My Life In Isekai Multiverse

Chapter 2: [Vol1] Chapter 2 : How to solve a crisis

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 Mc's pov---------------------------------

 [Author's note : ( )= Internal monologue." " = Actual spoken word.]

"Sigh~ so it's been four months. But it felt like it had been ages. "

 Akash looked at sky from the window. it was dawn, he could clearly see the the twin sun rising in the horizon. It was a rare sight to see for someone who grew up in a industrial city full of of smoke and tall buildings. 

                            Yes, Akash wasn't a native of this world but a reicarnator from 21st century Earth. 

"Leon Bartloke.... My name is Leon now. " Akash still struggles to integrate himself in his new identity. 

Though he enjoyed the scenery, he did not admire it. Because he knew that under the guise of this beautiful nature lies the darkness , pain and suffering inhabitants of this world. 

"There is no smartphone,tv ,refrigerator or any other modern convinces here.  I doubt if I die tomorrow anyone would bat an eye. "

Through his inherited memories Leon realized how shockingly easy and normal for humans like him to die. You can get killed by a monster or demihuman attack, you can just get sick and die or you can get starved to death. 

                             It wasn't like all the humans are a few steps away from destruction. Humans are one of the most powerful races in this by the sheer number. Human adventures and wizards can easily deal with monster attack. Magicians can create portions that can cure almost all disease. And if you look at the fudal Lord's warehouse one will find plentiful food. 

"What's worse I am just a commoner. " 

Although there are many ways to live a comfortable life and amazing things to explore those are for the elites, not for expendables like him. 

There are no human rights, laws are suggestions for the nobility. They view their subjects no different from livestocks. 

Leon knew he was exaggerating a bit. But his experience in the last four months simply confirmed his assumptions. 

" Those who fantasize about the lives of aristocrats in a medieval sword & magic world needs to get their head examined. 

Who are the these nobles? They are just pretty gangsters and criminals posing as government authority. While they live the life of luxury and comfort people like me struggle to find food for the next meal. "

                                  The last four months had been nothing less than hell for Leon. He had to work in the fields for 16 hours in a day. Sometimes he had to sleep with an empty stomach. 

As a person from the 21st century he truly felt what actually hunger ment. 

Finally when the crops matured the fudal Lord took away 40% of the crops as taxes. Yes i repeat 40% of the crops as taxes.  Astonishely normal taxes are 30% , the extra 10% are for the war. The other 30% vanished as the creditors lined up. 

What's more Leon's father died. He was the breadearner of the family. Though their time was short, he felt sad. He was a good father. 

Thus now Leon is an orphan, broke and destitute. 

"Damm you God, what did I do wrong that you put me in Subaru's hard mode? What's more I don't have any cheat powers like him. If I die once it's game over for me. "

                                      Leon lamented his new life. It's not like he wanted to be hero or be something like that. He just wanted to live a comfortable life and not get starved to death. 

"My only goal is survival. "


Leon felt someone was poking him from behind. So he turned around. There was someone who is a shining light in this otherwise dark world. 

There was a petite young girl with fair skin.Her hair is long, black, and wavy. It reaches just below her waist, turning a flame-orange color as it passes her elbows. She has soft-looking, pale pink eyes that appear a lighter color around the rims of their irises. She was wearing a light pink kimono with an asanoha pattern and a small pink ribbon on the left side of her head. She was great beauty. 

His gloomy mood instantly disappeared. He asked her with a warm smile. 

"Oh Nezuko you are wake. Did you sleep well? "

She nodded in response. 

"Suns are just coming out, so nobody is outside.You hardly go outside. So, how about we go out for a walk? "

Nezuko paused for a moment then looked towards Tanjiro's room. 

"You don't have to tell him about this we'll be back before he wakes up. " 

Nezuko nodded cheerfully, obviously she also wanted to go outside. 

(Ooh..She's so cute. Whatever she does is cute. Finally Nezuko is alone with me. 

Curse you Tanjiro when will you die? It's you who'll always ruin my blissful time with Nezuko. I am seriously considering handing you over to a death knight. But if I do that Nezuko will be sad. can i get rid of you..) 

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 Tanjiro & Nezuko are the adopted sibling of Leon. It seems Nezuko already became a demon before coming to Leon's family. 

Leon's father only told him that they are his long distance cousins and they lost their parents so they'll be living with them. Leon suspected it has something do with his mother being a witch. For some reason they decided not to tell him. 

It seems his father knew about their situation and didn't let Nezuko go outside alone. 

Previous Leon didn't thought much about it.  He only thought it was weird for girl to have bamboo in her mother but after Akash woke up in Leon's body his attitude drastically changed. 

At first Akash thought he was in the Demon slayer world. He was terrified. He refused to go outside and cringed to Nezuko. 

But nothing happened, there was no demon attack or anything supernatural. It took him a few days to calm down. 

Through his odd behaviors Leon become close to his siblings. His father was realived that his useless son is finally talking with others normally. 


As Leon and Nezuko was walking through the plaza they observed the surrounding . 

"Everything is quite, just like before. Nothing changed.  " Leon murmured. Although he could see a few people in the alleyways, it was negligible. 

He looked at the big flag of the Sorcerous kingdom in the center of the plaza. 

" So am in a the Overlord series with Demon slayer characters? 

Just what kind of a world is this? "

Leon thought about it more. 

(It's not like everything is same as the anime. Like how Momon is not partnered with nabe but  with lupusregina beta. Now that i think about it , it actually more logical after all lupusregina is a better choice for interacting with humans.) 

As Leon was deep in his overlord theory thought, suddenly Nezuko grabbed him by the arm and started to run. "Wo... What? "

Leon saw a death knight approaching them by rhe corner of his eyes. He instantly realized what was happening . 

"Stop Nezuko! Don't run! We'll be in trouble if we run! Stop! I have a plan! Trust me! "

He desperately try to stop Nezuko from running. After a lot of tussle Nezuko finally stopped.

 Her cute appearance was no more.  she has a bigger, taller and curvaceous body and has longer hair. A red and green vine-like pattern that covers her skin, circling around her arms, legs, and chest and a short white horn on the right side of her forehead. 

After getting out of her grip he confronted the death knight coming towards them. He could feel many people were looking at them from the closed houses . Nezuko grabbed Leon's shirt, it was obvious what would happen when the death knight will reach them. 

Leon looked her in the eyes and said, "Trust me. "

Then he turned towards the death knight and took a deep breath. 

(Ha...ha...I can't believe i am actually doing this. Not that mind anyway. I always wanted to try it for once.) 

He took another deep breath. Then the raised his both hands towards the sky and shouted at the top of his lunges, 

"Sasuga Ainz-sama! Aniz-sama is Justice! "

The death knight stopped abruptly. He continued to stare at Leon. 

He took another long breath and repeated again, 

"Sasuga Ainz-sama! Aniz-sama is Justice! "

"Sasuga Ainz-sama! Aniz-sama is Justice! "

Death knight seem be contend with Leon's performance as it stared at  Nezuko instead. 

Nezuko like everyone else was observing the event with a baffled face. 

                     Leon and Nezuko exchanged glances. She hesitated a bit then just like him raised her both hands towards the sky and try to shout. But she was only able to make some puff noises. As far as Leon she looked cute.

                       lt seem it was enough as the death knight turned around and started going back. 

Leon sat down right there as Nezuko came to help him. "Pew.. We survived. "



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