My New Life After I was Reborn in a Different World

Chapter 8: Stranger (?)

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“Okay, that’s the last one…” I said with a smile. It hasn’t even been 6 hours and our products are sold out already. This would mean that we’d have more time to look around and find the best gift for Rylie for when we go back. I looked at Sibel and smiled seeing that she was happy as well, probably excited to choose her twin brother’s clothes.

“Let’s go ahead and clean up so we can have more time to look around,” I said and Sibel nodded enthusiastically. And as planned, both of us cleaned up, which was eventually me cleaning almost everything since I can’t really have a small child help me. Sibel just had to clean her end which was just a few things while mine was all over the place because of the hectic queue earlier. I simply couldn’t keep everything organized while entertaining the customers so I had to put whatever I didn’t need anywhere empty.

“You’ve finished cleaning right? Can you wait for Mommy a little bit more? Don’t wander off around okay?” I said and as always, my adorable daughter nodded in enthusiasm before I soon proceeded to clean my stuff. Of course, since I knew Sibel would listen to my words, I focused on the cleaning. It took me 20 minutes to do so because I had to put everything back in the cart but as soon as I finished and came to find my daughter, my eyes widened when she was not on the spot where I told her to sit and wait.

“Sibel?” I called as my heart quickly caught a pace. I tried to calm myself and looked around thinking maybe the little girl would just be around but my heart sank deeper and deeper when I found out she really wasn’t around.

“Sibel!? Where are you? Quit hiding from Mommy,” I called urgently and nervously but as expected she still wasn't around making me almost faint. Immediately different scenarios popped into my head and I couldn’t stop myself from turning ghastly pale.

“Oh no! My baby.”

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“Mister, are you hurt?” Sibel asked after following the man wearing a black robe. At first, she didn’t plan to follow the man when she noticed him staggering from afar since her mother told her not to follow strangers but when she saw the man’s face and his shadow, she was reminded of his twin brother so she simply couldn’t resist following the man out of curiosity.

“Kid, quit following me. It’s dangerous being with me,” the man said breathlessly looking at Sibel straight into her golden eyes but the instant he did, his eyes widened. Meanwhile, seeing the man’s reaction, Sibel just frowned as her eyes fell on the man’s shadow and confirmed what she initially thought it would be but at the same time a bit different from what she was used to.

“That’s odd. That didn’t seem like it came from my brother,” Sibel said curiously. Since she was very familiar with Rylie’s power, she knew that her twin constantly put little shadow minions on his and their shadows so when he saw that same minion to the unknown man, she simply couldn’t help herself and wanted to ask, added the fact that this stranger looks an older version of his twin and not mention they have a very similar magical aura which was quite opposite to hers. How can she not go and follow him? She never thought there would be someone who would have the same power as Rylie.

“Holy Sh—Hey kid, how old are you?” The man almost cursed before he managed to hold back and asked still with a stunned expression, ignoring Sibel's words just now. He didn’t notice it at first but now that he had a closer look, he was positive. The child had silver hair and golden eyes which are signs of true royalty. Just from that, he could tell that the child had royal blood although he wasn’t sure whose child she was since there are four Princes in the empire. And whether he liked it or not, he was very familiar with all the members of the royal family and for sure, this child wasn’t accounted for.

“Me? I’m 5. But… Hmmm, Mister? Do you know my brother? You look like him and you also have the same power,” Sibel said curiously. She looked at the man and she was now even more sure that he looked exactly like Rylie who had silky raven hair and deep blue ocean eyes. She always admired that feature since hers were weird with silver hair and gold eyes. She didn’t like it because she constantly had to hide it from other people.

“I don’t know what you are talking about kid but who are your parents?”

“Parents? You mean Mommy? My mommy’s name is Lena… Why? Do you know my Mommy, Mister?”

“I don’t. Anyway, how about your Daddy?” The man asked again, slightly groaning in pain due to the wound he had on the side of his stomach.

“Daddy? I don’t have one. It’s just Mommy and Riley,” Sibel said with a pout but her eyes later landed on the man’s stomach.

“Mister, do you want me to heal you? Mommy won’t usually let me but I’m sure she would understand since she’s really nice. She’s the nicest person in the world,” Sibel suggested before happily boasting about her mother. Still, she knew she wasn’t allowed to use her power outside the forest but she also couldn’t leave the man alone when she could see blood soaking down his clothes.

