My Life In Isekai Multiverse

Chapter 1: [Vol 1 ] Chapter 1: Prolouge

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A gust of wind passed by the city centre. 

 The city was eerily quite.  Every door was shut; every window shuttered. 

Rows of stands and benches filled the space – it was a place which would usually have hundreds of merchants displaying their wares and many times the number of citizens, travellers and other folk perusing the vast selection of goods. But like the street that she had dashed out of, it was silent and empty, the evening wind blowing across what should have been a vibrant centre of city life with a lonely moan. Neither sound nor movement could be heard. 


                             The occasional wisps of smoke she could see rising from chimneys indicated that they were indeed occupied, and that the residents were burning fuel to keep warm in the chill of early spring.

If weren't for the smoke anyone would mistake this as an abandoned city. 


                            They would be surprised to know that this is E-Rantal the eastern fortress city of the Re-Estize Kingdom. 

After the battle of Katze Plains the once bustling city now resembles a ghost city. 

Only the occasional death knight petrol seems to be only source of noises. 



                                  In the suburbs of the city near the centre of the plaza a curious sight was taking place. 

From the old militia center a few woman with bloodless pale skin were distributing supplies to the queues that had formed.  Just by looking at them it was clear they weren't human. There were nearly two thousand people there. Despite being so many people in one place there was hardly any noise. Most people in the line dare not to raise their head to look ahead, specialy not at the undead death knights at both sides of the line. 

They were like ants just following the person infront of them. Fear was in the air, if waren't for the hunger they would probably not go outside of their homes. 

In this depressing atmosphere suddenly an old woman dropped the baggage she was carrying. Normally it wouldn't be much commotion about this but it created a metallic sound and a long dagger came out. 

A death knight Immediately noticed it and came towards her with heavy steps. When the crowd noticed a death knight coming towards them all hell broke lose. Animalistic cries rang out as the humans began to run like headless chiken. Some started praying ,some lost consciousness and some of them stood in there place with a pale face, accepting their fate. Other death knight also started moving to control the chaos. 

Nobody came to help the old woman as everyone knew what will happen to her. Having a weapon in a place like her internation was obvious. Everyone expected another massacre for this transgression. 

As the death knight came close to her it looked at the dagger for a moment , then raised his giant sword like an executioner. 



"Stop! She hasn't committed any crime." Right at that moment a voice shouted at the death knight. 

The death knight stopped and looked at the source of the voice. it was a boy in his twenties. He came towards the death knight and picked up the dagger. Then he turned its handle gave it towards the death knight and said, "Processing a weapon isn't a crime under previous Re-Estize law, she didn't attempt to do anything thus under the order of the Majesty she's innocent so, you must stop."

The undead looked at the boy with cold eyes. The boy didn't back down but also did the same. " In this situation only the Magistry can judge her. You can't defy his order. "



 Some of the people stopped running and started to observe the incident. it was an incredible sight. A human boy in his twenties was arguing with the undead! Who's master  Ainz ooal gown Katze just massacred 200,000 army of the kingdom in a wim. Is he that stupid to believed the promise of that undead? 

                                         A few moments continued like this. it was apparent that the death knight never encountered a situation like this before. The undead just stopped doing anything but stared at the boy.

 Now everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing before , they observed the situation with heated breath. All of them felt their life and death depends on the death knight's behavior. Then as if felt a long time later a strong masculine voice shouted, " Stop! Stop everything immediately! "

As everyone looked at the giant full plated dark warrior, blood came back to their pale faces. A exited childish voice shouted out, "It's our savior Momon! Thank the six,  we're saved! "




" did a great job. Who are you? " (Momon) 

"My name is Akas... I mean Leo.. Leon bartloke. I am from Fasset country. "


"Then why are you here? Were you conscripted? "

"No, but my father was. But he parished in a pluge outbreak before the battle. Now I am here. "


"Leon why didn't you leave the city after the battle? It's not like the Sorcerer Kingdom's forces were stopping you from leaving. Why did you stay? " 

"It's not I didn't want to but.. Hmm... There are lot of creditors back home. All my siblings are here and we got meals for free. And there is also another factor... " He paused then stopped talking as if lost in thought. 


