escape when I felt his hand this time and before I could react properly, I suddenly found myself kissing him. Well... him kissing me.

With my eyes widened in shock, I tried to push him away but just like Damon, as expected he was strong and didn't budge.

"Hmmmn, Orph..." I tried to call but his kiss was persistent as he deepened it. To my surprise, it didn't feel like this was his first time kissing someone as his tongue sought dominance against mine. I was easy to dominate so I soon fell on his mercy as he moved as he pleased. 

Our kisses echoed in the forest and I didn't last long as my knees began to feel weak again. My whole body shivered and not to mention, and the essence that I had received from Damon earlier on began to drip down my thighs. My insides began to throb and breathe started getting heavy to the point that my head felt light.

Thankfully, Orpheus soon pulled away, and just like that, he disappeared out of thin air just like Damon had done leaving me falling onto the ground with my chest moving up and down while I gasped as much air as my lungs needed.

When everything had sunk into me, a deep blush soon reached my face before my legs fidgeted. The essence continued to gush out making it even more uncomfortable for me to stand.

"W-What have I got myself into?" I asked myself, putting my hand against my vigorously beating heart.

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To be Continued…

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