My New Life After I was Reborn in a Different World

Chapter 9: Male Lead;

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"W-What have you done?!" I cried in worry and fury. If I had come late, what would have become of my daughter? Thankfully, Riley liked to plant his Dusk in their shadows so she was able to find her quickly. Although it is tiny from the original Dusk that the male lead could do and it could hardly protect anyone, still, it can conveniently track down the other.

"You will pay for this," I declared. I know I said my abilities are not for combat but if it's just a simple local who wanted to kidnap my daughter then I can handle it enough.

With my sight turning black at the thought of my daughter getting hurt, I extended my hand to the ground, and just then a root came out at my will. I directed my attack at the stranger thinking it would immediately knock him down due to the impact but I was quick to realize that he wasn't just a simple man as he quickly evaded my roots.

"Lady, calm down," he called but I wasn't listening. How dare he tell her to calm down when he had hurt my precious Sibel. Furiously, I drew out more of my roots and continued to assault my enemy but to my dismay, he was avoiding it without it just fine, turning me even angrier.

"What have you done to my daughter, you filthy animal!? She's just a child!" I yelled. My tears were already threatening to fall as I imagined what could have my baby go through if I didn't find her sooner.

"Lady, I said calm down. I didn't do anything to her," the man still insisted, making me even more furious to the point where my tears finally started flowing as I glared at him. 'How did he not do anything to Sibel when she's unconscious!' I thought and continued to glare. The same with the man, he also glared at me as if I had really wronged him but the nerve of him to even have such a reaction.

"I can explain. She tried to heal me but she lost consciousness while doing it," the man explained, stunning me since it didn't look like he was lying and the fact that he indeed have a wound was at least not a lie but for Sibel to try and heal him when I've told her many times not to use her powers in public. Something must have happened.

I checked my daughter's body still not putting my guard down but as soon as I confirmed that she was fine and she had no wound whatsoever, I slightly lowered my roots to properly look at the hooded man. He absolutely looks suspicious so he can't blame me for accusing him.

"Have you calmed down?"

"I am but I don't trust you," I replied to his question and carefully cradled my daughter ready to get out of here before this man asked me about Sibel's power or her identity. I didn't want to talk to him anymore and turned around to leave when I hadn't taken a second step when I felt an arm grab mine.

"Wait! H-Have I met you before?" He asked in a hurried tone. That was some pretty lame pick-up line so I turned around frowning not wanting his hand on me but that frown quickly went away when I saw his face. Since he was wearing a hood earlier that hid most of his facial features, I wasn't about to recognize it right away but now that he had removed it, my eyes widened in shock.

The familiar black raven hair and beautiful deep ocean-blue eyes that I see on my son every day are now right in front of me but an adult version. There's no other person who has this feature but the Hero of the continent, the one and only duke of the Empire, and the Male lead of this world... Alejandre Maxillian Castilion. He is the father of my dear Riley.

"No! W-we haven't..." I replied as quickly as I could and tried to remove myself from his grip. I didn't know why he was in such a remote village but I had to leave. I doubt he remembers me but he'll definitely ask something about Sibel since he saw her features.

". . ." Not replying to my response as he continued to stare at me, I panicked when he refused to let go.

"L-Let go~" I whined, with my teary eyes. Even though I'm positive he didn't know me, what if he does? That one night we spent together, what if he remembered it? I don't want them to take my son and daughter. I'd die before they could do it.

I know I had been preparing for this day to come and I had always been afraid that this day would come but I never actually thought it would happen so soon. To have my daughter meet him. Is fate playing with our lives? How can he be here at the same time and place as us? I made sure I'd only go to the village once every couple of months to avoid meeting someone that might know me but the Male lead just had to be here today! He should be at the capital or the southern borderline he's in charge of.

"Elaina... you're her... the woman Julius and I..." he said but he didn't finish his words when he suddenly groaned in pain. I looked at him and saw the wound he had before I once again stared at him in horror. In the novel, the male lead had a lot of enemies who wanted him dead because they wanted to take the dukedom for themselves. Of course, he should've dealt with all of that with the female lead but knowing that the plot was broken somehow, it must also mean that he had not found out the real identity of his enemies yet.

After all, as the strongest man in this world, there shouldn't be anyone who's capable enough to hurt him unless he was betrayed by his close aid.

Meaning... Being around him would be dangerous! He's got enemies running after him! Why else would he be wounded if not for that?! It's not like he stabbed himself for no reason, or for any reason. What sane person would do that to themselves if they're not a psychopath?

"I-I don't know what y-you're talking about," I muttered nervously before I looked around. What if I just leave him at the side?? I can't afford to stay with him.

"No! You're definitely her... Ugh..." he insisted, making me chew on my lips.

"S-Sir, I think you need help. I'll go look for someone, please let go of me," I suggested. Even though he was clearly weakened by his wound, his grip was still strong and wouldn't budge at all. It's like even if he faints, he won't let me go. Most importantly, he clearly remembered me and even mentioned my name.