"Leon if you don't want to you don't have to answer. You don't have to answer something if you feel uncomfortable. " Momon said softly. 

"No no it's not like that Momon-dono. Please I'll be honored refer to me as Leo. It's not like some big secret.  

I  firmly believe in his Majesty Aniz Ool Gown. "


"What? Are you serious? "  The guy behind Leon couldn't help but to shout. All the people surrounding them also looked at the boy weirdly. 

"You.. You actually trust that undead? Are you really human? " The old woman asked in a trembling voice. 


Everyone looked at the one who caused all of this. Momon asked, "Why are you doing this? "

"Of course its to avange the death of my husband and son. I'll rather die than forsake the six. " The old woman replied bitterly. 


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Momon turned to Leon. "Leo what do you think what should be done? "

"As I said before In this situation according to Re-Estize law only the sovereign can decide the gulit. So Mr Momon should hand her over to the authorities."


"Are you gonna send her to die? " Someone from the angrily shouted. Everyone was baffled by Leon's judgement, after all he's the one who risked his life to save her but now he is the pushing her to certain death. 

Momon asked again, " Why do you want that? Are you expecting his Majesty to pardon her. "



"I don't know, I am simply said what is right. " Leon gave a vague answer. Then he turned to the crowd. 

"Now that I think about it many of you are referring to his majesty as 'that undead' you do know this is disrespecting his majesty. Right? " 


Many of looked at the nearby death knight stopped talking. Leon gave them a warning, 

" Make sure you remember it and don't repeat this again. You know the consequences, right? "


The crowd dispersed. Momon bought Leon to a secluded place to talk. They chatted about various topics. Then the discussion about the the new undead king came up.


"Leon-dono why do you have so much faith in his majesty? Don't you think undead is the enemy the living ? Aniz ool gwon slaughtered hundreds of thousands of our fellow humans. Clearly he's the enemy of the living. "


"Momon-san if you had asked anyone else this question I am sure he'll agree. But for me it's different."

"My mother is a practitioner of necromancy magic. So I believe that the undead and the living can coexist. 

Yes his  majesty had to kill many to achieve his objective. But it doesn't mean anything. I would argue if he is powerful enough to cause so much damage to the living , then what is stopping him to kill us all? 

His Majesty clearly doesn't like mindless slaughter. His Magistry surely have some higher goal in his mind that we can't comprehend. 

You point out the huge number of deaths in battle of Katze Plains. But it's a a trivial number compared to the people who died due to wars , starvation, mismanagement of the nobility. You don't count the the amount of people who don't have to die because they're under his majesty's rule. 

Though I really respect you momon-san I am sorry to say but disagree with your assessment of the Sorcerer king. " Leon's voice got louder as he kept speaking. 


Momon again observed him. A while later he said, 

"Well that was a present conversation. 

Leo what are doing now? "


"Ah.. Although don't like to admit it I am currently unemployed. "


"Well how about you help me to distribute the ration? "


As Leon came back Tanjiro greeted him. 


"Big brother! Are you okay? I could hear a lot of commotion from there." Tanjiro worriedly asked. 

"How many times I have to tell you don't run around with that sword. If a death knight found you like this you'll be finished. 

I am fine. Where is Nezuko? "

" She's inside. I am hungry. Big brother why are crying? What happened? "



"Oh it's nothing. These are the tears of joy. Don't underestimate the my acting talent. After 100 job interviews I am a pro now. Hmf...nh... Who knew all those trash isekai would be so helpful. And all this time i was wasting time. Nh... "

"Big brother what are saying? I don't get it. Just say it and I'll do it for you. "



"Nah you don't have to do anything. I finally got a job. And it's a big one, you don't have to worry about getting hungry anymore. Look I bought so much food today. "

"Yoush! Then let's celebrate! "

"Ya, let's celebrate! ''

As they boys went inside the run down inn the twin set in the Horizon, ending an eventful day. 



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