My Love is From Hanabi.

Chapter 3: A Genius Twin

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At Blanca Astronomy Research institute.

From far away, there was a magnificent building standing high above the ground surrounded by many beautiful oak tree. This place is a home for all the scientists and researcher all around the world. The tall building was located at fifty kilometers from the city center and seven hundred meters from sea level. This institute was founded by the former astronaut of Blanca and still operating until nowadays. Many students have set their mind and goal just to become one of the members of this great institute, despite the requirements to become one of them are very strict. Over the year, only one percent candidate pass the exam, and they even need to study very hard every subject given by the institute before they can choose which field they will join later. From psychology, chemistry, earth science, space science, biochemistry, microbiology, botany and zoology, they offered all the main science field. 

Today the institute getting busy because the eclipse come one day earlier than prediction. A chaos inside a meeting room after one of the astronomy member come and claim that he see a white meteor is coming landing on the earth during the eclipse occur.

"Professor! What are we waiting for? We should go to this place now. It's already landing in the middle of somewhere. This once in a lifetime. For how many million years, there's no way a white meteor ever exist. But today, out of anywhere it's suddenly popped up in our sky just like a magic. No satellite can detect its energy or see it coming. How could something like this can be happened? There must be something more about it." Can't control his emotions, Nicholas gripping a pen in his hand to vents his anger.

"Does an alien come to visit us?" Another man voice suddenly interrupted and made all the people head inside a meeting room turns towards him.

"Stop talking about alien. They are not existed."

"How did you know? There are so many things left unexplored within our universe because we can't reach there. Maybe they are coming to kidnap a human, to study about us? Or to take control over the earth? Do you ever watch some movie about an alien?" Adjusting his glasses, Ricky nonchalantly reply to Nick words without looking at him.

Getting annoyed at his twin reaction, Nicholas almost throw a paper in his hand to Ricky head. “Ricky? We are not discussing a movie, but a stating A FACT. ”

"We are scientists, not a magician, Nicholas. It must be some technical issues to make the occurrence of the meteor become undetected." Getting back and forth, looking at Nicholas and Ricky, Professor Que head feel dizzy watching the twin drama in front his eyes. 

Felt unsatisfied because of his professor keep denying whatever he try to say, Nicholas reply to him again.

"I know it sir, but if really a technical issues, why the other thing perfectly works on our satellite data? Do you forget about we, having the most advance technology in this area? Our satellite can detect a slight of unusual movements today on the moon. How far is between the moon and the earth? Then, why our telescope can't detect something coming through our sky?"

"I understand your feeling, but we have to wait for our higher up instructions. Do you know where is the white meteor landing? It's on Redwood. Nobody can enter there easily, just like that. The new president of the Redwood banned all the citizens from other countries to enter them. Unless you bring a benefit to their country, the authority there will consider it. About this matter, I don't know if they succeed or not. Furthermore, the country is a nest of dangerous villain. Even this new president itself is a wanted criminal. The Interpol already issued a warrant to capture him, but nobody dare to take a risk. Even on the dark web, you can see his bounty already reached five hundred million. So, what do you think? Our government wouldn't allow us to do our research recklessly just like that without prepare anything beforehand."

"But, sir?"

"No but. Calm down Nicholas. Why you are so eager up to find the white meteor? Maybe our eyes play a trick to our mind, today is total eclipse, right? Look at our neighborhood country, they didn't even know or care about this. It only us, I mean. It's only you, Nick. I already talk to our higher up, and now we should wait patiently. Be good. Both you and Ricky are under our higher up monitor. You made a big mistake today. After two years working at here, both of you didn't produce any good results. You even make wrong prediction this time. How I suppose to answer to our president? All you do is watching over a radar every day, again and again. Collecting and compared the data that we received from our satellite, but you can't do such an easy job? Do you feel tired? My head hurts thinking about both you and your twin over there." Massaging his temple, Professor Que start to lose his patience as well. 

Nicholas and Ricky are the twins who are working on this institute almost three years. Both are got accepted because of their intelligence and good grade in their study. But after working at here, they didn't produce any satisfying results, to make both of them become a target of other professor. These twins are really genius. If Nick was obsessed with space science, then Ricky was best at medicine area.

