My Love is From Hanabi.

Chapter 2: Landing On The Earth

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Hannah…? Wake up.... Open your eyes, please... Don't leave mama and papa again. Open your eyes for one more time, darling. Mama begging you.... HANNAH!!!!


In her dreams, there is someone keep calling her name asking her to open her eyes. The woman pleading voices, still ringing in both of her ears. 

Slowly opening her eyes, Hannah blinks a few more time. A bright light inside a room is hurting her eyes, and she confused, how she end up in this place. Looking at her left and her right, a familiar scene is welcoming her. It's seem that she was inside her personal spaceship. But how? It is just a dream? Getting up from her bed, Hannah feels there's someone else inside her spaceship. Her sudden action make her realize that she isn't dreaming. Her entire body feels numb as if it gets shoot by a bullet made from a diamond. She feels sick everywhere, but she can't see her any injuries at all.

Hearing a sound of keyboard rapid typing make Hannah feel suspicious again. Holding her laser gun on both of her hand, that she found inside her trousers earlier, Hannah aim her target head behind it. Taking one step to go to her cockpit direction, Hannah kicks the door and yell, 

“ Who is that?!”

Feel goosebumps coming from his body, Costa turning his head to his back and shocked from what he sees.“SHIT! What are you doing, Hannah. Are you tried to shoot me?” 

“COSTA?......COSTA?! YOU ALIVE? I thought you already........ I saw your body completely burn, how you are able to escape?” Overwhelmed by a fact, her only friends from Hanabi was able to escape from the explosion make Hannah happy and sad a same time. Costa is a cat like creatures that living on Hanabi but has an ability to talk and to copy whatever she said or do. She found him when she was seventeen and he almost dying that time because received a big wound on his abdomen. Fortunately, she found he soon, or not, something bad is going to happen. Starting from that point, they become a very good friend, relying on to each other and both pursuing a goal to become a general. And, they finally did it. But a happiness doesn't seem to like them because after they officially became a general, something like this happened. 

Staring at his best friend pale face, Costa, then answered. “Yes. I am still living, thank you for your special tricks. I was able to escape. And why are you doing something suicidal like that, Hanns? You're almost killing yourself, stupid.”

“I have to use all my power and all the remaining diamond stone from Hanabi, just to save you. Both of us already losing our power, Hannah. We have to do something if we want our power back.”

“Are you kidding me? What do you mean? You don't have your power anymore, Costa? You're having the ultimate system made from the upgrade version of AIX to HIX, it's possible to lose your power just like that.” A disbelief reply come Hannah lips when she heard Costa saying that he was losing his power.

“Hmm. Do you remember what happens before Hanabi explodes? I have to open the black hole of our dimensions and teleport both you and me, and this spaceship, out from there. And I thought it's fine, but my whole system got destroyed a second after I succeed bringing us back. A few second after you snapping your hand, everything was completely vanished, including the entire of Hanabi.  I don't know where you got that powerful energy.”

“I am really sorry, Costa. Likewise, I can't control myself, especially when in desperate situation. But, it really just two of us, only? How about the others?”

“What do you expect, Hannah? There's nobody else. I still can't believe it, after all this time, the one who plotting everything right under our nose is someone that we know. I can't ever imagine how he could do something like that just to get all the power for himself.” Felt sorry to all the victim of their commander evil game, Costa clenching his paw tightly. 

Watching Costa start to change into a dangerous creature, Hannah change their topic immediately. “So, what's now? Do you know how to restore our power? I can't feel any dangerous element around us. Where is this? Staring outside at many steroids passing their spaceship, Hannah then tell Costa. Let's go to Pluto. We can start to find something valuable there. I heard that, not long time ago from my neighbor, there's some very powerful diamond stone there. Its power exceed our HIX system. Maybe it can help us.”

“Did you mean, The Callan Diamond?”

“Yes. That's it. Wait, how do you even know about it.”

“The stone isn't at Pluto anymore. It's already on the earth. Furthermore, we can't go there. Do you think, you still able to breathe freely without any help? You are human, Hannah. You need an oxygen to breath. Pluto doesn't have enough amount of oxygen level for you to live on there. They are only has element like a hydrogen, helium, nitrogen and a little bit of an oxygen. The most suitable place to go right now is, the earth. We can find the diamond, and you can breathe easily there. And, how did I know is, because I am received a mission from our commander to find it long time ago, but we can't find it. And later, we found out that it is already on the earth.”


“Costa? What are those? This is my first time seeing such a stone.” Pointing her finger on a very huge white stone that approaching their spaceship, Hannah start to feel uneasy.

“Where is it?” Looking from his monitor radar, Costa can't see clearly whatever that thing is. From his radar, he only can see a tiny dot is moving swiftly coming to their direction.

“That! Can you see that thing?”

Standing up, and went to his window, Costa then curse. “OH, SHIT!! It's heading towards us. ITS INTERSTELLAR METEOR STONE!!”



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“Touch the emergency button on your right hand, Costa.” 

“I can't find the button. Where is it?”


A deafening noise come from the emergency alarm, blasting the entire cockpit of the spaceship. On the control panel, there was someone tried her best to open the teleportation system to teleport them to the earth directly.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“I don't think we can be landing safely to the earth in this situation, Hannah. Maybe you and me, both of us, are programmed to die on this day.” 

Watching Costa on his panic mode, Hannah had to hold her smile.

“I have an idea.” 

“What it is and don't smile like that. It's creepy, you know.” Rolling his eyes, Costa then try to navigate the spaceship once again.

“Let's ride this meteor ball and use it as our cover to enter the earth atmosphere. I will open the magnetic field of this spaceship and let it stuck on the meteor ball body. I haven't sensed any other element come from this meteor ball, it's only consisting of an ordinary rock. It's safe for now. But I don't know if we can make it until to the earth final atmosphere layer. Do you think our spaceship can handle the gravity force from the earth? From troposphere to exosphere, do you think we are able to survive?”

“I believe in you, now tell me what are I supposed to do.” Putting his trust to his crazy best friend idea right now is better than waiting without doing nothing, Costa then turn off the spaceship power control and sitting obediently on his chair.

“Thank you, Costa. Then, close your eyes. But before nothing, we get to find something to hold on tight. Okay?” Taking a deep breath, Hannah then kick the spaceship door. Closing her eyes, grabbing Costa paw, she then jumps on the interstellar meteor stone, and open her protective gear.

“SHITTTT!!!!!ARGHHH!!WHAT ARE YOU DOING, HANNAH!” Screaming his lung out, Costa never imagine this what Hannah means by her earlier remarks.

“I am sorry, but are you losing something valuable inside your brain system? Our spaceship can't handle the gravity force from the earth, based on its condition now. It will explode when it collides with the interstellar meteor stone. Now trust me, and just close your eyes if you are afraid. We still have a very long journey to go. We need to hang on until we are able to go through the five layer of earth atmosphere safely.”

“Arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE CRAZYYY HANNNNAHHHH!!!!!!”

“Watch out, we almost there.”


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