“Kid, healing is a very complicated ability. I’m not sure if you’ll be able to heal my wound,” the man said, knowing that he wasn’t just stabbed but also poisoned. The only reason he’s still alive was because he had strong resistance against poison but still, he doubted the child could heal him even if she had royal blood.

“Hehe, don’t worry. I’m really good at it. In exchange, I just want to know where you got that thing on your shadow,” Sibel giggled. Healing is her best ability and she could even make a severed limb grow again if she really put all her power into healing although she would faint afterward.

“My shadow? There’s nothing in my shadow,” The man lied and once again was shocked that the kid in front of him knew about his minions. Even if the kid is of royal blood who has the first saint’s blood in her, it would be impossible for her to know unless she’s the Saintess herself.

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“Hmmp, don’t lie to me, Mister. I know you have something inside there since I also have mine here,” Sibel chuckled, seeing through the man’s lie before she too showed his brother’s minion as it slowly creeped out of her shadow. 

For the second time, when the man saw this, he could not believe it. He didn’t know what was happening. It was only a coincidence that he passed by and hid in the small village but he never thought he’d discover something like this. Never in his wildest dream. The man stared at the tiny shadow minion and although it wasn’t as strong as his, the power inside him immediately felt a connection. As if they were looking at his own flesh and blood.

‘What is going on?’ The man thought and racked his brain thinking as to how this happened. He was the only son and heir of his father, even if he did have an illegitimate sibling, it would be impossible since this power was passed down to one kin per generation. From the looks of the amateur display of the dark power, he could immediately tell that it was a work of a child not more than 7 years old, and if that was the case, wouldn't a child like that could be his own? But how can that be? He stopped sleeping with women altogether after that time.

The man continued to think deeply about solving the puzzle.

“Riley gave this to me because he’s always worried, hehe,” Sibel chuckled innocently before she asked the tiny shadow to hide inside her shadow again.

“Kid, may I know who this Riley is? Can I meet him?” the man asked, waking up from his thoughts. Looking at the situation at hand, he simply can’t let this be. The answer was obvious and if he just brushed it off now, this could ruin the dukedom.

“Riley? He’s my twin brother. Do you know him? Mister, you do look like him a lot,” Sibel replied happily. Meanwhile, hearing the revelation, the man immediately got confused again. A child who is obviously of royal blood has a twin who possesses the same power as his? How can that be possible?

“Kid, are you telling me the truth?”

“Yes? Sibel doesn’t lie,” Sibel replied even though she and her twins had recently been punished for lying, but still, why would she? 

“Hmmm, I really should heal you first, Mister. You might die,” she added with a pout and neared the man. Somehow, even though her mother never failed to remind her of the dangers outside the forest, she felt comfortable with the man. Children are very sensitive to people’s emotions so they would naturally avoid people who emit negative energy but with the man, she felt like she was just around his brother or her mother.

Extending her hand towards the man’s wound but not enough to touch it, Sibel closed her eyes. Soon a magic circle appeared right below her palms and it glowed brighter and brighter the longer she healed the man. The man looked at the child in awe and for the fourth time, he was in shock again. He had been treated with healing powers before but she knew the child’s power was different. It’s like he was facing the first saintess herself. There was no spell recited or any preparation. She just extended her tiny hands and as if at will, her powers began to manifest.

“SIBEL! Sibel!” The young child was still trying to heal the stranger when a loud call echoed from a distance. Recognizing the voice, Sibel opened her eyes, halting her healing powers.

“Mommy?” she muttered before she weakly staggered back to which the man immediately noticed and caught her.

“Are you okay?”

“Hmmm, just a little tired,” Sibel muttered again, not expecting she would get so tired after trying to heal the stranger. 

“I told you it’ll be difficult.” The man said with a frown, feeling worried for the child he just met.

“Hehe, don’t worry mister, I took all the bad stuff but I wasn’t finished… Mommy will get angry for sure,” Sibel said and finally lost consciousness. In that instant, things went too fast and a large plant sprouted out pushing the man and throwing him a few meters away. Since he was not fully healed, he wasn’t able to block it off completely but he did manage to draw out his sword and cut down the branch thinking it was an enemy that had attacked him. He only realized that it wasn’t when an image of a woman arrived and took the child he did not notice was the aim of the branch rushing towards him earlier.

“My baby, w-what have you done?!” The woman cried and carefully lifted the child in her arms. 

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To be Continued…

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