"I am sorry, Sir, for my attitude." 

Shaking his head slowly, Professor Que stare at the twin handsome face and smiles. “It's fine. Maybe both of you should take a rest for a while. You are doing the same thing every day, do you have somewhere in your mind as your vacation destination? I will take care of it. Go pack your thing now, and don't worry about anything else."

"But Sir, how I suppose to have a mood to go on vacation when there's something important waiting for me?"

Surprised by the sudden vacation, Nick squinting his eyes and see Ricky was excited when he heard the vacation words.

"Ricky? How about you?"

"No. I am completely fine. I want to go to Antarctica. Furthermore, I want to see the white polar bear in front of my eyes. Can you settle all the matter regarding my passport and my flight destination, professor? I want to spend my time there playing with a snow and a bear. Nick? Come and join me? I scared to be alone at such unfamiliar place. Please? What if there's some alien living over there, and when it sees me. It gets interested and then, it is going to kidnap me. Please? We can capture some penguins too and keep them as our pet. You love penguins, right?"

"No. I am not following you. I have so many things to do."

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Having some crazy idea on his mind, Ricky literally whispered on Nick left ear. "Nick? Let's go to Redwood. I found something that very interesting. Do you feel curious about the white meteor?"

"What do you mean?"


"Stop asking so many questions. Either you join me or not? But this between us only. Don't tell anybody."

"Okay. I agree."

"Then Sir, can you do a favor for us?"

"What? You agreed with your twin idea, Nick? Good. Then, when you want to go?"

"Tomorrow night.”

 “So soon?"

"Yes! I can't wait to play with such a fluffy white bear. He-he."

"Such a bright white stone, how did it even manage to come without leaving a trace? Finally, we found something same as the thing that coming on our sister birthday, Nick. Hope that thing will give an answer to our questions and give us a clue about our sister disappearance and whereabouts. Do you think it's related to each other? The one before, darker than this, but the meteor this time is pure white like a snow but in a giant size. This thing make me feel anxious somehow because this only our last hope."

"You know this is our last hope, so stop arguing with our Professor. You will make him even more suspicious to us. Our professor is fine, but how about other person? We are under observation, Nick. Every little bit of our movements is under people watching. That's why they put CCTV all over the place. Didn't you realize that? So it's our time and our chance to get out from this place unscratched. And, Redwood is our ideal destination. If we are able to enter there, this people wouldn't be able to find us anymore."

"How we can enter such a dangerous place? Are you crazy?"

"Don't worry and don't talk too loud! You are literally screaming inside my eardrum, my hearing sense still working properly. I am not deaf yet, Nichochocolate. I know someone important from there. He will be able to help us."

"Who is it?"

"Very important person."

"Who is the very important person?"

"Argh! Just shut your mouth and keep monitoring the radar. How our mom able to give a birth such a weirdo and dumb person like you? Look at me. Such a handsome man, single since born and has a pure heart, better than you. I don't know what size is your brain.? A normal or smaller than the peanut size?"

""We are identical twins, Ricky. Stop spouting a nonsense because whatever you have, I have it too. So if I am stupid, then same as you." Rolling his eyes, Nick picks up all his scattering paper on the table and organize it neatly."

"Enough! Stop your childish bickering already. So about today, I will be responsible on it. And I hope both of you wouldn't repeat this kind of mistake again. Don't worry about anything else and just enjoy your vacation. Do you understand? This is an order and I will reject all your excuses if one of you cancel your trip on the last minute. No excuses will be accepted! Remember that, especially you, Nicholas.

"Okay Sir. We understand."

“Now it's time to pack our thing, let's go, Ricky. Then, excuse us and have a great day for you, Sir.”

“Okay, have a good day for you too.”

Watching the twin already walked away from the meeting room, Professor Que hacked into CCTV system inside the meeting room, and delete all their conversation regarding the white meteor. Taking out his phone from his pocket, he type a few messages on it.

“Someone from my side will try to enter your country tomorrow night, please watch over them and make sure they're save until I finish my business at here. A pair of twin, and most importantly, they know about the thing you asked to me before, President Michael.”

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