'This isn't good,' I thought worriedly, not to mention, my daughter is still unconscious. What if someone arrives and that someone was his enemy? I'd get involved in his business but I don't really have someone who I am confident to ask for help as well since I didn't have any friends.

"No... they won't be able to help me anyway... I can't trust anyone," he confessed and grabbed onto his stomach where blood was slowly seeping through his clothes. Of course, I wasn't that heartless and I was worried he would die out of blood loss.

"L-Let go of me first... I'm also someone you can't trust," I said. If he can't trust anyone then that includes me. How sure was he that I wouldn't hit him on his head and escape? I was just thinking about it since my top priority is my and my daughter's safety.

I was still contemplating how to eventually escape him when I slowly started feeling his weight on me.

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"H-hey sir~ you're heavy..." I complained and tried to push him. I still have Sibel in my arms and now he's leaning down, I'm not that strong and he's a tall man.

"I... trust... you..."  he muttered before I watched his eyes lose their focus until he eventually fainted. I was stunned by his words but thankfully, I was quick and immediately made my roots carry all the burden of his weight before I hurriedly stepped away still cradling Sibel in my arms.

'*phew* That was close...'

I looked at the Male lead and observed his posture. My instinct was telling me to just leave him there and escape before it was too late. He's the male lead anyway so he wouldn't die that easily but as someone who has good moral values, I simply can't leave a wounded man in the alleyway. Since he's the Male lead, if I leave him alone right now, I might receive some kind of retribution for not helping him.

In the end, my conscience prevailed and I sighed again, shifting my gaze to my daughter.

"Red? I know you can hear me... Can you come out for a second? I have a request I'd like to ask," I whispered. Red is my daughter's familiar and if I'm correct, it should be able to hear me. I'm not quite familiar with the familiar things but I know that they can stay somewhere inside their master's bodies through the familiar mark once the contract is established. Of course, Sibel has one in her chest where the bird initially penetrated my daughter by force. I also have Orpheus' mark but he's different so he does not stay close to me but he does come right away when I call.

At first, Sibel wanted to carry her familiar like a normal pet but considering Red's features, it might catch some unnecessary attention. Even though it could shrink its size to a normal bird size, it does not change the fact that it still looked like a phoenix. So in the end, my little girl decided it would be best to hide for now. She'll hold her familiar confidently in the future when she's able to protect it properly.


Suddenly a bright light appeared out of thin air before soon the red pigment of the bird's feature came into view as it looked at me curiously. I looked at Red awkwardly and we stared at each other as if it was asking what I wanted from it. Since it was only Sibel who could truly communicate with Red, I suddenly find it rather embarrassing talking to a bird. Nevertheless, I do know the bird could understand human language, given the fact that it came out when I called it when I'm not even its Master.

"Uhmm, Red, you see that guy? Could you possibly heal him? Just enough for his wound to stop bleeding?" I asked awkwardly and pointed at the Male lead who is still hanging on my roots. Now that I have realized it, if Sibel was truly in danger, the bird would have come out to protect her but seeing that it didn't, there was probably no danger at all and it was just me overthinking things. Additionally, now that this man was actually the duke, it's only reasonable that he wouldn't hurt a child.

*chirp* Looking at the Male lead curiously, Red tilted its head as if replying to my request that it wasn't a big deal before it flew towards him and all of a sudden put the Male lead on fire shocking me.

"Oh my God!! Red!!!" I yelled in hurry but my shock soon went away when I noticed it didn't seem to hurt the Male lead at all.


Red looked at me and I could almost tell it was confused by my reaction since I was the one who asked for it to heal the Male lead. "Ahh sorry, I didn't know you'd put him on fire to heal him... thank you so much. I'll bake you something delicious when we get back," I said in relief and the bird fluttered its wings, probably happy at what I had said.

"You can go back now, thanks again," I said as I checked the Male lead's wound and true enough, his wound had closed down. Red chirped again and finally disappeared out of thin air just like when he appeared.

"Now, all I have to do is ask someone to take care of him," I mumbled to myself but it didn't take long for me to know who that person was.

I quickly called one of the fairies that accompanied me and pulled out a pen and paper. I wrote a letter and a map before I finally gave it to the dirt fairy who was more eager of them all to carry out my request.

"Hehe, can you give this to Lora? You don't need to show yourself to her, just leave this to where she could find it, okay?" I said chuckling because they were so cute fighting each other just to carry out a quick errand for me. Fairies are creatures that are usually not visible to human eyes unless they purposely show themselves. They are usually not around people but since I have Orpheus, they've warmed up to me soon after we hang out.


"Thank you," I smiled and soon the mischievous dirt fairy disappeared before my eyes.

'I just hope this will be the last time I see him... I should also refrain from going out, just until he forgets this ever happened,' I thought and looked at the Male lead one last time. He really does look like Riley so I simply can't help but soften and somehow become happy knowing that my lovely son would grow up just like his father.

I didn't get the male leads since I'm only a side character but I have the exact copies of them. I'm already happy with that.

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To be Continued...

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